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Everything posted by aeluzu

  1. Sunday, July 4th @ 10:50AM... Having a lazy late morning in bed, wishing someone would bring me coffee
  2. Those are so colorful and informative. Nice work! Also, good idea to print the numbers to keep track of which guest is replying. Thanks for sharing!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by peterpanpixiedust I'm going two a couple of forums to try and thank whoever nominated me for B2B MoTM. I had no idea and I am very touched! Thank you so much whoever did! I indulged and voted for myself PPPD, Congrats and goodluck! Maybe it has something to do with this quote below. That was so sweet of you, I think I should hop over and vote for you too! Quote: Originally Posted by peterpanpixiedust I bet you ladies are gorgeous just the way you are. You should go and try on some dresses; I swear, no matter what we all look like, the perfect one is out there and will transform us all into goddesses! Besides, somebody already thinks we are beautiful the way we are.
  4. Hi Ladies! I'm excited to say that I'm joining your group. June 11, 2011 at Excellence Playa Mujeres. SouthernSweetie, we share a date. YAY! I'm not very far in the planning process at this point. We just had our date confirmed last week. I started working on our website. I'm planning on doing electronic save the dates and constantly updating and adding to our website to keep our guests stoked. We're going to have a pretty small group. It's looking like 15-25 people at this point. I'm so happy that all of our best friends and family are totally on board with our plans. I purchased some plain jane invites on clearance from Micheal's a few months ago, but now that we've got our place picked... I'm just not sure if they'll do. I ran across a thread with DIY message in a bottle invites... OMG!!! I loved them. We've got such a small group that I think they would be totally DIYable. Nice to meet you all!
  5. those are super cute! looks like you had a fun time taking them too.
  6. Thanks for sharing your plans! Those shoes are adorable. Congrats on your upcoming day - SO soon!
  7. My FI and I are going to have our legal work done here in the states. We were both turned off by the bloodwork in Mexico. Also, I agree with some of the previous ladies that the paperwork holds no candle to the significance of the ceremony and vows in front of family and friends. I'm a bit confused by which date we'll use for our anniversary though? I would rather use the ceremony date. Any thoughts on that?
  8. aeluzu

    New Bride

    Welcome and CONGRATS to you I'm not sure if this will have everything that you're looking for, but check out Excellence Punta Cana.
  9. Congratulations and ! I think that you'll find this site SUPER helpful!
  10. aeluzu


    Congrats and welcome! This site IS super helpful!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by HoustonBride10/31/10 Just heard back from Yamina - no adapters necessary! She said the hotel has them. Anyone thinking about doing flip flops for everyone in the OOT bag? I am getting married on the beach so heels aren't really an option... Thanks for letting us know! That'll save you a little on the OOT bags I thought about doing flip flops, but the only thing that holds me back is sizing. I guess if you have a fairly small guest list it would be easy enough to get shoe sizes. But, I kind of like the idea of completely surprising the guests with the OOTs & contents.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by scrose We are having a party at a Mexican restaurant here in town a few weeks after we get back, and I have found a few fun things to add to that, but otherwise, I am going pretty low key. One question....has anyone heard good/bad things about the hair/makeup people in the EPM spa? I plan on letting them do mine but am a little nervous... Having a party at a Mexican restaurant is such a fun idea! I like that it sticks with the theme. I've read this entire thread and I'm pretty sure that only one of the ladies has commented on hair/makeup. I can't be sure but I want to say that it was Mesita and she had nothing but good to say!
  13. Welcome scrose! Congrats on your upcoming date. You've only got a few months left. How is your planning coming along? Favors? OOT bags?
  14. HoustonBride, One thing I can say for sure, iPod charger is not needed. Each suite has an alarm clock/iPod Player that also charges. Pretty handy!
  15. I think it looks fabulous. What's most important is that you are comfortable in it and that you love it! Go for it!
  16. I just saw this deal and was getting ready to post and share with everyone! I'm glad to hear that they are decent quality. I think that I'll be using these as well.
  17. Those are so impressive and well thought out. Not only are they super sweet because of the work that you put into the bags themselves, but I loved the Wedding Weekend Survival Kit. Great ideas and well pulled off. Your wedding is just days away! Congrats and I hope you have the best time!
  18. Have you checked out Target? I always see really colorful pajamas/robes there. It's worth a try. I'm not sure about the quality, but the colorful cuteness and affordability should be pretty decent.
  19. I guess that depends on style and color and all of that. They are available at many different price points. You can get them anywhere from Target to Coach. What is the look that you are going for and budget?
  20. Hi HoustonBride, Thanks for the tip! I'll have to give that a try. I did hear back from her today and I am so excited to say that our wedding date is confirmed! June 11th, 2011! YAYYY! Regarding the power adapter, I don't think that you'll need those. I stayed at EPM a few years ago and I know that we didn't bring any with us, but I also can't remember plugging anything in either. Did you ask Yamina? Please share what you find out about this. Now I'm curious. I'm not sure about the M&Ms. On another note, do you guys have wedding websites? I'm working on mine right now. I've put a lot of work into it so far, but I feel that in the long run it will be oh so helpful!
  21. Your center pieces look fabulous! I also love the unique kite idea. Our wedding dates are nearby each other. My date is June 11th, 2011 (also in Cancun!) Congrats!
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