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Everything posted by fallfromgrace

  1. fallfromgrace


    I am also getting married in Hawaii!! So exciting, welcome to the forums!
  2. Hehe, when you get to 150 posts, you can start to DL templates!
  3. congrats!!! 50 days till the wedding, amazing! Welcome! (plus, I love spicy tuna rolls!)
  4. I should also say that the Jasmine Star contest deadline is Friday July 24! It is a pretty sweet deal to have your home wedding paid for completely...everything included, all you have to do is get married!!! Haha!
  5. Congrats! Yeah, this forum is not only addictive, but also so helpful.
  6. Amazing, well before you choose the date, there are plenty of things that you can get started with, so congrats, and happy planning!
  7. I love all the ideas on this forum also. Congrats, and welcome! I hope you find a lot of useful information on these forums!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by miss_delerium FI called his parents and siblings while I changed my status on FB (he doesn't have FB). My siblings and I have kinda drifted apart, so I didn't really feel the need to call them. And my parents I just told next time I saw them (which was for Mother's Day). I knew they wouldn't be excited for me (and they weren't - didn't even say congrats or anything). Because they knew we were planning a DW, and I knew they were going to be upset because of the cost. Also, I was engaged before - six years ago, and I broke it off and they've never really got past that. So they just act like, "meh" re:our wedding. Come one - it's not like I'm Ross (from Friends)! Lol. (Sorry for the mini-rant) I kind of got that from my family, maybe not the "Meh" but something along the lines of fake excitement. What was really important for me was to tell my best friends and my cousins that I was close with. Anyways, sometimes it is really awesome to have mini-rants on the forum boards, because it gives release, and keeps you sane to realise that you aren't the only one with those feelings.
  9. Wow, your wedding is in less than a month! Congrats....
  10. K, I am loving the planning process! It is really amazing! Congrats.
  11. K, I am loving the planning process! It is really amazing! Congrats.
  12. you will find so much information on W/c's and TA's on this forum, it will be amazing. Happy planning, I was at first dreading planning my wedding, but since I have found this forum, it has kept me sane and prevented me from becoming a bridezilla.
  13. Welcome! congrats, I am sure you will find lots of useful information here!!
  14. So soon, congrats, and welcome!
  15. welcome! you will find so many helpful people on this forum. Cheers.
  16. Well my grandmother and I are not particularly close (she dosen't really like me). So it isn't the end of the world how she found out, I mean, I never got a birthday call from her, she always favoured some of my cousins over my and some of my other cousins (we are her step-son's kids...). Anyways, so I am not upset! I did however call my parents and told them, and FI called his parents and told them, and then we updated out statuses on FB.
  17. Congrats, and I am sure that you will find so many supportive people on this forum! It will be awesome!
  18. Ok, so I was posting on another thread about Facebook and how my grandmother found out through my aunt who found out through facebook that I was engaged. My FI and I couldn't wait to get on Facebook to tell the world that we were engaged (you can change your status and it notifies all your friends!). The only thing is that we didn't tell all of the family first...so it upset some of my family members... So...ladies, did you change your status on FB right away after your engagement? or did you wait till all the appropriate parties knew? Gracie
  19. My grandmother is old, but fiesty. To make a long story short, she has never liked me. We are her step-son's children, therefore she isn't really my biological grandmother. She always chooses her "real" grandchildren over me and some of my other cousins (who are also step-grandchildren). She's never called for a birthday, never called on special occasions, never even called to congratulate me on my engagement! (however...she found out through my aunt who found out through facebook (FML) and called my father and yelled at him that we hated her so we didn't tell her!) Ugh, so I don't want to bother having her there!
  20. Ok, so it has been a wild week in planning for me. And because I am a giant dork and geek, I went contest hunting! (My photographer is having a contest so I decided to see how many others I could enter!) You know, once I submitted to an online contest and won a Robbie Williams autographed biography book. It was amazing. I was so thrilled, so you never know! NYC Wedding Contest Jasmine Star Wedding Contest (if you are wanting a wedding before your DW!) Nora's Photos Wedding Photography Contest - If you are getting Married in Hawaii Bridal Fantasy Wedding Sweepstakes ok, I know, super nerdy right?
  21. I love vow renewals. I want that to happen to me every 5 years! Congrats, I think it is amazing!
  22. Happy Planning, I love Canada. I travel a lot for work and Toronto and Vancouver are my fave places to travel to! Enjoy the process and there is plenty of help on this forum!
  23. haha, what should we call ourselves? Yeah, but seriously, I am still racking my brain on how to not invite my grandmother, and FI is talking about moving the wedding day again so that we can go travel. He wants to get married sooner...so that means that I have less time to not invite my grandmother. Ugh!
  24. OMG, your wedding is soon, and quickly...congrats, and yes there are many many ladies here that will be able to help you!
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