Quote: Originally Posted by Nikki O Hi mmc1105, we just got our confirmation for May 7, 2011 at Azul Sensatori! A day after yours! That's awesome!! I was hoping there would be someone on here who would be there the same weekend... sooo exciting
Quote: Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr Thanks to all of you who complimented our centerpeces. We do plan on putting flowers in them FYI, but my sister says she likes the white box better. I'm torn and my mom wants whatever I want. So, for those of you who looked at them, which one do you like better the bronze or the white? I may use both, but if more people like the white I may just incorporate more of them. I'm couldn' open it because I don't have enough posts... Hmm, maybe I should stop multi-quoting and anwer every post individually!
Quote: Originally Posted by ROBINBOOSE Has anyone had a wedding here recently? if so how was it and with all the add on's was it expensive
Quote: Originally Posted by michelle14 Not sure if we are booking with Azul yet but it is in my top 2 choices! What can you tell me? Welcome!! Like the other ladies said, it would help you to read through the thread, but it's LONG. I can email you the info sent to me by the resort about add-ons if you want!
Quote: Originally Posted by amybermuda Robin, Depends if you want to have a private event or not and how many people are coming. I think compared to other 5* resorts in the area its reasonable. Even with a private function, for say 50 people, you can keep it under $10k.
Quote: Originally Posted by meghan Robin, I added a lot of extras, and including the photographer (who is not one of the resorts photographers), we are just under 10K (probably right at 10K if we include the price of travelling.) It is more than what I thought it would be originally, but I think it will be beautiful! I'm so glad you were both able to keep it under 10k, that is my goal!! You guys give me hope lol