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Everything posted by MzMinze

  1. alright ladies i had some time to upload pix. i wasnt able to get any good ones, but you can still see the dress. please excuse the dirty mirrors lol. i tried to corset up the back by myself the best i could but it wasnt the best, at least you get the idea. i put it on a second time today and im overall really happy with it. i got a really good feeling as soon as i put it back on so i know it's my dress : ) the first one shows how the length was too short
  2. i had so much drama getting my dress but its finally here! they put the wrong house number and it was sitting on neighbor's doorstep for like 4 days as i franctically was calling tnt and fedex! after that nightmare i finally opened it yesterday when my fh was at work and tried it on. so heres my review (i tried to take pics of myself but they did not come out that great---ill try to add a few later): the overall workmanship is very good for $180! i was impressed with the quality of the dress, and the color was perfect! i chose ivory and its the perfect light ivory that i wanted. the corset/loops and whole back of the dress was perfect. the front had flaws. the "pin-marks" on the dresses are actual stitches, so I am not sure how to get rid of them. the boning shows through the front of my dress a little, not horrible, but i still didn't like that. the pick-ups needed to start higher on my hip--the rouching goes further down than what i wanted. worst of all---it was too short! i even added extra inches to my measurement too!!! it may be that its a little tight on me (process of loosing weight so i ordered it a tad smaller) so the length is not at its natural state, but still. i hope that can be fixed. im also going to look for some rhinestone appliques or a belt or something to give the dress a little sparkle. still deciding to wear it and try to make the fixes or just give up on it and look elsewhere :/ id hate for all my effort and 180 to go down the drain though
  3. alright girls here is my dress after 2 months and two requests for alterations. i think it looks pretty good and am just going to have them ship it. anything in person i do not like i will take to a seamstress. the back they did not lace up for the picture. also, i told her to even out the top of the back in a straight line (it looks sloppy) before they shhip it. but finally after all this time and tries on their end it looks pretty close to the original. the one thing that i am slightly worried about is the pin-marks that are totally apparent in the picture. anyone able to fix them or thoughts on that? is there a way to make them dissapear or should i not bother paying the reaminder and getting the dress? original:
  4. totally agree! thats why i think i may just pay the remainder and have it shipped to see what it looks like on me. i guess i was just bummed at first glance. i was planning on having a local seamstress add some bling, like a belt or some type of embelishment and i am sure she could try and fix any imperfections too. i will send back the couple concerns of the rouching that i see, and see what she replies. i was just worried about time : / i was hoping to already have the dress in my hands so if i did not like it i had some time to get another, but with the requests for changes its taking longer than expected :/
  5. hey ladies! so it has been 3 weeks since I sent my changes on my first pictures of my dress----(see like post page 105 I think) and so I emailed ginaniar to check on my dress. She emailed me right back this morning with pictures asking if everything looked good. I am not sure if this is "finished" or she just sent me the most recent "in progress" pictures because when I first opened the pictures I was so unhappy! The front looks almost worse then the first pictures they sent me. It looks more sloppy, you can totally see the pin marks, and the rouching on the bodice looks almost invisible (espeically to the right side) and sloppy. The more I have looked at the pictures the dress has grown on me but I still feel kind of down about it : ( The back looks fab in my opinion!! But thats only half of the dress :/ My wedding is in October and I was going to use this as my main dress so I am unsure what to do next. If I keep sending changes it can just take longer and longer, and I do not want to be stuck with a dress I dislike, let alone pay the remainding $120 if I do not like it. honest thoughts girls? am i being too picky? sort of bummed right now : ( Here are the pictures she just sent me. The last picture is the original dress on a girl (not me), but it shows how the rouching transcends into the pick-ups the way I want it vs. how my dress looks. My dress looks like its two pieces in the picture, where the rouching stops.
  6. hey ladies! I have been viewing this thread for the past month following everyone's orders from the knock-off sites. Because of you I went and ordered with gianinar (sp) and felt pretty confident seeing all the great posted pix and finding out about the $60 deposit, then pictures, etc. So I joined the forum so I could post my dress in progress : ) I ordered about 25 days before they sent the pix. I posted the pix of my dress with the written in changes of what I wanted fixed. I was pretty impressed with it, but there were definite things that stuck out to me. My dress is pretty simple (no beading, lace, etc.) so I surprised that some things were still "off". I sent back the pictures with what I wanted changed about a week and a half ago---hoping it will be done soon!!! Let me know what you think or if anything else I did not catch sticks out to you in the pictures. ORIGINAL: MY DRESS:
  7. Hey ladies I am Crystal, getting married on 10-10-10 in the Bay Area, CA.
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