My future MIL (actually the entire family) is notorious for being up to an hour late for things... so I'm telling everyone it will start 1/2 hour earlier,, then if they are late,, too bad I'm not waiting.
I'm a bit conflicted on this, I kinda feel like I'm not a little girl to be "given away" I"m freaking 33 and paying for this! But I know my dad would be disappointed. Â soooo I'm thinking I might want my FI and I to walk down the aisle together. Maybe have my mom and dad come in together, then his mom(no dad) , then us. It seems more appropriate at this stage in our lives.
I'm a bit over my usual weight but I don't seem to be dropping any even with adding daily walks and really watching my eating.Mostly I miss my old clothes!
I have seena few grooms sporting fedoras. that might work! My fiance is bald and I think he looks great.. He's had time to get over it though as he started losing it very young. I think he would look wierd with hair! anyway tell him bald is sexy!