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Everything posted by aeluzu

  1. Have the time of your life! Try to relax and take in the special moments. Find some time alone with your new hubby if you can! ENJOY!!! Please let us know all about it when you return.
  2. So WOW I'm really counting down the days at this point. 26 days. I gotta tell you that sometimes I find the email communication to be frustrating! GRR. I don't blame Yamina because I know that she's terribly busy, but I waited 5 days for a response to an email and half of the email for some reason didn't send -- the half with all of the questions that I need answered. Dang it. So now it'll be another few days of waiting. I'm just really anxious at this point and I want to have all of the details finalized. I want to know where our reception will be so that I can put that info into our welcome brochures... Things like that, I just can't stand the wait.
  3. Thanks for all of the compliments! I mean I know that I put a lot of work into them but I wasn't sure if that came across in the final product, so it feels good to hear
  4. Nice work Jessica! I'm sure that your guests will appreciate all of this info and it will really get them prepared and excited for the trip. Now that I think of it.... I wonder if I've fully prepared my guests! I haven't even thought to tell them about the customs process... EEK
  5. Thank you for all of the support ladies! I'm doing OK now, but for a while I was just in a daze and very frustrated and hurt. I'm going to try to not let Ms.Drama get me down from here on out. Anyway, on to happier things! Jessica, I'm so glad that you enjoyed your bridal shower. You really deserve it. The pre-wedding parties are so much fun and really get you into the spirit. My FI has his bachelor party this weekend and mine will be just a few days before we leave. So much fun ahead!!! Michelle, WOW 8 days!!!!!!!! Please, please keep us updated and let us know how you're progressing before you leave and how every thing went when you get back. Can't wait to hear about it! It's almost party time.
  6. I haven't had one in quite a while. I had more during the stage that our STDs were sent out but we weren't quite in to full on planning stage. I think it was because I felt like I wasn't really in control at that point. Now I feel pretty ready - like I've tackled all of the details! Phew! On another note, wow I have had a drama filled week. One of my bridesmaids caused a lot of trouble. Literally one month - to the day - before the wedding, she told me that her dress doesn't work and that it won't be flattering, even with alterations. WOW! And you couldn't have told me this months ago when your dress arrived? Well there was nothing for me to do but find another dress that would work on both bridesmaids. I was already meeting one BM at the mall so that we could see what alterations needed to be done, so I invited drama causing BM to join so that we could all find a new dress. She declined. My angel BM tried on several dresses and we found one that we thought would work better. So I messaged photos and put it on hold under drama BM's name so she could go try it on. She said that she couldn't go during the period during which they could hold the dress. Is she not understanding that there is only ONE month left?? And that we're switching dresses because of her needs?? My angel BM saw that I was on the verge of tears and sent drama BM a text that she should just come try the dress on. WOW. Here's where the drama really kicks in. She sends me a nasty text. I called her when I got home and just asked her WHAT'S UP?? WHY are you acting like? That's when she exploded and started yelling and crying, mostly about my angel BM, how she feels left out (she was invited!), and the room arrangement that she made for herself. Not really anything about why she is treating me like this. I listened a lot, stayed calm and asked a few questions. After a few minutes of this, she hung up on me... The following day there was a lot of tension between us. I sent her a two page email reassuring her about why I asked her to be part of our wedding, why I want a destination wedding, why I didn't cry or get upset when she said a long time ago that she might not be able to go, why I can't be put in between whatever the problem is with the other BM... I finished by asking her if she would be my BM (again), if she could try to be happy and if she would go try on the damned dress. She responded back with one sentence... "I already tried the dress on." Great.... "How did the dress work? Any thoughts on the rest of what I said?" No response. At this point I'm thinking... OK.... So.... Do I have a BM or not? Oh my gosh I was just sick to my stomach and not understanding what I had done wrong and why she was treating me this way. After a whole nother day and a series of explosions on her part, she finally called me "to clear the air." Stating that she doesn't understand how everything got blown so out of proportion (HELLO!) and of course she was always planning on going and that she tried the dress and it worked. I really cannot believe that someone who has been such a good friend to me for over a decade would treat me like this so close to my wedding, but it happened and I forgave her- even though she didn't apologize. I mean I know emotions fly high, and I can kind of see why she's freaking out because most of the people around her are getting married and she's single - but her actions were very harsh and misdirected. So I guess I kinda had a real life nightmare in place of one in my dreams.... I'm just hoping and praying that Ms.Drama can keep it under wraps at least until she flies out of Cancun. Has anyone else had to deal with an unruly member of your wedding party?
