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Everything posted by deannamarie85

  1. This is a pretty dress! it will look beautiful flowing in the ocean breeze!
  2. I was having the same problem..but then I chose these! The moment I tried them on I fell in love! http://www.zappos.com/naughty-monkey-tiara-silver Hope you can find some that you love as well!
  3. I think the dress looks beautiful! You might like it a lot more once it properly fits you! Good luck!
  4. So beautiful! Who was your photographer? And..as a fellow Jamaican-bride-to-be, any fun activity/tours you would recommend?
  5. Or if you are worried about hurt feelings, just have all the girls as your BM's and let them know that they are all equally important to you.
  6. So....we are getting so close to leaving now! this weekend, I turned our spare room into our "Jamaica room" where i put everything that we are going to pack. i laid out all my clothes on the bed so I could make sure we had enough clothes. The only problem with doing this was that i realized that I wanted to buy some more cute dresses! Anyone else start the packing process yet??
  7. You look so pretty! we are fellow Jamaican brides to be! my date is May 7th! Congrats!
  8. Since our wedding will just be the two of us...it will be our wedding-moon! We are going to Jamaica for eight days and are so excited! only 32 more days to go!
  9. Something similar happend to us, and we chose to still have a DW with just the two of us but then when we return we will have a formal reception. i couldn't picture celebrating my wedding without my parents. Good luck
  10. I LOVE the first one on you as well! Budget? Isn't everyone over budget on their wedding? LOL
  11. WooHOO! The Countdown is on!!!! Tisha (TLGnhci) Azul Sensatori, Riviera Maya, Mexico May 2nd Leave in 27 days!! Tiffany (kitty25967) The Grand Palladium, Punta Cana, DR May 28th Leaves May 25th Deanna(deannamarie85) Coral Cove Resort and Spa little Bay, Jamaica May 7th leaves in 32 days!
  12. We chose our reception venue about one year before the date, i am so glad we did too. it was one less thing to worry about!
  13. Hi! welcome! i love meeting new future Jamaican DW brides! i am doing small tins with jamaican jerk seasoning in it and an attached recipe!
  14. Please be careful. i know it can be frustrating, but losing that much weight in only 4 weeks is not healthy. If you are working out and eating healthy, try looking at other areas of your life that may be affecting you. Stress? Lack of Sleep? Good luck and remember those 5 lbs. are not really going to matter in the big scheme of things. You will still make a goregous bride!
  15. Warning though about Shellac- I just had to take mine off because off the new nail growth and i just peeled them off myself...bbbaaaaddd idea. lol get them removed professionally or your fingernails will get chipped!
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