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Everything posted by TLGnhci

  1. Hey there, are you having alterations made to your dress?
  2. Hey there, how are you girls monitoring all this? Wouldn't mind having to report to someone (in the non compete category). )
  3. Oh, and for the Spoons reservation, anyone over 40 costs $25.00!! I thought that was steep!
  4. Thanks Vic!! And girls, is it just me or are the wedding coordinators pretty much useless? Maybe that's a harsh word to use but I feel like I'm always referred to the Lomas site and never really get a true answer on anything. I guess that's why this forum is so wonderful though. I need to set up a phone call. Maybe that would help. Any of our January brides using the exotic gazebo? I'm wondering about the candy cane vs draped shears. I really don't like the candy cane look. And I thought the reservation at Spoons was good for 50 people. Was just told it's 40. Am I crazy, or was it 50 a while back?
  5. You look beautiful in both. I'm in a similar situation, except I don't have a second option. I'm just not thrilled with my dress, but financially I can't go get another one. So, I am focusing on how beautiful everything will be all pulled together. Your dress is gorgeous and your groom won't know that there was even a thought of another dress. Good luck deciding what to do!
  6. I think that would be awesome. I liked one I heard of recently for the Boudoir shoot. Any make up/hair trial discounts would be fabulous. Um, I'm sure I could think of more too.
  7. Lua, that sounds really nice! Any idea where you're getting the shoes?
  8. Hi ladies, I have awful allergies and have been receiving weekly shots for about 8 months now. The allergies alone are bad enough on my puffy eyes, but the shots make me swell up even worse. Does anyone know of any good creams for puffy eyes, but sensitive to the skin beneath. Most of the creams I've tried cause severe dry skin under my eyes which is just as bad. I tried the dermotologist but she wasn't useful. I may still try another one before the wedding in May. Any help is much appreciated!! Thanks girls!!
  9. Sounds like you've been busy Rosie! It will all work itself out. Just take deep breaths!!! I am right there with you though, on the worrying. I don't really have any support system so I'm doing everything on my own. FI works a lot, one bridesmaid works like 70 hours a week with two jobs, one is in another state and my mom and I have completely different tastes. I was a bad girl last night and killed some time by going and trying on more dresses, even though I already have mine. I like my dress, but I don't love it. Luckily for me, I am just too frugal to try and sell the first and pay twice as much for another. And the fact that all the dresses in the bridal stores are 3 times too big for me, and I can't really tell what it would look like helps as well. So, I guess I'm sticking with my original and hopefully my seamstress can make it more of a dream dress for me. We shall see. I plan on tonight and tomorrow to be "wedding get stuff done" days. I have done a ton of research but now I have to actually get stuff done.
  10. Love the STARFISH shoes!!! And hot pink too!!!! Ahh, the fiance is gonna kill me. I'm gonna blow the budget with all the fab stuff this forum shows me!!!!!
  11. Hey girls, Just checking to see if anyone knows of any products for puffy under eyes. I have awful allergies and have been on allergy shots for about 8 months now, weekly. But, my eyes are still really awful with dark circles and puffiness. I would like to find something that can help before the wedding. Thanks!!
  12. How did you get the little grooms cake? How much were they? Did you do a civil ceremony or symbolic? And did you use the "exotic gazebo" set up? Sorry for all the questions!! THanks!
  13. Awe, great pics. It looks beautiful! I am getting married at Azul Sensatori, and I kinda wish I could switch!! That's bad I know. I'm sure my experience will be great as well, but this place does look AWESOME!
  14. Ah Shucks!! Waited too long. Oh well, guess my dilemna on choosing b/w that or a TTD is no longer a dilemna!! )
  15. Hmm, toughy Vic. Are they too big, too small? How many don't fit? What color are they?
  16. Does anyone know if there's a thread for sharing healthy recipes/tips? I think that one might be a good one to start if there's not one out there. I need all the help I can get when it comes to dieting and eating well.
  17. Ah, I was just searching for this thread. I found an etsy seller whose stuff I love, so I thought I'd share. Her name is magartsypartycrafts Great beach theme stuff. I have to figure out what all I want to order!!
  18. Wow, I'm assuming she had a flat belly at the end, right?
  19. Wow, very enticing. Gonna have to check that out!
  20. Brandy, did you have your meeting tonight? I did the killer class and I think it was even harder than I remembered. But, I may try and keep it in my weekly routine. It's gotta be burning some cals if it's that hard, right? Then, I came home and ate salad and broccoli. One good night, let's see if I can keep it up. I even avoided the nightly wine. That's gonna be a toughy.
  21. Here is a document with information I found from another site. As you can see, most have a max of 45 people. Bummer for me, but maybe it will help someone else!! catamaran.doc
  22. I got a few quotes together. Aquaworld was going to charge $4406 USD for 3 hours which includes Includes: Three course meal Boat rental Service Open bar Or $3624 for an appetizer only menu. This is for 51 people.
  23. You can do it!! Diet and cardio... Diet and cardio!!
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