Krsmith, I can't wait to see your pictures! And don't worry abou the feeling fat days (we all have them) because as you said "yall rocked the pictures." Ditto on the brochure, this is something that I am totally not excited about ;-() but, needs to get done. As far a the luggae tags I purchased the loops as well from an online site (I'll get it once I get home and send). However, I found the exact same ones on amazon. hope this helps Quote: Originally Posted by krsmith
Well after COUNTLESS reschedules due to the crappy weather, we finally got our engagement pictures done yesterday! I'm so excited to see how they turn out! Our photographer was awesome and even though the location we chose ended up being PACKED (since it was like the first hot sunny day we've had), we worked it and I think got some amazing shots! I didn't get to wear one of the main outfits I was planning on wearing though which was a bummer. We brought 3 changes of clothes (the 3rd set was a last minute "casual" clothes grab) and ended up only getting in 2 changes. I actually wore the last minute outfit that I wasn't planning on wearing...and I was having one of those "fat" days, so I'm hoping I don't look lumpy/uncomfortable! LOL I have made my business cards that will go inside our luggage tags, and will be ordering those soon. HOWEVER, I'm not sure what to use for the string that they will be able to attach to their luggage! I bought some of the hard plastic tags, and they don't come with anything! Any ideas? I'm also trying to work on our Pre-Travel brochures, but I'm having a hard time being creative enough! I have to say I am not the best when it comes to Office or Word! Other than that, I'm just trying to compile my list of questions for Janina! I'm trying to cover EVERYTHING so I can have all the questions answered in one email. Any questions you can think of that could be helpful??