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Everything posted by lucy<3woody

  1. I am doing fuschia too, but Orange is my main color. I am accenting it with Fuschia, Yellow, and a little bit of hydrangea green. I am really happy with everything so far!!
  2. I just got the list from the TA detailing when everyone arrives and it has helped me make my decision. I will designate someone from each group of people coming in to text me when they are leaving the airport, heading to the resort. Then i will grab the bags and meet them in the lobby. This way they can have their bags right away, and they have a personal, friendly welcome!!! We have 70 people coming in roughly five groups, so I think this will be fairly easy. I hope!
  3. I am anti-FH-dress shopping. It was such a special thing for my bridesmaids, mom, FMIL, and me.....it just wouldn't have been the same if a man was with. We did talk about the types of dresses he thought I would look good in, but ultimately he left it all up to me. The way I like it.
  4. Oh for gosh sakes, I meant starfish!! All this wedding planning, I am losing it!
  5. GREAT advice even for people who are not on WW!!
  6. Thanks JayKay! I love it! It is matte satin. i was thinking some sort of silk flower, maybe with bedazzle in the middle. And maybe finding one similar, but smaller, to use in my hair.
  7. Check out Victoria's Secret.com, I get a lot of cute shoes there!
  8. When I get them I will post! I will let ya know how it comes out!!
  9. i totally understand how you are feeling! I have always contacted her as well, but she has been very quick to respond and very accomodating...so I think that everything is okay. Maybe it is a cultural difference too?? I am not sure about this, but being American I am always very task oriented, planning, double checking etc. Maybe my Mexican WC is just more laid back and plans things differently than I do??!
  10. I am nervous about this too, a little. I still need to pick my flowers and how everything will be arranged for the dinner and reception. I feel that I have done a ton of work, but there is a lot up in the air until I get there. Maybe that just comes with the territory of having a DW, but it is bugging me a little. Anyone else sympathize??
  11. Hey Mrsbruff what did you end up doing? Can you give us an update??
  12. Go with a casual dress code if you want it to be more of a party atmosphere. I think you can easily do all of those traditional wedding reception things, such as cake cutting and speeches without having a formal dinner. Just indicate the specifics on the invitation. For example: Please join us for Appetizers, Cake, and Cocktails to celebrate the marriage of Arielh and Husband. Reception at 7pm at Name of Location Cake Cutting and Speeches at 7:30pm Dance at 8PM This will help people understand that there is some structure to the evening, what they can expect as far as food and drink, and will also keep you on track to ensure that you fit in all of the things that you want, such as the first dance. If you know that the music starts at 8pm, everyone can be prepared for the special dances right away, then a night of fun!
  13. Sorry about that!! www.cheaptotes.com click on 'Gift tote bags' on the left. I am going to be screen printing them soon and will let you all know how they turn out!!
  14. So happy that this all worked out for you!! Did they ever throw you a bridal shower?? That has been the biggest thing that my MOH has done for me. she did a phenomenal job and we had the best time. I just couldn't imagine if my MOH/Bridesmaids hadn't done this for me!!
  15. Hilarious! Thanks for posting...I am old!!!
  16. lucy<3woody

    Hello :)

    Welcome to the forum!! Cuba wedding...how exciting!
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