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Everything posted by TLGnhci

  1. My colors are the same!! Would love to see anything you have planned, if you don't mind sharing!! )
  2. Â wow, yeah, $800.00 is a great price for a week! Did they discount it since it was your second week? Tell your fiance that my FI and I are planning on spending $1000 for 2 Honeymoon nights!!! I bet that will make him feel better! ) Â Hmm, decisions decisions!! I guess it all depends on the day, but it does seem the beach is better. I just didn't want to have to purchase the dance floor. Â
  3. Oh no!! Feel better Jaime!! I'm right there with ya, but mine are allergies. I get two shots every week, but it hasn't kicked in yet. Â
  4. See, that's what really frustrates me. Originally, before we booked, my TA had said it would only be $760.00 for the both of us to upgrade to the premium suite. Now it's $1400.00 more. Makes me mad, but what can I do? I tried to contact the resort but they didn't do anything but tell her to compare her rates to theirs online. I know I could get lower rates but they won't honor them.
  5. Â After going over it, we are gonna do the premium. I just hope our guests can come over and hang with us at our pool area. It's only $450.00 more to do the premium swim up than it was to pay for a regular room and pay for the Pearl wedding package. Even though it's more than I was quoted originally, I guess it's not too bad.
  6. Oh, and (sorry, I know I'm blowing up the forum today!), one of my guests had said the all inclusive drinks said "selected" or something. Everything is included at this resort, right? So, if we want premium drinks, we just have to ask, right?
  7. Jaimie, Â Did you happen to notice if it was cooler or warmer at the Zavaz Plaza? I've heard it can be stuffy there since it's between two buildings. So, I was curious if the beach would be a better location.
  8. Â Was your room the regular swim up or the Premium? I think the only difference b/w the regular swim up and the premium one is that you get butler service and some aromatherapy or something. Hmmm, decisions decisions! Â
  9. Hey girls, Â I have a room question. If you stay in the premium suite, what exactly does that get you, aside from the "free" wedding, which really isn't much more than the pearl package? I am wondering if it's worth booking that suite b/c I don't think your guests can come into that section if they're not booked in premium. So, I was wondering if I should just go with a regular room, and then use my webinar upgrade to get into the standard swim up. Any suggestions?
  10. Fabulous pics Jaimie!! I'm so excited now. If you have any more to share, we'd love love love to see!! I know it's a pain to organize them all though
  11. Does anyone have pricing information or contact information?
  12. I'm interested in the pricing as well. And pics if you have them. Did you go to him, or did he come to your resort?
  13. Awe, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your fiance's families. Â Yay Jaime, I can't wait to hear all about your trip! Thanks for the info on heels. I definitely want to wear heels too! Â
  14. Â Â Oh goodness! This really doesn't ease my worries with them. I'm so sorry you are dealing with this BS! They really need to get their together! Â Good luck with management. Â
  15. Thanks girls. I know it will all be wonderful in the end! Just have to focus on the positive!
  16. Great, not very enthusiastic reading this forum. I too wish I had read it before. Taylor, who was your agent? I may want to switch.
  17. Msmarmar, what kind of experience have you had? I know you say you love yours. I'm just wondering what the difference is between yours and mine. Can you give me some examples of how yours has helped you so far? I'd greatly appreciate it. Â
  18. Ugh, are any of you using Destinationweddings.com? I feel like I was given wrong information regarding rates. I already had to fight to get my rates to where I was quoted. Now, FI and I were gonna get the premium swim up suite (was told it was $760.00 more for the both of us) ~ Yeah right, just got the rates and they are like $1000.00 more per person! How am I supposed to figure out a budget plan when everything I'm told changes!!! Soo frustrated right now, and really not able to enjoy planning this wedding.
  19. Murmel, thanks for sharing. I have read some good, some bad but I was having such a hard time finding a dress, I figured I'd give it a shot. I only ordered one to begin with and I made an offer for less money which they accepted. So, fingers crossed that it will turn out descent!! Â I believe it said like ten days from the time that they receive the money. Â I thought I had hit the comment about the yoga place to comment on but I guess I missed it. My WC said the yoga place is for cocktails only. Â Are there any beach locations where you don't have to rent the dance floor? Does anyone know if it's cooler on the beach, than at the Zavaz Plaza? That's my only concern. I want to be able to dance and party it up without looking like a sweaty pig! )
  20. Ugh, my experience with the Running of the Brides was awful but I guess I was expecting something different. A lot of girls had a good experience though so I certainly wouldn't deter anyone from trying it. If I were to do it again, I probably would skip the morning insanity and just go in the afternoon when the leftover dresses are back on the racks. A lot of them ended up on the floor in piles, and it was a mess. Many of the dresses had marks, missing buttons (which is easily fixable) and just looked yucky. But, I did see a few that were very pretty, just not what I was looking for. Â I started shopping for dresses probably 2 months ago, and I just recently purchased my dress. It's Private Label By G, Destiny and I love it. It's exactly what I was looking for and is within my budget. Just make sure when you go shopping, if you have a budget and don't want to go over, don't try on dresses that are over it. ) Good Luck!
  21. Hey girls, I keep hearing about a spreadsheet. Is this something your WC shares with you? I haven't actually started planning with her yet, as I'm not sure on where to start. I feel like I need to find my BM dresses first b/c that will dictate my color scheme a bit. This is the dress I'm thinking of ordering, but it's from China so I'm a little concerned about it. I think it's really pretty though. Â http://cgi.ebay.com/Elegant-Turquoise-Womens-Prom-Evening-Gown-Dress-/250686777848?pt=US_CSA_WC_Dresses&hash=item3a5e18a9f8#shId
  22. Hey Jamie, when you're there, can you check out the Palapa Yoga spot? My FI said he kind of liked that spot for the reception. I had pretty much decided Zavaz but I'm still open to another spot. I emailed my WC to see if they set the tables up around the yoga spot or on it, so we will see. I'm thinking the beach may be a bit cooler than the Zavaz Plaza spot. Â It will be great to meet you girls! We will be there through the 5th. Then, Harry and I are switching to an adults only resort for 2 nights. ) Â Sweet! This resort won't know what to do with our crazy crews! My FI just warned his friends that they have to behave between certain hours on the wedding day! Ha ha. Â Good luck!! Â Â
  23. Â Ooh, yay, can't wait to hear your review!! I wish I could go for a visit. Â You girls will probably get there while I'm there! I'm May 2nd. What day are you going to arrive at AS? Our crew will be the loud ones! LoL. ) Â
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