speaking of birth certificates!!!! Im totally having any issue, just need to vent really..... I was adopted when I was like 3 years old by my now father, whom I consider I father 100% All of my documents like passport, license, have my new last name on them its the only name Ive ever known, I even have the card style birth certificate that says my new name on it. Well for the marriage license in T&C I am not allowed to use the card style birth certificate I have to have the sheet of paper. So I went to go get that today since I have to have it to the resort by the end of this month. And the lady calls me up there and says your name doesnt match what I have on file!!! Seriously! My old last name is still in the computer system, but yet I have a birth certificate with my new name on it, how does that happen??!?!?!? So now I have to somehow find my adoption papers I guess and either get this whole thing straight, but if I dont find them then Im screwed, bc I dont think there will be enough time to redo any kind of paperwork!! Ah Im just irritated I guess!!!