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Everything posted by TLGnhci

  1. Welcome back Murmel!! Can't wait to read your review. Glad you and your guests enjoyed your fabulous vacation!!
  2. Oh Brandy, to reply to your question about my dress, I did try on a lot but money was definitely a factor. While I really loved the more expensive dresses, I just couldn't get myself to spend the money on it since my FI and I are paying for everything ourselves. I really love the ruffly dresses and sweetheart necklines. I just hope mine will work out in the end. I think it will.
  3. Yay, wonderful news Brandy!!!
  4. Mocha, I too just like my dress, not love. I'm hoping when I get it back from the seamstress, we will get a little closer to that love feeling. Fingers Crossed. Hope all works out for you!
  5. Yeah, the price is now $1100.00 more than had been expected. I emailed the lady and told her to show me in the form my mom got back where it says additional persons are charged at a higher rate. We'll see what happens. I don't go down without a fight!
  6. Aghhh, since you girls are the most active and helpful, I figured I'd vent here!! My mom booked through her timeshare which is ending up to be a nightmare. First, it seemed like a great idea as she told me the cost for the girls (my daughter and niece) was $476.00 for the week (plus a room fee of $212) for the week. So, I was thinking awesome!! Well, I finally get the certificate from my mom and read the fine print. Kids over 12 are adult prices! So, now we are at double the price, $136 per day instead of $68.00. I booked their airfare and they're staying 6 nights, 7 days. So I wanted to find out if the AI price is per days or nights. Find out it's per night so I'm like okay good. I email my mom the final costs and all and think okay, still a little less than my room rates. Then, the lady emails me back and says that additional persons are even more, $190.00/pp per day! Another $600+ more than I had expected!!!!!!! Ugh, this really sucks for me b/c this is more and more debt. My father is unemployed right now, so I will be footing their bill until they can pay me back. This is so not what I felt like dealing with today. Sooo mad!
  7. I"m sorry to hear about your koozies Brandy! Pooey on Barry!!
  8. I hear ya Kristamarie! I didn't even eat dinner last night, all I had was a shake after the gym. I thought for sure I'd at least break even this week but nope, I gained a pound as well. Grrrr......
  9. Deannamarie85, I got my flowers from Modagefloral on etsy and she did a fabulous job. So you may want to check her out. )
  10. We haven't discussed transportation costs or time or anything, but I know she knows I'm interested in doing a cenote. So, I guess it will require further conversation, but I will definitely keep you updated.
  11. Okay good, so I should stick with the exotic and the onsite people will drape it? That's wonderful news!
  12. Natasha, For your cocktail welcome party, what time did you do it, and did the food suffice as dinner? I'm torn b/w doing the Spoons dinner or a cocktail party. I thought just cocktails wouldn't be enough food for people to continue partying afterwards.
  13. Jaime, I am doing mine at Sunset. Maria is "famous" for her awesome sunset pics. I would like to maybe start at a cenote and then go to a pretty beach somewhere, but haven't figured out the details. Less is more, you are next girl!! What do you have planned for your ceremony decor? I am so unsure of what I want to do. I've gone back and forth b/w settling for the candy cane style, leaving off one set of flowers and doing the drape look, and even maybe doing the flower curtains behind. Ugh, I just don't know. I love her pics as well, but I just can't spend the $.
  14. kball21, those are one of my faves! Congrats on getting your shoes girl!
  15. Oh, and the back of the necklace has some beading that hangs down! )
  16. Hi girls, I have a beautiful ivory pearl and rhinestone necklace/earring/bracelet set that I purchased online from an etsy seller. I absolutely love it and can't wait to wear it on my wedding day. But, I know that I will not have a need for it after, so I figured I would let you all know that I will be selling it after my wedding on May 2nd, 2011. Here are pics. I paid $95.00 for the set and will be asking $60.00. PM me if you're interested!
  17. Hi girls, I have a beautiful ivory pearl and rhinestone necklace/earring/bracelet set that I purchased online from an etsy seller. I absolutely love it and can't wait to wear it on my wedding day. But, I know that I will not have a need for it after, so I figured I would let you all know that I will be selling it after my wedding on May 2nd, 2011. Here are pics. I paid $95.00 for the set and will be asking $60.00. PM me if you're interested!
  18. Hi girls, I have a beautiful ivory pearl and rhinestone necklace/earring/bracelet set that I purchased online from an etsy seller. I absolutely love it and can't wait to wear it on my wedding day. But, I know that I will not have a need for it after, so I figured I would let you all know that I will be selling it after my wedding on May 2nd, 2011. Here are pics. I paid $95.00 for the set and will be asking $60.00. PM me if you're interested!
  19. Fabulous news!!! Yay!! Does anyone know how timeshares work? I'm wondering if the all-inclusive price they pay per day is accrued by how many nights or how many days. It seems unfair to charge the first and last days full price b/c your typically only there half the time. I also found out that my daughter is full price, the same as an adult. Boo, my mom had told me the kids were half price. Great news for you too!! Yay again!! I have Erika and I love her so far!
  20. You should be able to find the frames on either etsy, amazon, or ebay pretty easily. I also found one that is vases but it comes with an oil wick on the top so you can light it down the road. Looks pretty nice, and reasonable for the vases and the sand. I just worry about transporting the glass, and also how much space it will take up. http://weddinglighthouse.com/index.php?p=1_15
  21. Melissa, the dinner is semi-private. It's in the restaurant but somewhat blocked off. Note that any number of people over the 40 cost $25/head.
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