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Everything posted by essedizeta

  1. Hey Melaina, You are online! Destination wedding cake topper Wedding planner in the Venice and Prosecco area I hope you like it! Thank you and talk to you very soon. If you want to send me the new ones my e-mail is loveandconfettiATgmail.com. Ciao Stefania
  2. WAW! That would be great! I can use the ones you have already posted and then I can write something on the Italian ones as well, if it's ok for you! Cheers Stefania
  3. Hello Melaina! Your pics are gorgeous! I would like to ask you if I can use them in my blog My Italian Wedding Wedding planner in the Venice and Prosecco area - this is a blog for women who would like to get married in Italy but your cake toppers theme is related to a wedding abroad so I thought it might be nice to have some DIY stories in it! Let me know if you like the idea! Thanks Stefania
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