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Everything posted by coconoir1908

  1. Whew this thing was wow... I'm so in love with it Canon IR Advance....... and quickly went downstairs (before my 2nd meeting of the day) and added it to the list of printers that I can print from. TeeHee My boss (the CEO) was so in awe and quickly look at our executive assistant and said "you got that right" I'm thinking to myself boy you betcha LOL
  2. You so crazy! Funny thing in that I smiled at it when I got home. LOL I already packed up my paper (compliments of paperandmore.com) YAY! Think I will turn in early so that I can get to work at 6:30a that will give me 2hrs before my staff and other dept heads (minus my work mom and aunt:-) to print and make mistakes. That way if necessary on Friday I can have at it again.
  3. So excited, The new and dynamic color copier is all set-up at work and the Department Heads (which includes yours truly) were trained by the Canon guy for 2hrs. Yes 2hrs. This thing is so super awesome and imagine the light in my eyes when he should us how to make booklets, handouts etc.. to minimize cutting. Oh how my Fiskars cutter probably smiled. So with my short cut cheat sheet in hand, I am headed home to study over this baby because 1st thing in the morning I will be printing... So now, all of the projects that I have sitting on my hard-drive in my "DIY completed but not printed" folder can be printed. What a great day (even after 3 meetings) Cheers
  4. You can either book them a room so that they will simply be apart of your guest list (anything less than 3 nights will not count towards the group perks) or you can pay a vendor fee which wil is approximately $388 per person. Depending on your group room rate it may be cheaper to get him a room
  5. Thank you so much for giving us the good, bad and ugly! I pray that your wedding day was all that you dreamed of and that all the things gone wrong quickly went away!
  6. Hey Lady, I just pm'd you. Doing homework with the little man so it may take me a while to respond.
  7. JLCarrera, I am so cracking up over here at FI's comments. I know he doesn't want to see any Bridezilla tendencies LOL. I'm a planner by nature, and for whatever odd reason get a kick out it. So if you need help just pm me.
  8. Ladies, As sdamian once said a few post back "I speak what's on my mind" I'm true to a fault but, I also don't like to be taken advantage of, nor will I sit back and let that happen to others. SO, my soapbox messages the other day was to simply state that. I don't like to be asked "what are you doing for this, what are you doing for that, how did you do this and that etc." and then in the same breathe the person takes the ideas and does whatever, but fails to post pictures or share how they created it for themselves, or share their templates. Heck my ideas aren't grand and because I'm no DIY queen, I have drawn a tremendous amount of help from this forum. And in that same manner, I share when I'm done or even what I have in the process. In the few times that I could not share the exact template(s) because of a background that I brought, I simply removed the background and sent what I had. So because I cringe at the ideal of my wedding being dupped as I'm sure you would I'm myself. As you can see I felt a little iconic LOL. I'll continue to share basic things, and as always will share any templates that I have. But in order for me to not stand on any more soap boxes and the like (which is truly not a part of my character) I'll simply go about things this way. This will insure my sanity along with the integrity of our wedding planning. Love you ladies and keep DIYing your hearts out.
  9. No way, no one is here to make enemies and by far I have made some dear friends which is always a blessing
  10. Shan0487, You are too cute & by no means was it to you! No worries lady. What's going on with your date? Are you still waiting for MP?
  11. Haha Chelsea, How cool is that? You know TX is our final destination but probably won't happen until my lil man is done with 8th grade (in 3 yrs). I plan to do some research when he hits 6th grade to determine if TX has science high schools like Philly does (definite future engineer on my hands). If they do, then our transition will happen as he enters High School.. If not TX will have to wait until he's done. Either way we will be headed that way. What year did hubby go to Pitt? I was entered in 92', took then tranferred in 95' to Robert Morris. Then started grad school at CMU..small word huh. Quote: Originally Posted by bondgirl0072010 Now it's getting scary Coco... First of all, GREAT idea!! Second of all, we're a Pitt household all the way since my husband went to Pitt and I "technically" did through Semester at Sea when Pitt had the program! Tooooo funny. On top of it, we're now living in Dallas so...when are you moving here? XOXO
  12. First, your attempt at posting worked out great Second your dress is AMAZING I'm with your FI, embrace your curves...you know how much people pay for curves (TeeHee). And you have them naturally. Embarce away and this is the perfect dress for that. You go JL
  13. I am totally in awe! You and your mom got a lot accomplished on your trip! You weren't playing at all! Go KRS go go go... I love the dresses and the whole vintage look that you are going for. The trails are great so I can't wait to see what the end product will look like. Nice!
  14. Fellow MP Brides, I totally have to get on my Soap Box as there is something that has been bothering me for a spell. We are all so very blessed to have come across such an amazing site to help us plan our DW. For many of us (myself definitely included) this site has and is what we needed to give us that creative edge, push, & confidence knowing that we will have an amazing wedding because other brides thought enough of future brides to share their experiences, albeit good, bad or indifferent. So we all must do our part to keep this forum going and to help other brides as we have been helped. The phrase "Pay it Forward" is far from finding something, re-creating it and not sharing. It is far from taking & not giving. Paying it Forward is being confident enough in knowing that you didn't create something but put a spin on it to make it your own. Or maybe you made something and have shared it via pictures or a template. Paying it forward simply means giving back. What have you given lately? Rhetorical question of course. But if you don't pay it forward then don't take. Thanks for listening soapbox over ;-)
  15. Bianca is a cutie! Sending up well wishes for her and prayers for her mommy;-) We sent out the invites umm almost 2-3 weeks ago (time eludes me). I'm was in the process of preparing to send a reminder out but heck I'm not going to badger people to book. I've spent enough money on beautiful our website, STDs, and Invites so that's reminder enough lol. I wont' send out pre-travel packets until 4-6 weeks before our departure that way it will be some build up before we take off. You decide on flowers yet?
  16. I'm sorry to hear about your baby Bianca! Keep your head up! Wedding planning is coming along despite the post earlier! I talked to FI when he came home and he said "there's no way in hell that we are decreasing anything at LeBlanc, that is not an option." Way to go FI but dang he was all serious about it (I was tickled pink;-) A few more packages on their way so I'll be able to check those off the list, dress should be here in November, and almost done with decor.
  17. Between you and R~ Those of us with a little time left to throw in some cute ideas from the two of you... and Future brides with a lot of time are going to have a field day with the two of you ;-)
  18. Sweet you go girl. I have to invest in a cuttlebug in my next life ;-) Cute
  19. Mine mentioned a fee but I figured it's cheaper to pay the fee then to rent the items from the. My Coord said that I could have someone else do it but I'm not going to ask a guest to set-up
  20. I don't think so but my TA is working on it. If so that would be great.
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