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Everything posted by Natie1971

  1. We are very lucky, we haven't received any "money woes" complaints. It's probably because we knew who we wanted to invite. We told my family first we were getting married in DR, then his family and our friends. The first response is "Can we go". We told them that we would love to have them join us, but if they can't afford it, we understand. I told everyone I didn't want to hear about the expense. If they can afford it Great!, if not...I don't want to hear it! Plain and simple. I haven't heard one person complain. I gave them enough notice. I've even heard that some have budgeted for the wedding so that they could save money every month in order to be able to attend. We have amazing family and friends.
  2. We're getting married at Catalonia Royal. When I first emailed WC, she said it was three days, but I told her I would have the paperwork ready she said it was fine. I believe it may be a resort requirement, just to ensure that all documents are ready for the wedding. You might want to call the Dominican Embassy to see what they say.
  3. The fact that he has an ex-wife who will not let go. Have you ever thought about wearing a dress in a color other than white?
  4. And she wondered why we weren't the best of friends! Go figure.
  5. I think my worst gift ever came from my ex-MIL, in my fourth month of pregnancy, I received a "Thinking of you" card, with a membership to Weightwatchers!!! My hormones were running wild, you can just imagine how well that went. At least I can laugh about it now.
  6. We are arriving on the 16th and getting married on the 18th and I will have all the documents already translated and legalized. They said it was fine.
  7. Congrats and welcome!!! You will love this forum. Happy planning!
  8. Congrats and welcome!!! You will love this forum. Happy planning!
  9. Congrats and welcome!!! You will love this forum. Happy planning!
  10. Congrats and welcome!!! You will love this forum. Happy planning!
  11. Congrats and welcome!!! You will love this forum. Happy planning!
  12. Congrats and welcome!!! You will love this forum. Happy planning!
  13. Natie1971

    New Here!

    Congrats and welcome!!! You will love this forum. Happy planning!
  14. Natie1971


    Congrats and welcome!!! You will love this forum. Happy planning!
  15. Congrats and welcome!!! You will love this forum. Happy planning!
  16. Congrats and welcome!!! You will love this forum. Happy planning!
  17. Congrats and welcome!!! You will love this forum. Happy planning!
  18. Congrats and welcome!!! You will love this forum. Happy planning!
  19. Congrats and welcome!!! You will love this forum. Happy planning!
  20. Natie1971


    Congrats and welcome!!! You will love this forum. Happy planning!
  21. Congrats and welcome!!! You will love this forum. Happy planning!
  22. Congrats and welcome!!! You will love this forum. Happy planning!
  23. I played softball for the first time ever and I hit two doubles, scored twice and caught a line drive to second. Not bad for a first timer. I'm really proud of myself, as I've never played a sport before.
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