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Everything posted by jazz04

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by amybermuda Amanda - I was able to downgrade from Silver to the Free Wedding package. You can always change your wedding package - you cannot change the specials that are offered after you sign your wedding contract ("bride and groom stay free" came out after I booked and I was not eligible for that promotion). When was the bride and groom stay free being offered? Is that the night of your wedding?
  2. The trip advisor reviews are freaking me out. Some are so bad of sensatori. I keep second guessing myself. I seems their reviews are really good or really bad. I guess you can't pay attention to that. Anyways getting pics taken Saturday and deciding what to wear. Found a wedding dress I love. ? found BM dresses. Its a start!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by MaggieandJay I was interested in it as well but haven't researched yet. My FI really wants massages while he is there! Plus we don't have a ton to register for. We have been living together so long that we have alot of what people "Traditionally" Register for. Thats exactly what I wanted out of it. We are actually in the same boat b/c we have lived together for almost 3 years so have most of what we need. We may still register for a few nicer things than what we have but not a lot.
  4. Does anyone know anything about karismas online honeymoon registry? I went to the site and azul sensatori was not an option when I went to sign up.I'm also unsure if I want to do it b/c it charges a 7% tax to guest.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by amybermuda Oh Marla, you do have tons of time! Thats very exciting, congratulations and welcome to BDW!!! Amy - congrats on your legal day! You look adorable in the road sign picture! Hope Vegas was a blast KWIM... where have you seen that?! haha I have no clue what that would mean either! My guys wore white linen pants and they looked HOT. My new sister in law loved her husband (the best man) in them - she thanked me for choosing them so she could have him wear them all summer I think it matters more what your FI is wearing. Is he wearing linen pants or a suit? I love the white on the gazebo. I like it that your husband wore something different than the groomsmen. I was thinking linen pants for all except my DH wearing a jacket or tie so he stands out.
  6. I'm bringing a photographer from home. I had to pay for his trip and give him $1000 so all together we're paying like $2,200 for him to shoot for the whole weekend. We were going with one of the hotel photographers at first but it was going to cost $1,300 for 5 hours of coverage. If your photographer stays at the resort for 3 or more nights you don't have to pay teh $500 fee. Maybe your GMs can wear Sapphire colored shirts and linen pants. Thanks for the tips. My mom is a florist and I was telling her about the real touch flowers. I will have to check into that company. Where is your reception going to be at the resort?
  7. I'm not sure what everyone else is doing as far as packages, I'm having a hard time deciding. I feel that it may be best to start with the Pearl package and pick and choose add ons. Maybe more bang for your buck? Has anyone used the photographers the resort suggests? I hate to pay the 500 extra just to use one from outside. Also, my girls are wearing blue sapphire short dresses and I'm having a hard time deciding on the guys. My DH wants them to wear linen pants. Any thoughts?
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ Hi ladies! Hope everything is going well! Congrats on your legal wedding Amy!!! I'm sure it was a blast! And it looks like I've missed Meghan . But seriously, people booking in the last 24 hours!? Were they waiting to see the weather forcast or something? Geez. Here's the current list of dates. Please PM me to be added. Thanks. June 2010 July 2010 meghan - July 1, 2010 Meesh – July 10, 2009 momichele – July 24, 2010 Daniepps – July 31, 2010 August 2010 September 2010 Lecreatifbride - Sept 4, 2010 October 2010 amandamarieb – October 10, 2010 chong – October 10, 2010 November 2010 dstinationdrmr – November 12, 2010 – 4pm dirtymartini – November 13, 2010 – Azul Beach December 2010 mzgillis316 - December 3, 2010 jaimeburns – December 10, 2010 rkf1046 – December 11, 2010 January 2011 cjb0arder13 – January 31, 2011 – Azul Beach February 2011 Less is More – February 19, 2011 March 2011 gingerlover36 – March 26, 2011 April 2011 May 2011 JaimeTalis – May 7, 2011 beaz2be – May 27, 2011 Bigboponthebeach – May 28, 2011 My date is June 12, 2011
  9. Does anyone know what type of dinner is included in the packages for reception? Also, I could not find the additional cost for chairs.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz Yes, the iTunes are MP4 files...this is what I did: google the song you are looking for, i.e. Love Song, MP3. Or you can download off Napster. I think you can pay per song. I googled the MP3's and used Napster...but Napster had the best quality! They may have a special right now where you sign up for a free trial. You can just cancel after you are done. Lemme know if you need anymore help! Thank you we actually figured it out, we burnt them on a cd and then it converted them.
  11. Those of you that have created a website: we are having trouble converting our itunes songs to our playlist on our website b/c you have to have mp3 and itunes uses wave. Any ideas?
  12. Hi I was wondering what extras some of you have added onto your packages at AS that are not included to make the day even more special! Also I love the photos Elizabeth Medina has done does anyone know her round about price or have any other suggestions for photog?
  13. Does anyone have a wedding page that you have created that I could look at. I know there are free sites but need some suggestions.
  14. Where did you all see where vista prints have std 100 free. I didn't see that on their website.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by MaggieandJay Orginally I was going to do STD and Invitations but due to budget I cut the STD and I am going to straight to the formal invite. I figure since we will have all the info and group rooms booked why not just skip over the STD plus i was making cuts and it was either the STD or the reminder postcard. How many guests do you have? How did you get your rooms booked so early. My coordinator said the specials come out in Dec/Jan so she is gonna start booking around then. At this point I want to do something to get the word and info out but not sure what to do.
  16. I have just decided on Azul Sensatori! Yeah! Date June 11 2011. Right now we are getting the invite list together but trying to decide whether to send out save the dates and wanted to know what others have done for destination weddings. What else should I be doing? So clueless!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by MaggieandJay Orignally we were looking at with flight and 5 days and 4 nights - 2 people to a room $1000 a person. What are they quoting you? Actually she came back and said around 1900 for 2 people which I feel good about! Sounds like I'm quoted right.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by meghan Hey Meredith...sorry to hear about your friend. I actually just went to see a family friend yesterday in the hospital who is dying from pancreatic cancer, and it totally puts things into perspective. About the invitations....I sent out save the dates almost 2 years in advance, and sent out my formal invites in February of this year. I did not send invites to people who had already told me they were not coming. I thought they might actually be a bit annoyed if I sent them a formal invite after they had already said no. I sent invites to people who had said yes or who had not responded/decided yet. What did you put on your save the dates to get those that wanted to go to book or let you know?
  19. How much is the resort charging you for rooms in June? My wedding coordinator originally told me a guessing price for rooms and flights for June 2011 and now she is saying the rooms are going to be a lot more!
  20. I am also thinking of the Azul Sensatori but am still looking at others. How did you decide? So hard!
  21. Hello all, getting married in Riviera Maya June 11,2011. Thinking about the azul sensatori resort!
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