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Everything posted by beaz2be

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by amybermuda Hey 29 is a great age!!! Everyone thinks your lying when you say you are 29! haha Get used to the eye roll, "sure you're 29...."' How unfair is that?! I am 2 months til I turn 31 and I love love love my 30s! Quote: Originally Posted by msmarmar123 Happy Bitrthday Thank you ladies for the birthday wishes. I'll try and prepare myself for the looks of disbelief. A girl on a patio at lunch today told me I looked 23 (she was far away and I had LAAAARGE sunglasses on, which hid 80% of my face. hahahaha) Quote: Originally Posted by amandamarieb Forgot to mention that I called my FI on my way to work this am to make sure that he had gotten ahold of the last groomsmen yet to buy his suit. And then he alerted me to the problem that two of these aholes, I mean groomsmen (joking, I do love them all) have been slacking and now the suit is not avialble in their sizes. Honestly, melt down does not describe the way I feel right now. I am more like a valcano ready to erupt. And today's my son's 1st birthday. This morning was just perfect, we played and open presents, went out to breakfast and now all of this. I might kill the groomsmen, not gonna lie. As for your son's birthday - Congrats to you!! Happy birthday to him. What a great day to be born. He must be VERY fabulous. Quote: Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz Mine was yesterday! Turning 29...on a MONDAY! OUCH! haha I really did have a great day though! YEAH BABY!! Sorry it was a Monday - that's lame. But kick ass birthday. I knew I liked you. haha (sorry... one too many martinis at lunch perhaps). :-) Quote: Originally Posted by murmel We visited in April and the food was amazing! As for the drinks, I didn't find them watered down at all. Plus I was thrilled they make Caesars! (really a Canadian thing...) And the Mojiotos at the Mojioto bar are super yummy Never did try the house wines though...we rather ordered bottles or did the wine parring at Le Clique. The resort by far had the best food at an all inclusive I have been to so far. That was one of the main reasons we picked the Sensatori, since FI is a former chef and food is really important to him. Ceasars? My sister's gonna FLIP!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by murmel If you could ask your friend to take a few pictures of the back end of the Mexican restaurant (the patio) and of the beach bbq area, I would greatly appreciate it. No problem! I'll ask her. Quote: Originally Posted by msmarmar123 I was wondering if any you previous brides used the spa at the resort for getting your hair and makeup done? Or for those B2B..are you planning on it? Or bringing in or going somewhere else? Or doing it yourself? Thanx So far I'm planning to do my own make-up and use the resort spa for hair. Unless my cousin ends up coming, she's a hair dresser at a big fancy salon... hahaha. :-) PS ladies - all the to do's kind of freak me out... makes me scared about how much there is that I am just avoiding. Eventually I'm sure I'll get moving, but at this point I'm chillin' (and helping my folks and my FI's folks who are both throwing engagement parties this summer). PPS - It's my birthday today and I just looked at my profile thing on the side and my age has changed. BOO! haha
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Mahalo79 Hello Ladies! Well, I just wanted to say hello and say that I am waiting for our date confirmation at Azul Sensatori, then it will finally be official and I'm so excited! I am so happy to be able to talk to other brides from A.S. My date would be April 25, 2011. I thought things would seem easier once I picked a resort lol, now we seem to have many more things to do, wedding packages, getting guests to pay on time to get the right rate etc. I feel like I might start driving my friends/co-workers and family crazy with wedding talk so i am happy to have this forum, you all know what I am going through! Congratulations on your date and WELCOME!! If you're anything like me I'm sure you WILL drive your friends/co-workers/family crazy with wedding talk. This forum is an amazing outlet and the ladies here are a wealth of info. (however, I still think I drive people nuts talking about the wedding hahahaha). Glad to have you here Quote: Originally Posted by MaggieandJay NUMBER ONE! ADD me to the date list! I have in writing confirmation for 3pm on May 15th 2011 FINALLY!!! I am so HAPPY. Week of 7/19 1. Finalize wording for invitations 2. Order Invitations 3. Design insert for invitations with booking info and resort info WELCOME!!!! YAY YAY YAY!!! So glad you got your date. P.S. your to do's make me nervous. Our date is not far behind yours and I am sooo far from finalizing the wording for our invitations. To be honest, I'm kinda trying to put a lot of that stuff off until the summer's over (and hopefully my life slows down a bit, at least on the weekends) Quote: Originally Posted by mr.mrs.winski did everyone bring their own photographer? I'm a photo freak and I was wondering if anyone used any of the photographers the resort recommends We are bringing our own from home. But I think there might be a past bride or two who used them. I know a lot of brides do chose to bring their own - someone whose work they know etc.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr My main concern is the food. Ask her to take notes and tell you her favs. Yes, food is a thing for me as well. I've already asked her for the lowdown on the food. I'll let you know her opinions when I hear 'em Quote: Originally Posted by amandamarieb That brings me to my next point, I have almost 70 guests coming! You think that they would want to take care of me. But no, I have to ask my TA over and over again to call my guests back. charge them in a timely manner, book them over the phone if that's what they prefer and the list goes on and on. Amy is willing to work more for people who are nice. That makes so much sense. But also being in the service industry, I know that I wouldnt be were I am or have the clients I have if I didn't respond in a timely manner and answer the questions asked. I've told my TA that. She doesn't seem to care. Ahhh...can you sense my frustration? ...... Oh there must be so much more but time to hit the hay. My weekend of flights to and from the east coast in addition to 3 parties in 3 days has got me beat. I need to wake up soon to decorate cupcakes and hopefully work out. Ah, why am I so overwhelmed all the sudden? Is this normal for brides 2 1/2 months out. AHHH! I can't believe it's that close. Deep breath. Ok ladies....good night! Wow! Sounds like we have the same TA hahahaa. I just get tired of excuses. Working for some very demanding people I try and be as nice as I can to people who work in sales and service industries - but sometimes I just want to scream at people to do their jobs. That's why I hired them, so I don't have to follow up every detail myself. hahaha... sigh I think feeling overwhelmed at 2 1/2 months would be TOTALLY reasonable and normal. You're almost there tho' and I'm sure it will all work out just PERFECTLY! From what you've shared with us on here it sounds like your wedding will be amazing hun. Just try and remember to get some rest and find some down time for yourself that's not wedding related now and again.
