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Everything posted by missy&eric2011

  1. The sashes, signs, and flower lights are still available!
  2. I bought them from saveoncrafts.com They are the orange organza and the fuchsia organza
  3. The strands of lights, the love signs and all the sashes are still available. Shoot me an offer!
  4. The sequin balls have all been sold. The sashes, signs, and flower lights are still available!
  5. Seashells & Starfish have sold...everything else is still available! Make me an offer!
  6. Starfish and Seashells are pending, everything else is still available!
  7. Our wedding has come and gone and now I am hoping to pass on our beautiful decorations that I spent the last year and a half of my life accumulating! The prices listed are well below what I paid for them and all items are in like-new condition...you can't even tell that we used them! Items for Sale: 50 - Tangerine Organza Chair Sashes - $45 for all 50 - Hot Pink Organza Chair Sashes - $45 for all 22 Hot Pink Sequin Pomander/Kissing Balls From Pier 1 - $100 (paid $10 a piece)(I put these on silver julip vases for the centerpieces - but the vases have already sold) They have a silver loop that can also be used to hang them 2 foam "LOVE" signs - $5 for both 2 Strings of Hot Pink Flower Lights - approx 20' long - $10 each TONS of Seashells & Starfish - All different sizes from extra large to extra small - $50 for entire lot (about 20 lbs worth) The sashes, signs and lights would be reasonable to ship; the kissing balls and seashells are a different story though. However, if you are interested in having them shipped, send me your zip code and I will look into what the cost would be. Thank you for your interest!
  8. We got married there on May 7th. We were told the same thing regarding the restaraunt...we wanted the Italian...the reason they cannot confirm it for you is the schedule varies and depending on the amount of people at the resort at the given time, they close down restaraunts. We ended up eating at the Grill and it was great...They can tell you that it is confirmed and it still might end up changing...just relax...it all works out.
  9. Soooo excited...got a sneak peek at a few of our TTD photos...but if I could ask for your ladies help...I would so greatly appreciate it! If we get 100 "likes" on facebook for this photo by May 27...we get a free 20x24 print of it! Being that the majority of my FB friends aren't as excited about weddings as we all are...I figured ya'll may understand my enthusiasm! Can you help me?? If you don't mind helping...all you have to do is go to our photographers webpage - Rae of Light Photography on Facebook...click "like" on their page...then find the album "Destination Wedding (Jamaica)" and find this picture (In the album though-it is also their profile pic but likes on that one don't count - yes confusing...sorry!!) and click "Like" Your help would be so very much appreciated!! Here are a few other sneak peeks...though if you go to their FB site...you'll see them there too! Thank you so very much...in advance! We really appreciate all the help we can get!!!
  10. Hey ladies! Just got a sneak peak of our colors from our photographer...I was never hesitant about the color combo, but now seeing the colors against the sea...I am beyond ecstatic about my choice!!
  11. Hi Tekeya... I bought them at Michael's and put them together..did the same for all the bouts and wrist corsages for the mothers too. A lot easier and cheaper than I thought it would be! I did not have to pay anything extra for Jan's. GBP doesn't charge for that...the only time you run into a charge is when the vendor is staying at the resort for any period of time. As far as you ladies asking about children staying for free...what I found out from our TA was that in 2010...GBP was running a special for children to stay for free under 12 with 2 paid adults...they did not continue that promotion for 2011...they now offer a discounted rate for children. I found this out directly from a facebook message from the Gran Bahia Principe Jamaica FB page...but then again...we have all been told a few different things from talking to the same person, so who knows what the answer may be now!
  12. Have only gotten sneak peaks from facebook of ours...here's 2 so far that are kinda hot...I'm thinking they aren't posting the steamy ones that I know we took! lol!
