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Everything posted by Tissey

  1. I ordered mine from qualityshells.com and am real happy with them. I'm not sure if you would want to go through them if you just need a few though. You get a much better deal if you order a lot. For a few I'd look on ebay or OT.
  2. To put pics in I had to upload them to an online source. I use picassa, but you can use photobucket or anything like that. Then right click on the pic and click "copy image location". When you are writing a post click on the mountain icon and paste the "image location" in. I had problems with it before bc I was trying to put pictures in that were on my computer, but since I've been putting anything I want to post into my piccasa account it's worked just fine. I'm not sure why it's like that, but that's what works for me.
  3. In my experience, a lot of people who say they will come to your DW don't actually follow through. Everyone thinks it sounds like fun and would love to take a trip when they first head about it, but when it comes time to actually start booking they back out because of finances or time or a hundred other reasons. So, chances are she won't go anyways and there won't be an issue. I'd wait it out if I were you. Try not to worry about it in the mean time. When it gets closer to the wedding and if it looks like she is still planning on going, then you can talk to your FI and have him suggest to his friend that he bring his GF instead or just ask him not to bring her.
  4. I think #1 shows your curves better. Its very flattering.
  5. I love everything! You did such a good job. Thanks for all the great ideas.
  6. Does anyone else here have pics of reception areas maybe? Jacy sent me some but they aren't labeled and I can't tell what is what.
  7. It all looks beautiful! I'm so glad everything worked out the way you wanted. And I love love love the pics of the two of your with the sun setting. Amazing!
  8. Wow! Those look great. I've got to get started on my menu and may try the same thing. Thanks for the idea!
  9. Everything looks so good! I can't wait to see the photos after the wedding. Congrats!
  10. Sorry I can't help you with anything else, but I think a bottle of tequila would be a good thing for the guys. Cigars are always nice too. And I'm sure you can find either pretty cheap once you get down there. Good luck with everything! I'm sure it will all great. I know it's hard not to stress but try to relax and enjoy everything. What's big to you now won't be noticed by anyone there.
  11. My resort will deliver with bags. On the web site it says they charge $2 a room, but others brides on here said they weren't charged so I hope they will do the same for me. I think its really nice as a guest to get to your room and find goodies there waiting for you.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by islandbride317 I am sure your wedding will be beautiful, and maybe you just might want to send out a few photos from the ceremony and an announcement to the friends and family you might not have time to see before you leave -- it might be a nice touch to remind them how important they are to you and your soon-to-be husband! Just a thought!** Thanks so much and I think this is a great idea. You're all so good with the advice, I really appreciate it!
  13. I got mine at target. They are straw bags with a cute lining (different patterns available) and they were only $2.50 each. The one draw back though is that they don't fold as flat as some others. If you need a lot I'd go with a canvas bag.
  14. My fav is the first one, but you look great in all of them!
  15. Thanks for the advice everyone! I've talked to some family and my parents are relieved that we decided to skip the AHR. Apparently they were stressing over it too since it would have been a lot of work for them, getting their house and yard in order for that many people (we were planning on doing something there). I think we may do a couple very small gatherings to see people who didn't get to go and say bye before we move. I feel so much better about it after reading all of your posts. I was worried that people would be disappointed but I think they will understand now. Thanks for all your comments.
  16. I think they look great! No one would know you did them yourselves.
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