Yeah I know it can be very frustrating, just remember this is your day! At the end of the day your marrying the man that you will spend the rest of your life with and as long as he is there that's all that should matter. Your day will be as good as you make it, dont sweat the small stuff, I hear it all and I just brush it off, I just tell myself Brandy you will be in a beautiful location with your close family and friends marrying the man of your dreams and its going to be a blast!!!!! I asked 3 girls to be my bridemaids and 2 of them arent coming, the third is my FI sister and she is of course coming, and the same goes with my FI he asked 3 and probably the only one going will be my brother, these people keep acting like they are coming but I know deep down they are not, but I dont let it bother me.