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Everything posted by lsmith211

  1. Hi everyone, I finally heard back from Beverly and she answered some of my questions... I also asked her to confirm my wedding date and time as she hasn't charged my credit card with my deposit yet, and she wrote back saying I was confirmed for April 4, when I booked it April 5!!! I almost had a heart attack, but then she wrote back right away saying it was a typo, and I was booked for April 5 - whew!!! We have some guests flying in late on the 4th, so that would not have been good! Anyway - to share my info - she sent me the current menu choices, but warned that it is subject to change. Here's a copy for anyone that wants an idea of what may be available: GBP Menu Options.pdf
  2. Wow Lua - I was kind of upset when I learned that my sis's fiance was going on a trip down south will all of his friends rather that my wedding (he told me he couldn't get vacation time, and then they booked their vacation for 2 weeks after our trip). I can't imagine if it was my actual sibling that did that! Good for you for having a good attitude about it though! Greysgirl - that's rough! At least you found about it before it was too late to change your plan! And it's stuff like this that makes it so much easier to be travelling without guests...... I hear you girls - most (if not all) of the stress I'm trying to avoid is coming from the guests
  3. Good luck Brandy!! Let us know how it goes!!
  4. I totally hear you on the frustrating part! My MOH hasn't booked yet either... in the back of my mind I've been waiting for her to tell me she isn't coming for the past few months - I've already decided who my "replacement bridesmaid" will be lol. It'll be sad if she can't make it cause she's my best friend, but at the same time I'll be fine with her decision to not come as long as she just gets on with it and tells me! I totally agree with you Brandy - in the end the only people that matter are me and my FI, and everyone else that comes is an added bonus.
  5. Hi Tennyt1, Kind of a tough one! I think it really comes down to how good of a friend she is? The fact that she's pregnant and still wants to go to/stand in your wedding says to me that she's still committed. I'm sure anyone not committed would use it as a way out.... If she's a good friend and you want her there, the bridesmaid dress shouldn't be a determining factor - everyone's gonna be looking at you all day anyway!!! I think it comes down to this - is it worth affecting your friendship to ask her to step down? That can be a hard one for some friendships to survive... But if this doesn't bother than you then maybe it is time to ask someone else.... Good luck with your decision!
  6. Hi novascotiabride, Not sure if he does wedding dresses, but I know of an amazing tailor in Halifax - he's altered a few things for me - some of them were pretty challenging - and he's always done an amazing job. It would definitely be worth calling to see if he does wedding dresses! It's Daniel's Tailor Shop in Parklane Mall, on the second level, and his number is 902-423-6330. Good Luck!
  7. Wow Brandy - I can't believe she offered to open the store for you! Hard to compare that customer service to David's! Hopefully you find "the one" there, cause it's those kind of people that you want to give your business to... I know I'm going to be hot in my dress too - it's taffeta, but it's a way lghter tafetta than most... It actually felt lighter than some of the chiffon dresses I tried, cause those had sooo many layers. But some of the dresses they pulled for me where ridiculous - I felt like I could hardly walk they weighed me down so much! If they make me sweat in the air conditioned shop, I can't imagine them on the beach - heat stroke on my wedding day doesn't seem like a good time!!!
  8. Thanks so much Mekanbr - those were pretty much the same questions I've been waiting for Beverly to respond to! And it's great to have pics of the restaurants from different perspectives - gives us a better idea of what they look like
  9. Hi Ladies! I'm an April 2011 bride too! I'm getting married at the Gran Bahia Principe in Jamaica on April 5. Lua - I'm in the same boat as you - had to pay for both or our trips and our photographer's trip in full today, plus we're buying our wedding bands within the next few weeks. It was a lot to pay at once, but I agree that it'll be nice come February to know that part is taken care of. We had an early booking bonus through Air Canada Vacations if paid in full by the end of October, so we ended up saving $900 - totally worth paying early! And it also got a lot of our guests to book early too - so far we are at 37!
  10. Hi Schayer - we get married on April 5 so we'll be there at the same time!!! With regards to the free package, I was also told it doesn't exist. I booked mine at the beginning of July, and we went with the Sunshine Package - I think this used to be the free one (it is the most basic) but now it costs $1100. Too bad I didn't get engaged a few months earlier! Katelynn - I emailed Beverly to get the menu options a few weeks ago, but haven't received a reponse. I'll post it if I ever hear back.....
  11. Hi Tris, Can you email me the info on the flowers as well? I'll PM you...
  12. Hi everyone, I'm getting married at the GBP in April 2011, and this thread/forum has been a lifesaver! Although I feel like a slacker compared to most of you - you're all shaming me into doing much more than I thought I would for a DW But there are just so many great ideas!! Anyone else going to be there from April 1-8?
  13. Hi everyone- I'm so excited for my Jamaican wedding! User Name: lsmith211 Name: Leah & Kevin Location: Gran Bahia Principe, Runaway Bay Wedding: April 5, 2011 in JA: April 1-8, 2011
  14. Thanks Pam - just PM'd you! I'll take them for sure, and hopefully I can make it to melrose next month
  15. Hi Pam - love the flip flops! Are they still for sale? I'm in Calgary too - how perfect!
  16. lsmith211


    Hi there - my name is leah, and I'm getting married in Jamaica in Spring 2011, probably in late April - I have no details yet - hoping to get some ideas on resorts!
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