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Everything posted by meeshamillz

  1. Thanks! I didn't look at all of the posts...didn't realize there was an actual list...
  2. Howdy (I don't normally talk like that) Rose Hall Beach 11.12.11 Less than 5 months! Leggo!
  3. That was beautiful! I like that you jumped into the water at the end but it wasn't an official trash the dress! I think I will try to do that too instead of doing a trash the dress session. I love my dress.
  4. I know that's right! pause the ceremony..."uh oh hunny! switch me spots, the wind is blowing my hair!" Hey you gotta do what you gotta do!
  5. For anyone else that may look at this thread that has not seen the style I would like to pull off for my wedding. I should have included it in the original post! SMH ...lol Here it is... I am looking for a stylist in MoBay that has experience with natural hair and knows they can pull this off
  6. Thanks, I am also a YouTube Finatic amongst other things...I have a style chosen already I think you have already seen it. (the jill scott) I just want to make sure the person in MoBay that will be doing my hair can pull it off.
  7. Yes...I originally wanted to wear a birdcage veil, which will include a flower but I am kind of leaning towards a traditional veil. IDK which will look better with the Jill hairstyle!
  8. I went back to vistaprint.com and searched the designs for beach. Here is the link to the one I used: http://www.vistaprint.com/vp/ns/studio3.aspx?pf_id=150&combo=269934.142.1.174044%7c174044%2c238286%7c137%7c0&uei=354634&icparts=yes&ag=true&combo_id=452188&ssc=1&filter=9%3a10013%7c%7c1%2c3%3a10035%7c%7c1&xnav=previews&xnid=button&rd=3&referer=http%3a%2f%2fwww.vistaprint.com%2fgallery%2fEBIAAAABAAMAAAA%3d%2fbrochures%2fbeach.aspx%3fxnav%3dsearch
  9. Yes i got a template from vistaprint.com I followed the info another pride put on hers and the positioning then I typed it up on a word document with 3 columns. Then when I found the right template on vista print I just copy and pasted the info. I also sent the word doc to my TA to make sure the info I put on it was accurate before i put it on the template.
  10. That is awesome! Definitly be sure to post some pis. I wish I had one passed down to me I think I will make ours a tradition. We will allow them to add decor to it so it doesn't stick out like a sore thumb if they choose diff colors
  11. I just ordered from her. I got my broom in the mail Saturday. The shop name is crafting4u Here is the link: http://www.etsy.com/people/crafting4u Sometimes their seach field doesn't pull up everything. I had to go to my messages and click on her shop from there to get you the link. I had to do the same when I was trying to find the guy that is going to make our cake topper....SMH
  12. sorry I meant Iberostar Rosehall Sisterhood (not Sisterhoof) of the traveling Starfish ... lol
  13. I have had that app a whie. I need to check the updates because the last time I checked the app it was very minimal. It had the budget and check list but I really wanted to be able to add and update my guest list.
  14. You should have called it Iberostar Rosehall Sisterhoof of the traveling Starfish...lol just kidding! You know I am trying to knock out these last 6 posts so I can make it to 150 Originally Posted by futuremrstgun per a few bride's request..i've started an Iberostar Rosehall Starfish Passing Sisterhood thread..check for it and feel free to chime in...THANKS, ladies!!! R~
  15. girl we are neck in neck I am at 144 now! I would race you but I am at work and SHOULD be working...hehe!
  16. Hey there, Welcoe to the thread! Do you have locks? I see you said you stylist may be joining you. I haven't let anyone touch my hair since I did the big chop! So I am praying whoever ends up doing my hair can pull off my "jill" look. Happy Planning Felicia
  17. Thanks! I was thinking the same thing. Now I just have to convince future hubby... I don't think he even pays attention to where people stand when we go to weddings anyway so that shouldn't be a problem.
  18. FYI: I am 10 posts away from 150 posts! lol I guess it wouldn't really matter if the side where the hair is hanging is facing the guests or not... Well yes it does because I want them to not only see my fabulous braids but my fabulous makeup while we are in front of the guests! Felicia
  19. Funny you asked that..I just posted the reason in the hairstyles thread.... In addition to my hair being on the fine textured side.When I was younger my mom used to pull my ponytails too tight when she did my hair so on the right side of my head my edges are thinner then the left side. So when I get braids on that side they look super spaced out. So I would get the braids on the fuller side, my left side and that is the side I would like to be facing my guest. I can cover it well if i were to just wear a slicked back look so it wouldn't matter...but the "Jill" would definitely have to go on the left side of my head. By the way I heard her new album was the bomb! have you heard it? I got it off of itunes but havent had the chance to listen to it yet.
  20. Since I am going with a certain hairstyle that will make my left side the side I would want to be facing our guests I would like to stand to th right of my future husband when we are getting married. I googled this question and found this interesting thread with the answer on theknot.com " A. It is customary for the bride to stand to the left at the altar, though you may not be so keen on the reasons why. The tradition actually stems from the old days of "marriage by capture", when the groom needed to leave his right hand (his fighting hand) -- which he used to hold his sword -- free in the event that he should need to defend his bride from other suitors who may try to wisk her off at the last minute. Pretty dramatic, huh? Today, most couples still choose to stand with the gent on the right -- probably because they haven't really given it much thought. If you would like to mix things up, feel free to stand on whichever side makes you feel most comfortable. One thing to consider -- if you are having a religious ceremony, check with your officiant and make sure that changing your positions at the altar won't go against the beliefs of your church in any way." here is the link http://wedding.theknot.com/wedding-planning/wedding-ceremony/qa/must-the-bride-stand-on-the-left.aspx?MsdVisit=1 What do you think?
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