  13. Thank you so much ladies! I appreciate all you wonderful comments! I want to do it all again!!! Katelynn...It was so great to meet you and I'm sure we have a picture or 10 of you and I together that will surface from someone at some point! But I definitely didn't see a group as crazy as either of ours the following week we were there either! haha! Us northern-ers know how to party it up! We jumped in the pool with our clothes on (dresses we wore to the rehearsal) the Friday night before the wedding and were told we were being too loud...so we were all pretending to be silent sharks as I whispered the JAWS theme...yeah...we were way weird! ha! Gotta love the rum!! Okay...down to serious stuff! I am hoping that I remember everyone's questions... I did have my hair done at the spa...I also did a trial 2 days before the wedding...I brought in a picture and they were amazing at creating it on me...they also have a magazine in the salon with a bunch of styles too that you can pick from. My mom, sister and 2 other bridesmaids had their hair done there as well, and it turned out beautiful on all of them...and they all went off of pictures from the magazine. The flowers that we all have are actually fake...we brought them all along with us and I got stopped a few times going through the airport and they told me I couldn't bring them! haha! But we did order gazebo arrangements and cake flowers from Jan's...I got everything set up with them as to what I wanted and got a quote...I gave the quote to Chandlyn, paid her, and she took care of the rest - she also gave me a receipt after I paid her the money. Our wedding was at 3:00 and the previous wedding was at 1:00...the coordinators stated that they were Jamaican and that was why it took so long (Jamaican time - lol!) But I think our ceremony didn't start until closer to 3:30 and we were just getting done (after doing some pics, toasts and first dances) at close to 5:15...so they didn't take all that much longer really than ours...But I would think if the coordinators are on top of hustling people out of there, it wouldn't be so tight - especially if there's only an 1.5 hour time frame between weddings. It doesn't sound like any previous brides ran into this issue... We had 2 photographers and one of our GM brough walkie-talkies...those were put to good use (though it was an after-thought when things were looking to be delayed) our GM brought one to the photographer with me and one to the photographer down by the gazebo...we could have used them a little earlier though! hahaa!
  14. Hello Ladies... We sadly, we are back...Missing Jamaica terribly and feeling lost without my previous purpose of planning a wedding! We stayed for 12 amazing days and everyday was more beautiful than the next! During our stay, I was able to meet a fun and absolutely beautiful fellow BDW bride, Kate who's wedding party was a boisterous as ours! hahaha! First off...the wedding was beautiful...the planning with Chandlyn went smooth and easy and I felt very worry free! Just like all the other ladies...the ceremony was beautiful and overall, I have to say it was near perfect! Having gone through it though...there are a few tips that I have to give you all that I feel would have been helpful to know in advance...Nothing horrible...just good to know...nothing I had to deal with...but made my FI (now DH ) a bit frantic! 1. Check with the coordinator regarding any wedding that may be before or after yours...there was one other wedding the same day 2 hours before ours and they ran over their time and the coordinators were not down there to usher them out...so our wedding party kindly asked them to leave at 2:50...the BM's and I were already on our way to the gazebo and none of our decorations were set up!! When we arrived at the gazebo path, I was told only 3 chair sashes were on the chairs and she had to tie 25 more yet; I didn't see it but I guess she was tying up the gazebo sashes as we were walking down the aisle. This also meant that the music that I had planned to have playing while guests were being seated, never got played. (again...only something that DH and I knew didn't happen) 2. Have someone that knows how to run your Ipod or whatever you are playing your music from. The DJ didn't know how to operate our Ipod touch, nor did they have the cord to hook it up to the sound system. One of our GM's daughter's ended up operating it. 3. Bring a microphone cover for your video camera if you are filming it...a friend of our taped the ceremony and did a beautiful job - only to find out you can't hear a word due to the wind! Going to have to find someone that knows a bit about sound editing! 4. You may book your restaurant and have it confirmed, but that may be changed at the last minute due to closures. We were confirmed for the Italian, but it was closed the night of our wedding - we had it in the Grill on the elevated area at the center of the restaurant (absolutely awesome setting - felt very important! hahaha!) and it was still great! Get the cheesecake - it was awesome! 