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Everything posted by lisa203

  1. We just put up our tree! White lights all the way! I've always preferred that look.
  2. Ok, here are mine. Love that they aren’t that high. FI isn’t too tall so we’ll be the same height when I have these on.
  3. I have some on my arm too, Susan. I had REALLY bad asthma as a child and the only thing that helped me was a medicine called prednisone, which had steroids in it. I gained quite a bit of weight pretty quickly, hence the marks. I’m happy and now healthy so I don’t even let them bother me too much. I have been using a product from "Avon called Solutions Stretchmark 24 Line Reducing Treatment": http://shop.avon.com/shop/product.aspx?pf_id=39502 for about a month and they seem to be fading. I imagine they’ll never go away completely but they’ve certainly gotten better so I highly recommend. I plan on airbrushing what’s left of them for the wedding. Regardless though, we’ll both look amazing and no one will even notice them.
  4. Everything looks a great so far! Keep up the good work Yay June 2011! I'm getting married 10 days after you in JA.
  5. WOW! I loved everything on your planning thread but seeing them pictured blew me away! Everything looked amazing! Congratulations to you and your new hubby. You make such a hot couple!
  6. If money were no object, we'd pay for everyone's stay and charter a private plan to get everyone there. After the wedding we'd travel the world on our five month honeymoon. A girl can dream, right? LOL
  7. OMG! Have a fabulous wedding, Meitra! I’m sure it will all be beyond amazing and I can’t wait to hear all about it
  8. Hi! June 21, 2011 at Moon Dance Cliffs! CAN'T WAIT!
  9. The only good advice I can give is to talk to him. I wouldn’t make the conversations about your thoughts and feelings about other men, but just about you two. Counseling would probably help a great deal as would maybe postponing the wedding. If, after that, it turns out that he isn’t the one, it’s ok. Just please don’t let the thought of not being married be the reason you decide to. All the best with whatever you decide.
  10. I don't like shrimp (or seafood in general) either. Shrimp will be served at our reception because I know most of our guests will enjoy it but that is my choice. While I don't understand why you have such strong feelings against alcohol I do respect that it is your wedding so you have the right to things your way. You don't want alcohol then so be it. That said, I too think you should be prepared for people to make trips to the bar for drinks and, unless they bring it back into your reception, I would not see it as them being disrespectful.
  11. Very nice job! I’m sure re-printing was annoying but good thing you caught it before they went out.
  12. Both are amazing! If it were me, I'd pick #2 - both glam and comfy!
  13. Congratulations and welcome, from a fellow Jamaica bride! There are so many gorgeous places to choose from. I think the best places to start are visits to the Jamaica forum and reviews on tripadvisor.com. Come back and let us know what you decide. Happy planning!
  14. 40% off is a steal! Thanks so much for sharing this! Please let us know how they look and fit when you get them.
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