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Everything posted by deannamarie85

  1. Hi Ladies, As our DW date is quickly approaching...what are your men doing to prepare for the big day? Manicures, pedicures, etc? I know it seems silly but since my FI will be wearing sandals he could def use a little help! LOL Please let me know I am not alone?
  2. I think we are all keeping our fingers crossed about the upgrade! But question...does the wedding dress count as your carry on?
  3. Yea! we leave for our Jamaica DW in less then three weeks! You picked a great country!
  4. Oh my gosh! the anticipation is almost killing me right now...SO excited! 18 days till we leave! Tomorrow, my MOH and BM are throwing me a bridal shower! So fun! I am going to wear one of my tropical dresses just to get in the 'weddingmoon" vibe! So...now that all of our big trips are right around the corner...what additional activities/tours/excursions has everyone chosen? I can't make up my mind! lol
  5. Wow! With so many beautiful pics to choose from how will you ever find enough wall space to hang them?
  6. Wow! i love how different the dress is with the beautiful overlay!
  7. I LOVE this thread! i am so happy that we can all support each other! even though we all have different body types, we all are beautiful brides!
  8. Not trying to sway you...but my budget was $40 too..and it was worht the splurge! I feel like a princess with them!
  9. I agree! Your hair is amazing! I hope I can achieve a similar look!
  10. Now the only possible problem could be how many family members can squeeze around the computer screen to watch? LOL
  11. I also just ordered more Tarte makeup from QVC for the trip. After buying one of the sets, I fell in love with this brand! Not only is it all natural and good for your skin but the makeup stays put all day long! Perfect for all the pictures I know that I will be taking! Here is the set I started with: http://www.qvc.com/qic/qvcapp.aspx/view.2/app.detail/params.CM_SCID.coll.item.A212775.desc.tarte-8th-World-Wonder-Best-of-The-Amazon-7pc-Clay-Collection
  12. I just received some great walking/hiking/biking shoes for the trip! Took me forever to find something that wasn't "manly" or "chunky" looking..I love them! So comfortable and only $30! http://www.llbean.com/llb/shop/63392?feat=609-GN1 (oops..look like they aren't on sale anymore)
  13. I think that might be it! Feels like some family and friends don't see the point of coming when they are missing the ceremony. We see it as a once-in-a-lifetime celebration of our marriage even if the 15 min ceremony already happened a month ago! Everyone's responses have been helping me to see the bright side of things! Besides.....I am leaving in 19 days to beautiful Jamaica...so who cares!!!
  14. Amazing pictures! I can't believe you were sick...u look amazing!
  15. Thanks for the replies ladies! I am going to try to not let it bother me. Plus, the RSVP date is April 15th, so maybe i will get the final 50 back with yes's!
  16. No, no website. Unfortunately, it was one of those things i never got around to. I know that you are right, no matter what I will have a great time, but it would still be nice to have your family there to celebrate! Maybe I should think bout finding another creative way to spread the word that this is a full-on reception?
  17. Geez...80% of them didn't write back to you? I guess i shouldn't be complaining that about 60% of ours haven't come back yet!
  18. I am getting so frustrated and hurt by all of our AHR response cards. My family could not afford a DW so my fiance and I are going away just the two of us, then when we return we are having a formal AHR. We are going all out since this is what the parent's wanted...photographer, videographer, catering,live music,etc. We sent out save-the-dates over six months ago and formal invitations two months ago. Now that we are getting the r.s.v.p. cards back, there are so many "no" responses from close family members like aunts,cousins,etc! There have even been a few cards where people have written things like "have fun at your party" or "sorry i can't come to your little party" WTH??? Am I just looking at this situation wrong?
  19. HAHA love what your FI told you! My FI thinks it's pretty silly too since he will basically just be wearing his swim trunks the entire time. I also spent a lot moe then I thought I would! Now only if all those cute dresses from Victorias Secret could get here already...
  20. ooh that would be tough not to shop a lot in Vegas!
  21. We have chosen to go to our dream destination wedding in Jamaica but it will just be the two of us. Then about six weeks after our return we will have a formal AHR with all our family and friends. whatever will bring you the most happiness is the way to go! i think your idea sounds great!
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