I didn't come up with this, but accidently came across it and thought it was cute and wanted to share with you ladies! If you go to her blog it had cute pictures of the bags, but I have no idea how to post pictures here lol It also has links to places after the : in her list
Welcome bags are a great way to show your guests some aloha and make them feel comfortable when they arrive to the islands.
Don't forget to include locally made items, not only is it eco-friendly, your guests will find the items unique and memorable.
Here are my favorite items to include in a welcome bag:
-Flip Flops
-Map of the Island
-Hawaii Guide book
-Wedding week itinerary
-Locally made travel candle:Honolulu Soap
-Locally made soap:Hawaiian Bath and Body
-1st Aid Kit
-Locally made soda:Waialua Soda Works
-Hawaiian Music CD
-Stamped Postcards:Island Art Cards
-Locally made snacks:Hawaiian Host
-Reusable Water Bottle: Ecousable
-Hawaiian Music CD
-Personalized Beach Towel
-Important contact numbers
-Locally made lip balm:Hawaiian Body Products
Written by Katy Castillo Weddings
Labels: Eco-friendly Wedding Hawaii, Everything Else, Hawaii Wedding Coordinator, Hawaii Wedding Planner