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Everything posted by kimberly333

  1. They look I great I also plan to order from them. I ordered shot glasses from them a couple of years ago as a party favor and they were a big hit
  2. Congrats and welcome. I'm sure where ever you pick will be wonderful.
  3. Congratulations!! Welcome to the coolest destination website ever!!!
  4. Thanks again for all the advice. I haven't had any junk food in the last three days (which is a uphill battle for me) I love ice cream. I haven't started working out yet but plan to go for a walk in the morning!!! Thanks for your continued support it helps a lot..... Kim
  5. Congrats!!! I can't wait to get to that level so I can use some of the great templates too.
  6. I know it wouldn't work with my guests. They'll be drinking and having such a good time the last thing they would think about is taking pics and if they did we probably couldn't find the cameras. lol.
  7. Thanks for the advice everyone. I really have to discipline my mind and my mouth lol.
  8. I need to lose 50lbs by Oct 2010 to go dress shopping for my wedding in Oct 2011. I can't seem to stay motivated to exercise and my diet sucks. I really have to start now, great thread!
  9. I do have until next year but i really wanted it done by fall so I can be in maintenance mode.Thanks for the words of encouragement & advice. Kim
  10. kimberly333


    Hi Erica, My name is Kim a basically still a newbie too. I love this site, it has tons of great info, advice and tips that help make your life easier. I found so many cool ideas!! Kim
  11. I really need to find a way to get motivated to lose weight. Had a great body before going back to school. Coldstone and redvelvet cake became my vice. I recently moved and would love to find classes like hi-lo and step, just need some energy & motivation to go. Just venting I know it must come from inside!!
  12. Thanks everybody for all the good advice. I guess part of the problem is that I'm a somewhat "TYPE A" personality and a little apprehensive planning a destination wedding. thanks for the support!!!
  13. Thanks, I kept trying with the Aylee instrutions page open at the same time and got the hang of it. Thanks
  14. I'm really crafty but I feel so dumb trying to follow template for boarding pass invites and having difficulty with the background on the pass. Could someone with patience please post step by step directions. I have Windows XP, power point, publisher & word.
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