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Bride KSmith

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Everything posted by Bride KSmith

  1. I did not have to pay anything to hold my room block. MP does not require a deposit upfront to hold a room block (at least not with a wedding contract), so I am not sure why your TA would ask for that.
  2. Looks like they did a really good job. If you still like the dress you can try taping yourself (breast) down. My cousin is top heavy and it worked for her. As far as the beading a good seamstress should be able to add subtle beading to the skirt for you. If not, it is really pretty I am sure someone would buy it from you.
  3. Be persistant in what you want. I got the caribbean terrace with my unlimited private functions. They do add a set up fee of $12 per person since it is up stairs.
  4. When I signed my contract I got a welcome letter from my onsite WC. It had all of her contact info and said that she would be in touch with me 3 months before the wedding. When I want to address something that I cant wait for I just email her. It takes about a week to get a response but she does respond. That is how I booked my locations in advance. (Be sure to do this if you want specific locations for the ceremony and recption). I did not get my first choice for my ceremony (another bride beat me to it) but I did get the reception area that I wanted. Some brides have said that they had to call Miami to find out who their onsite WC was but you really should receive a welcome letter with that information after you sign your contract.
  5. Yes, we booked under my aunts membership so it was included that anyrooms booked under her membership that week would count toward our group. We had initially booked with our TA. After half our guest missed the initial booking deadline we tried to book a second room block but our TA could not get anymore rooms at our original rate. We then rebooked under my aunts membership to secure more rooms at a reasonable rate. We were able to get it in writing that rooms booked under our TA, with the resort, and under membership will all count toward our group.
  6. You still get the promo with a TA, just make sure it is in your wedding contract so you dont have any issues. I have guest booking with my TA and some under my aunts membership. All count toward our group for the promotion.
  7. Kera, we are date twins . Four months is really soon!!!!
  8. The coordinator should be contacting you 3 months before the wedding. When you originally signed your contract you should have received a welcome letter from your onsite coordinator it has her contact info in the letter. You can email her if there are things you want to take care of but be prepared that it will take a while(about a week) to get a response.
  9. If you are not comfotable with making them yourself some beauticians will custom make them for you. I am natural so my stylist ordered hair to match my texture to make my clip-ins. She made them so that they will curl up when my hair does and blend with my texture when blown out.
  10. Here is my hair inspiration. I am natural and have curly hair. My hair will be blown out and curled. I figure if humidity gets to it with this style it wont look too bad.
  11. We are getting married in May but we booked our trip last July. We were allowed then to selected the section for our group. They even let us pick a specific room for FI and I (we wanted a room on the grand side that we saw on trip advisors, it is one of the few Grand rooms with an ocean view). My contract even says what section my group is booked in. Be persistant, you are paying!
  12. Both of our initials will be KD when we get married (that is also his nickname), so we decided to go with KD squared. Here it is:
  13. After much debating here is my final hairstyle: But on a chocolate bride with dark hair
  14. Glad she was able to understand. It sounds like she wants to show her son and his new wife off to her friends Maybe you two can let her throw you a casual AHR, like an at home bar-be-que or something where she can invite people and show a slide show of the wedding photos. I bet that would really make her feel included.
  15. Airtran is currently offering $99 each way out of Atlanta. If you have more than 10 people flying you can also set up an "event rate" with Airtran. For us it worked better than a group booking because people can fly out of different airports on different dates and times and still use our discount off of their fare. You just need to fill out the form on their website and a rep will contact you within 2 days.
  16. For the first dance I think I may be going with Brian McKnight's "Still in Love". I cry when I hear it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PAO59YKKe4
  17. Try to negotiate with the wedding department. I had originally booked with a travel agent, but my aunt is a member so we got a quote throught the membership department. The reality is that my TA offered a much better deal for our guest. The room rates were cheaper, transfers were included, etc.Because my family members want to book under my aunts membership I did a second contract with the membership wedding coordinator. She was able to combine the rooms of both bookings to count toward my room nights. When it all breaks down I am not getting anything extra for have a member wedding contract. They do offer the 20% off of wedding packages but I am doing the complimentary package so that doesn't help me at all. You have to keep in mind that this is your wedding not hers. Your guest are spending a lot of money and traveling very far to be apart of your special day. Not only that but she is spending considerably more to come as a single. If it is more affordable for her to book seperately I think you should be understanding of that. I dont think it is reasonable to expect your guest to pay more so that you can save money (something that I had to tell myself lol). Contact the membership department to see if you can get them to count her room in your group booking. Also try to find her a roommate (another friend or relative who is a single). I have two friends staying off sight because it is cheaper for them. That means that I may not make my room nights, and I may have to pay more. I also have to buy day passes for them to get onto the resort. In the end I rather pay more to have them there, than to make the trip unaffordable for them. It is my wedding so it is my financial responsibility. If she can rebook under your group (get a refund from the other company) offer to pay the $200 dollar difference. That makes thigns easy for your MOH and is much cheaper than you paying for a private event. But first I would try to negotiate with MP get them to match the rates of the TAs. Most importantly try not to get worked up, the funny thing about planning things is that often dont go as planned
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