Travel Agents pretty much will help you with getting information from different resorts when deciding upon where to marry. Then, they will set up all the initial arrangements with the resort, and once all is in place, help your guests to get booked. Some offer discounts/incentives. I don't believe any travel agents charge fees. I am using and I paid a refundable $50 fee. If guests book outside of an incentive plan through your travel agent, it will not count toward your room numbers, but they are allowed to book on their own. I feel as though a TA should be more beneficial than not. I think once you get down to the actual travel, they may be helpful. I've heard of issues happening where a TA has been able to quickly fix things for the traveler, something they would have had to deal with on their own otherwise. Pros and Cons: not too sure, but I think they are good to use. Good luck with your decisions to be made!!