Thanks again for all the advice. I haven't had any junk food in the last three days (which is a uphill battle for me) I love ice cream. I haven't started working out yet but plan to go for a walk in the morning!!!
Thanks for your continued support it helps a lot.....
I know it wouldn't work with my guests. They'll be drinking and having such a good time the last thing they would think about is taking pics and if they did we probably couldn't find the cameras. lol.
I need to lose 50lbs by Oct 2010 to go dress shopping for my wedding in Oct 2011. I can't seem to stay motivated to exercise and my diet sucks. I really have to start now, great thread!
Hi Erica,
My name is Kim a basically still a newbie too. I love this site, it has tons of great info, advice and tips that help make your life easier. I found so many cool ideas!!
I really need to find a way to get motivated to lose weight. Had a great body before going back to school. Coldstone and redvelvet cake became my vice. I recently moved and would love to find classes like hi-lo and step, just need some energy & motivation to go.
Just venting I know it must come from inside!!
Thanks everybody for all the good advice. I guess part of the problem is that I'm a somewhat "TYPE A" personality and a little apprehensive planning a destination wedding. thanks for the support!!!
I'm really crafty but I feel so dumb trying to follow template for boarding pass invites and having difficulty with the background on the pass. Could someone with patience please post step by step directions. I have Windows XP, power point, publisher & word.