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Everything posted by Tissey

  1. Time has not been on my side throughout this entire thing and now I'm really feeling the squeeze. I just started PA school this month and hoped that I would have all of the planning done by this point. I managed to finish pretty much all of the wedding stuff but haven't touched the AHR. Since the wedding is in 2 months and we are making a cross country move immediately after we get back (did I mention we are from Dallas but I'm currently in Seattle for school?) I'm thinking that the AHR is going to be way too much hassle. We already told a lot of our family and friends that we would have something back home when we got back from the wedding but haven't given a date or set any plans, but with school and moving I just don't see how I can plan anything else right now. I wanted to have the AHR so anyone who couldn't go to the wedding wouldn't feel left out but most of our close friends and pretty much all of our immediate families are going. So is it OK if we just forget about the AHR or will we eventually regret not having one? Also, do you think anyone who isn't going to the wedding would be hurt or offended if we didn't have something they could attend?
  2. So happy for you! That's one big to do you can cross off your list. It's beautiful and I'm sure you will be gorgeous in it. Congrats!
  3. Those are so cute! I haven't even thought about making cigar labels but now I think I need to.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by sorord1 What do you guys think about this shoe? I found it for $35. I really like these! And you can't beat the price. I'd go for it.
  5. Stink! I wish I didn't already buy badge holders.
  6. I think spa services would be great. Who doesn't like a pedicure or massage? Jewelry is also really nice and she can wear it for the wedding. To add a special touch you can get a personalized holder. I've seen some really cute shell trinket boxes that you can have their names engraved into. I'm sure she will love whatever you get her. Good luck!
  7. I like it but I think whole limes may look better. And if you want something extra you can put a few votives around the bottom. I think that would really pull it together. Great concept though.
  8. Everything looks great. I especially love your jewelry!
  9. By the way, there's a thread on here somewhere about maracas. Some girls have put a little tag on them saying something like "shake to see the bride and groom kiss." I'm pretty sure they had it worded a lot cuter than that though. You should do a search and see what you can come up with, could be fun.
  10. Glad it worked out for you. I guess you didn't find any in Mexico then? I think I'll go ahead and order some too. What's one more bag when you're already taking so much?
  11. Everything looks great! I really like the center pieces. I've decided to bring everything with me too, it's just so much cheaper.
  12. Yup, I'm with the majority on this one. That really sucks but I think the email will just make it worse. If anyone says anything, it should be your FI. It's his family and I think it's best to let him deal with it. You will have a beautiful wedding and hopefully she will come around and realize what she will miss by being this obstinate and change her mind. If not, don't let it ruin your day. No wedding is perfect and you can't control everything. Just keep your spirits up, be positive and trust that everything will be all that you and your FI hoped it would.
  13. Everything looks great! I'm sure it will all be beautiful when the day comes. Congrats!
  14. I think all of the resorts have their own rules. When I was looking I saw a lot require three days and some require four. Since they are all at least three days I guess that's what Mexico requires for it to be legal and some resorts just want to extend it for whatever reason. The resort I'm getting married at requires four days and the day of arrival doesn't count. I'd go with that the WC told you. They do this all the time and you just have to trust it will all work out. A lot of people are put off by all the technicalities and just do the legal stuff here. But if it's important to you for that to be your legal ceremony then don't give in. Trust the professionals and everything will be fine. I've looked into this a lot since I'm doing the legal ceremony there too and haven't found anyone that has had issues after everything was all said and done.
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