  7. AWWW! I'm so enamored by FI today. As the wedding gets closer he is becoming more and more supportive and sweet. I told him about my plan for simple DIY place card holders and today he took it upon himself to get them done for me. Here's a pic: They are very simple, but I think they will add an extra something to the table. We made them for all of the guests, BTW not just for our seats. I bought some shells from Dollar Tree (I never thought that I'd become so reliant on a dollar store until now.) FI took a dremmel (sp?) to the shells and made a slit about 1.25" long. The place cards themselves are handmade... Do they look cheesy? Please let me know! Haha, I think they're cute but that may just be because I'm blinded by the work that went into them Say.... Do you think we'll have any trouble getting the shells to Mexico? I just thought of that...
  8. That is so funny that you say that. On another thread that I'm active on I was just talking to another bride about pre-wedding nightmares! I thought I was the only one suffering! I say we all should share the worst or the funniest... OK so my nightmare was that I woke up suddenly and had only 20 minutes to get ready for my wedding. I looked in the mirror - well lets just say it looked like I had a real rough night the night before. My hair was a greasy ratty mess and there was make up smeared all over my face. Terrible. Another girl was telling me that she had a night mare that the resort's wedding hair stylist chopped off her long brown hair and died it blonde. Let's just hope your theory is true and bad dreams = perfect wedding!!
  9. Everything looks really beautiful! You have done a great job. I'm sure your guests will love it.
  10. YAHOO! I'm get so excited, it's been hard to contain myself or to stay focused on non-wedding related things.
  11. Nice job Erin! I need to get to work on welcome booklets next.... How much of a pain were they? Yours look fab!
  12. Are you totally set on having your wedding on a Friday? Do they have any Saturdays? I don't think the weather will be much different between the two dates, so if Friday the 13th bugs you, I'd go for May.
  13. Hey ladies! Who's up next at this point?? I'm June 11th, but I know we have some May brides on board right?
  14. LMAO I thought I was the only one with pre wedding nightmares! I had one that I woke up late and I had 20 minutes in total to get ready for my wedding. On top of it my hair was greasy, there was make up smeared all over my face... Oh my goodness, I was just a wreck! It's crazy that the anxiety can creep into our dreams like that.
  15. Very pretty Jenn! What kind of flip flops are you looking for?? For you to wear during the ceremony? As favors? For your wedding party? If for you are you looking for something fancy or something like the old navy flips?
  16. Yup, those are Dollar Tree bags. They are of surprisingly high quality! Here's a thread about the totes... where I got the idea. http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/thread/59298/dollar-tree-tote-bags
  17. The totes are from Dollar Tree. I actually found out about them through BDW! Here is a thread about them: http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/thread/59298/dollar-tree-tote-bags You really can't beat $1 a piece and you would never guess that they were so cheap if you see them and feel them. If you have a Dollar Tree nearby, I'd suggest going into the store to find them so you can pick your colors. If you order online there is a minimum and you get a variety of colors. Hope that helps! Good luck!!
  18. At this point I have only had to make 10 OOTs. That's one per single and one per couple. I have spent roughly $15-20 per bag to this point, still looking to add something special though. Depending on how many are on your guest list, they can be done for relatively inexpensive!
  19. OOT stands for out of town. It's pretty standard to either give them to your guests at a welcome dinner or have the hotel/resort put them in each guests room upon their arrival. It's not something that is considered a "must do" but many, many destination brides do choose to do it.
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