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Everything posted by deannamarie85

  1. I can't believe all of our weddings are right around the corner! The excitement/nerves are really starting to build!
  2. I am! I choose a white dress from david's bridal petite collection. originally, it was only going to be for the TTD but now that i love it so much I think it will be my ceremony dress too! Good luck
  3. i LOVE your blog! Just read a ton of it! i am going to make the Sweet potato oatmeal Breakfast caserole and the single-serve brownie for dessert!
  4. Congrats! I am glad that you are happy with your pictures. you can treasure them forever!
  5. Where are you going to? I am going to Little Bay in the beginning of May!
  6. That's awesome that she got featured! Her hair does look beautiful!
  7. I would not stress about this. if your guests can't afford the meal out then they probably just would not attend. I think if it was a rehearsal dinner, then yes it would be tacky to have guests pay. Otherwise, i doubt your guests will care if they have to pay for their own meal.
  8. Another option would be to try on the dress with the veil you picked, beautiful shoes, jewelry...even have your hair and makeup done. Sometimes it's hard for us to feel "bridey" unless we can see the whole picture! Good luck!
  9. Thanks for the link. i am sooo clueless about how to do this. lucky for me, I have really talented and crafty friends who have offered to help me with this "vision" of mine! lol With less than two months to go...I am hoping we can pull this together!
  10. I have my 2nd 10K tomorrow morning..a little worried because this will be my first race without any friends running with me. i uploaded some great songs and plan on running for ME!
  11. I just think it implies that you only want money from guests, which can seem a little harsh. If you have a bridal shower then guests can choose to either buy you a gift or money.
  12. It was very hard for both sets of parents initially when we talked about a DW. There were arguments, tears, and hurt feelings from everyone. I kept my head high and once the shock wore off everything was fine.Don't ever forget this is YOUR day!
  13. Love it! I am so creativity-challenged...can you explain what you did/used to make these? Thanks
  14. Sometimes, I think all of us ladies are so stressed/ busy with all of our own wedding planning that we can't even fathom adding another thing to our list! So that's probably where all the comments referring to "why go through the trouble" are coming from. Let's all try to keep BDW about supporting each other because we all understand how overwhelming wedding planning can get!
  15. The Strawberry Farm Themed wedding was AMAZING! The bride clearly thought out every detail imaginable!
  16. Thanks Wendy, but I am really looking for something more like a seashell halo with a veil attached to the back! thanks for your help!
  17. If transporting a fake cake is what you want...more POWER to you! All of us have different visions of our "perfect wedding" and what is important to us. There is nothing wrong with this being your choice and i think you should be proud that you came up with an alternative plan. Best of luck!
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