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Everything posted by coconoir1908

  1. Nice JetsettinBride, I love free ;-) I'm doing power90 and will then do P90x but I was going back and forth as to do WW-online or not. Maybe I'll try loseit first... I hate choosing diet programs.. but it is so good and comforting to know that a lot of people had sucess with WW. I just don't want another bill TeeHee Originally Posted by JetsettinBride Hello my fellow 2012 BDW Brides.. I"m back on my routine as of February 1st. I am going to the gym at 5am! I hate waking up so early but I do like the feeling of having the GYM DONE and out the way so I can go on with the rest of my day. Also, I feel more energized after my morning workouts and I dont have that guilt hanging over my head after work about working out. So I am using Weight Watchers but I have also fell in LOVE with LOSEIT! http://www.loseit.com/ (free calorie counting - also a Apple Iphone App) I also used sparkpeople as well but I like Loseit!.com better. So when my WW memeberships runs out. I will probably not renew it and just use Loseit! since its FREE. I did lose 40lbs last year by Using WW, but once I stop using the online program. I quickly gained the weight back. So I found that WW does work for me b/.c it keeps me on track and focused. Well I will be checkin' in more often! This thread is very MOTIVATIONAL!
  2. Krsmith, Many brides have negotiated with the Miami office to reduce the amount by which persons had to put down. I would try doing that..
  3. Okay, My TA is totally awesome but we also have used her for years during our travel. Here's the deal with us, is that number 1 our TA is in direct contact with my Miami Coordinator via telephone and email! We will receive all the benefits that a person would do in booking directly with moon palace, in addition we will receive perks from the travel agent itself (based on numbers actually booked). The only thing that our TA has to do, upon receiving a deposit from anyone is use our group link (that moon supplied to her) to book. This way we get the best of both worlds. Yes, our guest will have to put a deposit down (we are not footing anything upfront for anyone besides ourselves). With that said, our guest have known for months that we were going to have a destination wedding, that we were going to use a local travel agent (to make it easy on those without a computer-our older family members), and that they would have to secure there room with a minimual deposit fo $125. From there they could make payments as long as the final payment is paid by the due date. Our guest knew what to expect and the process whether they choose to do it online, or in person is very easy. In addition, we can get a head count of who is actually going versus those that RSVP and know that they aren't. So I will know up-front if we qualify for a free event etc..
  4. Hi ladies, I'm a 2012 MP bride but I smiled at this and had to respond. I too am putting condoms, & lub in the bag and for those singles that RSVP will get something extra. Im a VP at a Family Planning center, so the condoms that I include will have our company logo on them. So, its a good way to get our mission and vision out there. And its something that many forget about when on a vacation. Awesome, Awesome Awesome idea!!! I can't wait to read all of our reviews.
  5. Would you mind sharing her website. I trying to narrow down my boudoir photogs
  6. Kya101, I'm a pretty good eater (fish, chicken) mostlly.. with red meat when my iron is low (I hate iron pills). Yet, I love to have Fried chicken every once in a while.. heck I get a damn craving for it. So, I allow myself to have it as I don't eat it often. I think that everything must be done in moderation. I hate the "feeling bad part" or like a failure so what works for me is while i'm at work.. that I can only eat out once a week.. this also helps me to save cash. 1 out of 7 days isn't bad. Make a plan that works for you.. and although it will be hard to stick to it.. it will get easier over time.
  7. Kya101, I'm with you. These are the times (before wedding planning) that I would extend my weekend by a day or two and fly somewhere.. But I'm not upset and I'll take the cold for the glorious day in 2012
  8. I know perry1217 I agree... My car is dirty and I refuse to get it washed ;-) Oh I wanted to ask, is the same photog that is doing your wedding, also doing your boudoir session?
  9. Sharon99, We are getting married at Moon Palace, Cancun on the 21st. Okay Philly Destination Brides, we may have to get together (post winter) for a happy hour or something.. What do you ladies think?
  10. Hola Ladies, Planning is going well on this end. I'm doing very little DIY projects. Besides not being the DIY girl, my schedule along with my son's and bridesmaids just simply won't allow it. However; there will be a few things like the welcome letter, oot bags and things based around that. I'm a VP at a health center so some of my medical items will come from there as the time draws near. I'm waiting for Sarah to get back to us with our logo and starter pdf file for our STD's and then go from there. How about others
  11. Hola fellow Year and Month bride.. I totally dont' think that it is too soon because it's typical for the 6 month turn-a-round needed. However; I'm going to start in April a I want to shed a few pounds.. so that's what I'm working on
  12. ebay ebay ebay ;-) which is my favorite store LOL.. I got power90 for $50 ish and p90x for $90 both brand new.
  13. SMFS, I ordered both panels and took 2 from each (the beige ones). I can certainly pass the greys on from each (can't recall how many they were) I'm at work ;-) If this is good for you PM me your address and I will get them off tomorrow.
  14. Kya, I will say just with the 1 day that this program is definitely not a 90 day program for someone in semi good condition. Maybe like 30-45 and then I'll hop into p90x. I'll definitely keep you posted.. as I'm looking forward to taking my measurements again and seeing the results. But for now it's good feeling pain in my stomach and thighs...
  15. Hey ladies, First day of my power90 (precussor to p90x) was yesterday. I feel awesome! And very excited to do it again today. I had to pause twice for a few second but it was all good. I think back to my college days and these exercises were a breeze....so this is my motivation to get back to my line name of "brick house" ;-)
  16. Hi Ivan, My personal thought is that each bride is different. Some may want prints to avoid doing it themselves, while others are perfectly fine with the JPEG files. The option(s) along with the cost (if you decide to go this way) should be given to each bride. If someone says I want prints, then it should be stated in their contract the "additional" cost of the prints. Hopefully this helped! Chanel (you'll be hearing from me on the 27th )
  17. Prettysparklie from FI words "Both"... LOL So with that said, we are going to order both suits for him and our son... He hasn't decided if he wants the groomsmen to wear suits or simply the slacks and a shirt... The possibilities are so endless... and the price is right ;-)
  18. shan0487....Lots of time will seem like a little as you start planning, creating etc... but this site is amazing so have at it!!
  19. I have the slightest as this is FI's job to plan... ;-) Any advice would be great so that I can drop hints. And yes, we are going immediatley after our wedding so I'm trying to take as little as possible to Mexico as far as decorations etc...
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