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Everything posted by lisa203

  1. Less is more - I'll probably take a trip in April or May once I have final headcount. Mishi - We're probably going to get ivory ones. Our colors are ivory, yellow, and gold. If I were a guest at your wedding I would happily accept hot pink or butter yellow. I agree that those colors aren't for everyone but I think most would use them anyway.
  2. How cool!! Thanks for sharing. I zoomed out of the picture to make it smaller by clicking on the "2. Edit Photo" tab by lowering the "Resize Photo (%)".
  3. Meitra, we were typing and posted at the same time, haha. Great minds.
  4. Hi Robin! Congrats on booking! I find that the hardest part of it all is the wait, lol. Your invites are beautiful! I’d send something after the holidays...I think your postcard idea is perfect. I’ve experienced Jamaica customs a number of times but never as a bride lugging tons of wedding stuff so I’m eager to hear stories as well. How is planning going for you otherwise?
  5. Hahaha, you were just super-excited to share! I did re-read it a few times though thinking I just missed it, lol. Thanks again.
  6. Wow…check you out! You’ve inspired me. Love the idea of the sticky business cards for chapstick labels. Never even thought of that. Keep up the good work!
  7. We skipped RSVP cards. Our guests got hotel info on our wedsite and are booking their rooms. The hotel sends me their confirmations as they do and that serves as the RSVP. On our invite we say something like “please RSVP by reserving your room by…†I think you could totally get away from sending cards too.
  8. So sorry this happened to you! I got burned pretty bad on my hand too. When it first happened my mom used to cut open natural aloe and put the jelly on the burn. It helped a lot. Perhaps you can try that. As far as pictures though, Ivan's a pro. I'm sure he'll make your finger look good as new in your pics. Hopefully you can get your ring on by the time the wedding comes. Try your best not to stress.
  9. Congrats Anna! Loved your thread and your commentary. Totally feel your DIY pain! You should be very proud of yourself! Everything looks great. Have a wonderful wedding!
  10. Thanks for the tip, Liz. I forgot all about good old reliable Nordstroms Now off stalking I go...hahaha.
  11. We'll both find amazing outfits and look fabulous! I'll come back here and bounce my finds off of you when I think I have something. My mom, moh, and I have a shopping date this week. We're going to the Jersey Gardens outlet mall in Elizabeth. They have a BCBG outlet where I usually find great stuff. Fingers crossed. I'm supposed to be working too. All I've managed to do is shop wedding and read posts on here!
  12. No idea! The only dress I have is my gown, lol. I have a welcome dinner, catamaran cruise, rehearsal dinner and a farewell brunch to find outfits for. I don't want to wear white the whole time though. I definitely want something gold or silver to wear to the rehearsal dinner because we asked all our guests to be in white. I figured I'd look for the gold or silver dress now since those colors are all the rage for New Years. Do you have a specific style in mind? Random thought - are your streets plowed? I didn't go to work today because my block hasn't been touched!
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