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Everything posted by hermosahoops

  1. Thanks for posting this review. I'm glad you were able to have your wedding on the pier after all. Do you have your TTD pictures posted anywhere? I'm booked with HDC as well and have been considering adding on a TTD session but I'm unsure since we're already over budget...
  2. Your bag is super cute. I love the colors and it does look like something people would reuse!
  3. Great thread. Thanks uninspired! Sorry for going so off topic. It's been a weird week and I'm all over the place. I appreciate the tips and kind words though. They make a big difference in everything.
  4. Thanks for the suggestions though! If I find some extra cash under the couch cushions I'll check out that papermart site!
  5. Ouch! Our final deposit for accommodations is Monday so I'm filling out the credit card authorization forms right now. We're currently 46% over my super optimistic budget I had set when we first got engaged. We are paying both 100% of my sister and FI's brother's travel/hotel costs, which we didn't originally plan on, but it is worth it to have them there. I guess I really do need to stop buying more OOT stuff! It looks like parchment envelopes are going to be the way to go for me!
  6. Your reception table was gorgeous. I know this is an old thread, but I'm glad it all worked out for you!
  7. Wow, you have really pretty hair! I like that you left it down for the wedding and didn't pull it up into and updo. Thanks for posting the review. Everything sounded lovely!
  8. Wow! Gorgeous pictures. You look so happy in all of them! And the blue sky was beautiful!
  9. Uninspired, where did you find the little emergency kit boxes? I've been having a heck of a time finding boxes to put our medical kit stuff into. I don't want to end up using ziplocs because that seems so cheesy, but I can't find anything else that will work.... Â Â I can't WAIT to see Bee's HDC photos. She put such an amazing effort into getting everything ready and I imagine her wedding is going to be lovely. Â Â On another note, I've been pouring over this thread for a couple days. It has great advice in it! Â http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/thread/6691/what-i-would-and-wouldn-t-do-again/ Â Something I liked: Â Â It was a good tip to have things ready for the photographer so that you don't have to run around on the day and gather up your small items.
  10. I know this is from a while ago, but I loved the BM dresses. I also think your dress is gorgeous. So romantic looking and I LOVE all the lace. Good choice!
  11. Hi Sera! Â I'm glad you liked the picture. I used to try and get out every night and hoop on the beach, but I've fallen off lately. I went and hooped this weekend for a couple hours at a drum circle and remembered how much I love it. It is great exercise; if you really get into, it has been said you can burn 600 calories an hour. Let me know if you keep up with your hoop class! Â Â
  12. Even though your wedding wasn't all you hoped for, you still wrote a really good, fair review. I admire you for doing that because I imagine it would be easy to let the bad things tarnish your opinion of the entire trip. Good for you for moving past the upsetting parts and focusing on the great, amazing things that happened that week!
  13. This is a GREAT thread. It is good to read the reminders about not getting too drunk at the reception. I'm the type that is fine until all of a sudden I'm sick, so I just need to remind myself that even if I don't Feel drunk, I should still not be walking around with a drink always in my hand!
  14. I don't know if any of you are planning on doing OOT mugs, but I just bought these off Amazon. Â Â Â They are onsale for $6.76 from $12 and if you buy 3 you get 1 free. I was able to get 12 mugs for $60 with free shipping. I'm going to print out my wedding logo and people's names and insert them into the mugs. Â Since we only have 12 people coming to the wedding I was having a hard time finding a company that would do custom printing for small orders. I think these will work great instead! Â http://www.amazon.com/Aladdin-ARP6030-999-Scrapbook-16-Ounce-Traveler/dp/B000IZC3HK%3FSubscriptionId%3D05C24DD5PAEDFHWCGPR2%26tag%3Dthaihomelist-20%26linkCode%3Dxm2%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3DB000IZC3HK
  15. Speaking of getting things shipped to his office... Â I don't know if any of you are planning on doing OOT mugs, but I just bought these off Amazon. Â Â Â They are onsale for $6.76 from $12 and if you buy 3 you get 1 free. I was able to get 12 mugs for $60 with free shipping. I'm going to print out my wedding logo and people's names and insert them into the mugs. Since we only have 12 people coming to the wedding I was having a hard time finding a company that would do custom printing for small orders. I think these will work great! Â http://www.amazon.com/Aladdin-ARP6030-999-Scrapbook-16-Ounce-Traveler/dp/B000IZC3HK%3FSubscriptionId%3D05C24DD5PAEDFHWCGPR2%26tag%3Dthaihomelist-20%26linkCode%3Dxm2%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3DB000IZC3HK Â Â
  16. Thanks Uninspired. I agree that the details are way more important to me then to him. The only real task I've given him is picking out our wedding song and I try not to bother him with too many other things. I do get all my OOT packages sent to his office though and he keeps saying "what did you buy now??" but that's more amusing to me than anything. He'll be really happy when he gets down to the DR and he sees all the sweet stuff I packed for everyone. Â Really, as long as he shows up I'm happy. The whole point of the destination wedding was so I wouldn't have to sweat the small stuff. Now that I've got the return tickets booked and our mini-moon planned it will all be much less stressful from here on. Â Â Mrs. Williams- Your FI must be crazy busy with the start of football season. I can see why you are doing most of the things by yourself. Go Knights!
  17. Thanks to all of you that supported me on my rant the other day. I was really stressed out and frustrated and it helped to have you remind me that FIs can just be difficult some days. He really doesn't have any idea how much time I spend thinking about our wedding! I decided to leave the reservation as-is and buy our return tickets for early Sunday morning. We fly out at 8am and get home at 1:30 pm so we'll still have half a day at home to decompress a bit. It means leaving the resort SUPER early in the morning, but it will be really nice to be home for a bit before the jetlag kicks in and we go to bed at 7pm. You guys rock. Thanks for the support!
  18. I hope everything is wonderful and all you hoped for! Best wishes!!
  19. Excuse me while I rant for a second... Â Our guests are coming to DLR for 5 days and then departing on that Wednesday. My FI and I have always intended to stay in the DR through the weekend as a mini-honeymoon. I've been asking him for months if he wanted to go to another resort or just stay where we are and he kept saying "Oh yeah. I'll think about it and let you know" and..... nothing. Â So finally I email him the quote for us to just stay at the resort until Sunday and he writes back "great. just book it". Now he is saying that he wants to go back Saturday instead of Sunday so that we can have a day at home to decompress. Fine. Whatever. I'm over it at this point. Â Except now my TA is saying that although it was no issue to add dates to our reservation, to remove a day and have us leave on Saturday would require us canceling our entire reservation and re-booking. This wouldn't be an issue except DLR is saying that there is a wait list for rooms and that we might not even get into our room category anymore. (Deluxe garden view). Â Have any of you tried to take dates off your reservations? Did you find the same complications? Â I'm pretty frustrated that FI hasn't been giving me any input on this until I finally book it and then after I do, wants me to do something else. Â Ok, I'm ending my rant now. Thanks for listening.
  20. I LOVE your bridesmaid dresses and your wedding date is my birthday. What a fun looking wedding!
  21. I realize this is an older thread, but I love your ceremony shoes. Very pretty.
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