5. If you have a cake topper and it is hot and humid...do not put it on your cake until you are ready to take the pictures and cut it....our cake appeared to be melting (and our topper was not heavy at all!) and the topper fell off, taking some of the cake with it! (was actually slightly funny!) They quickly came to the rescue and turned that part to the back, re-arranged the flowers and topper and you couldn't tell one bit! 6. Be sure to check all you stuff that you give them when you get it back (if you want it back)...initially, they only gave us back half of our chair sashes and we spent the next few days trying to locate the rest of them (normally it wouldn't have been a big deal - but we were short 30 of them and I plan to use them at our AHR next month!) Thankfully we did get them though...the only thing that we never found was the base of our cake topper, which I'm sure went in the garbage with the frosting chunk that it landslide-ed off our cake with! hahaha! No big deal! 7. I emailed 3 times requesting that we all be grouped together...we were no-where near eachother at all! We were in the center in building 13...and everyone else was in every other direction...our room by far was the best view and greatest location...you had to walk a mile to get to everyone else's room until we learned the routes to cut across the pool. It honestly wasn't too bad though...being as we all met either at a restaurant, the pool, the bar, etc...it really didn't affect us at all...none of us spent much time in our rooms anyways! So these are just some things that I thought would be worth mentioning - again, not at all issues, just more like tips...it was nothing that was by any means a huge deal, nor did it in anyway affect our stay; we are already planning an anniversary trip back! The resort is beautiful beyond words, the people are amazing and absolutely wonderful, and the wedding was one of my dreams...Just being detail oriented and all, these were things that would have been helpful to me. Sorry...didn't mean to sound like a depressing post?! That wasn't my intention...Hopefully a few pics will help?! lol! Just some from our guests...have yet to see an pro ones!!! GRRRR!!!
  15. How ironic! I had them put into a book and either my brother or my brother in law (sister's hubby) is going to give it to him before the ceremony too! I have a note on the book that says "I'll see you at the end of the aisle, I'll be the one in the white dress and the blue panties with your name on them!" I have blue underwear that have my new last name on them...so I thought it was fitting!
  16. Soooo frustrating!!! So I had our wedding rehearsal booked and confirmed with Beverly for 6pm...now when I emailed to reconfirm with Donnalee and she said they can't do it at 6 b/c their office closes at 6!! This is waaaayyyy too stressful to be happening a week and a half before our wedding!!! Our day trip is planned for that day too! We planned it according to our rehearsal time! OMG I want to scream!! Sorry...had to vent!
  17. I was terribly nervous! Actually over-did the wine a bit and don't remember some of them! Was very happy that you can't tell in them! haha! My biggest suggestion would be to bring a close friend/family member with you...having my sister with me was the best decision that I could have made...she helped calm my nerves, hold me together (she actually did my hair and make-up), helped with waredrobe changes & malfunctions, reminded to me to purse my lips and arch my back...the experience would have been great, but it made it even better sharing it with her...it was a big confidence boost too with her comments about how things were going to look...plus she added input on picking outfits which was a HUGE help!!!
  18. I have to admit...it is kinda fun taunting him with his gift...cuz he has absolutely no idea!!! He'll get a big kick out of the cowgirl ones; it's something he has joked about from time to time since we have horses.
  19. Thank you so much ladies...I really had a blast! I have had a hell of a time narrowing them down to make the book!!
  20. Congratulations and I hope your wedding is everything you dreamed it to be!! Have fun becoming a MRS!!!
  21. How did you request this and who emailed you? Is the rest of your wedding party & guests confirmed for that building too? Our TA had said she would email the resort a list of all of the people going so as we could be grouped together...
  22. Is your father going? Could you just do a mother/son dance and skip the father/daughter dance, or would people ask intrusive questions??? My FI isn't very close to his mother, so he doesn't think he is going to do a dance with her, but I am for sure dancing with my dad... But I agree, sitting down with her and being very firm about what you and you FI want for that day may be the ticket...
  23. We're doing the sand ceremony as well...we got a unique pedestal vase thing from Home Goods store with a cover...I think we are going to try to glue the cover on as it only sits on top of the vase...but perhaps a candle would be another option too! We got our sand at Michael's in the kids section...our colors are pink and orange and at the stores around here, they had the hot pink, but no orange...but they had both in the kids toys area...and it was only $1.99/lb.
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