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Everything posted by TLGnhci

  1. Hmm, was just checking out the restaurant menus. ... I don't see any sushi. Is there no where for sushi at the resort? I see it on the private dinner menu but not at a restaurant.
  2. I bought fake flowers and while I think they are gorgeous, I am not looking forward to transporting them, along with all the OOT bag stuff to Mexico with me.
  3. Great idea! I wanted to do something like that, but it seems our group is a bit large. Do you know the highest number of people they can accommodate? And would you mind sharing the $$?
  4. Um, I don't know any of them real well, but talk to Marty occasionally. He's the one who runs everything I think, so you'll probably be talking to him at 4. I know Madison (short, petite brunette). Then Dennis walks around there but I don't think he trains people individually. There's a new guy who does like sports conditioning. He looked tough! And I've seen a black lady who does training. She looks like she's pretty good.
  5. Maybe I will see you there. The class starts at 5:30 but I will be there about 5. Who are you training with?
  6. They are started a group fitness thing for 6-10 people two nights a week, 12 weeks for $160.00. A trainer would be more specialized to meet your needs though, so if you have the money for it, I'd go that route. My workout partner and I are considering the group training, but I'm not sure yet. You can do any of the classes as a beginner, just pace yourself. A lot of instructors will give modified versions of moves for the beginners in the class. If the little old ladies that go there can do it, you can too!!! ) Let me know when you're going. I'll do a class with you.
  7. Ha ha, yep, I was there on Monday. I get there about 5 each evening. I have tried a few of their classes, but they've changed quite a few since I've been. The one I'm doing tonight is HELL!! But, I am doing it again b/c it's good for me. I'm going to start getting to the weekend classes a little more often.
  8. I am doing a cardio bootcamp class tonight that is absolutely brutal. No doubt in my mind it's worse than running a 5k.
  9. Brandy, I go to World Gym in La Plata. I just started doing a "bridal bootcamp" routine I got from a book. I do diversify my workout, and it doesn't seem to change anything. The routine we are doing now starts with a warm up, some abs (different every day), a strength training section (different each day as well), and ends with interval cardio for 20 mins.
  10. Hi girls, I am trying to be in the "best shape of my life" for my wedding. I could stand to lose maybe 5 - 8 pounds. I'm not big, but definitely more round in places than I'd like to be. I've been religious at the gym for probably 3 years now, and I thought my metabolism would speed up and eventually the weight would come off. But, apparently that's not the case. So, i suppose I need to start eating better. Boo, I am so not good at that!!!
  11. Did you send them measurements? If so, did you have them done professionally?
  12. Oh, and I think it was this thread where someone recently dyed their crinoline. How did you do it, and would it be possible to do that to a dress where the crinoline is attached?
  13. Hmm, so $98 total? I'm gonna have to check that out. Thanks chicky! I bought the $1 store first aid kits so I guess I'm just gonna design a sticker thing for the top of that. I just can't decide what to put on it. All I have to go in them is tylenol, the band aids that come in it, and some tums. Hmm.... And sorry girls ~ I have once again hijacked your April thread. Hope no one minds!!
  14. Hmm, that only cost $98? Which vendor did you go through? I sent one place a pic of a short backless lace dress and it was going to cost like $200. I can't decide if I want to spend money on a new TTD (mine is just a plain cotton jersey dress) or a pretty reception dress. I think I'm leaning toward TTD but I need to find one under $100.
  15. Brandy, I need some of your motivation!! What are you working on for hangover kits? If you have a template, can you send it to me please?
  16. I agree with what the ladies on here have said. We got our approved room rate which was less than the online rate and then also 20% off the food/drink for private events. Hope things get better for you!! I too have opted for the symbolic ceremony at this point, mostly because of the fact that the ceremony would be in Spanish. The price is a determining factor as well. Wish I was going to Vegas like you Jaime!!! )
  17. Wow, your stuff is awesome. What do your bags say in the heart shape? That is adorable. Do you have templates for any of your stuff that you could share?
  18. Travel Agents pretty much will help you with getting information from different resorts when deciding upon where to marry. Then, they will set up all the initial arrangements with the resort, and once all is in place, help your guests to get booked. Some offer discounts/incentives. I don't believe any travel agents charge fees. I am using Destinationweddings.com and I paid a refundable $50 fee. If guests book outside of an incentive plan through your travel agent, it will not count toward your room numbers, but they are allowed to book on their own. I feel as though a TA should be more beneficial than not. I think once you get down to the actual travel, they may be helpful. I've heard of issues happening where a TA has been able to quickly fix things for the traveler, something they would have had to deal with on their own otherwise. Pros and Cons: not too sure, but I think they are good to use. Good luck with your decisions to be made!!
  19. Welcome 2011, WEDDING YEAR!! Happy New Year ladies. Hope everyone had a great night!
  20. I'm the same, kind of stuck. Still researching things, and trying to determine how to tackle all my DIY projects, but that's about it.
  21. Your ring is stunning too!! Lucky girl! ) My proposal was in Times Square as well! Such a fun place.
  22. Hey girls, just came across some pics from an AS wedding that I hadn't seen before, so I thought I'd share in case you want to see. http://claudiaphoto.com/alberto/matt_andrea/
  23. I'm not a Dreams bride but I checked out your pictures. They are amazing!! Congratulations. Loved your BM's dresses. Oh, and where did your guys get their suits from?
  24. Oh my goodness. That's awful news!! My only advice is to proceed with caution. There's not too much you can do at this point, but be thankful that that random act happened before you got there. Hope all turns out well for you!!
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