  5. I finally put an avatar up! (Rarely on the computer here at home with access to my photos. hahaha.
  6. Wow, you ladies have been busy. Love the invitations that have been done... and way to go on those premailers Linds! Amazing. I just found out one of our guests (a friend from work) booked a trip to AS for this week. A last minute sale - she says she'll take pics of anything I want and go check it all out. Anyone have any requests they'd like to pass on? I'll have to think of exactly what I want to know about. I feel like there's so much information on this forum tho' that I don't really know what I'll need her to look into. :-) Still, fun to have a scout.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Oh that’s good! ....Lots of photos help and follow up with stuff, ask for dimensions and photos etc. I asked for months to get the dimensions of the vases I was renting, only to get them a few months before my wedding to find out that they were FAR too small. I’m glad I persisted heavily on this or else I would have been very disappointed that my orchids stems would be shooting out of the vase, not submerged and no floating candle because the opening was too small. Toss any replies up here or PM them to me and I’ll give you examples of what I would say back if you want Also, you won’t have any trouble with hurricanes at the end of May, I promise, you’re in the clear! Oh... so helpful! Thanks. And I might just pass some replies your way to get your advice so beware what you offer a girl. About the vase comment you just made. I'm totally thinking of DIY centerpieces but my idea also involves floating candles/flowers/vase etc. My big concern was trying to bring DOWN a bunch of vases. You can rent the vases just by themselves? Would you mind me asking how much they charged you or if you wouldn't mind sharing any info they gave you on vases? Renting would be sooo much easier! My email is [email protected] if that's easier. TIA. Quote: Originally Posted by murmel I kept my eyes on all the promotions. And then talk with my TA. We tried to get the bride/groom stay free deal, that didn't work, but we have managed to get a room upgrade and 20% off on our reception/ceremony costs. So when you see a deal, ask them! You never know what they might agree to! Thanks! That's VERY helpful info. That's how I feel, that I might not get the whole package but maybe some part of it. Did you have your TA dealing with the WC from Karisma? So far my TA basically says that I'm supposed to deal with the WC by myself and that she doesn't usually get involved in that part of it. She just strictly does the travel planning part. This wouldn't bother me so much (because really I like to do things myself and trust myself more than I trust her) if I didn't feel like her pressure and input might have more influence than mine because she's part of the whole industry?!?! Any advice? I will definitely take AmyKH's words to heart and assume that Carolina has my back and will do her best to get me a great deal. I'm just worried that my TA might need to be involved too. Thus far, she hasn't been much (other than me cc'ing her on emails).
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ Wondering if you ladies can help me out? I'm in a photocontest. To win you have to get the most votes on fb. Here's the link: Moments that Matter Photography's Photos - 2010 $100 Favorite Photo Contest | Facebook. Click like on my pic (Nicole & Curt). Or if you don't like it, don't vote for me!!! Thanks ladies!!! xoxo Liked it, and added you as a friend on FB please accept Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart This is the thing with this... it's not even really that true. Their policy is fluff and each WC for Karisma says a different thing. Amy Frommert (Afrommert) was told she couldn't have a DJ from Mexico, I hired DJ Mannia from Mexico and there was no issue and our weddings were months apart. I was nervous when I told the onsite coordinators about him but they accommodated him with no question and even let him onsite for a few hours the day prior to pick out his spot at my reception and he was treated wonderfully. I did pay the $500 outside vendor fee, but I'm POSITIVE after having been there now that you could hire a Mexican photographer, whoever you wanted for that matter. Do you really think that your photographer is going to show up at your resort ON your wedding day and they are going to say, “Oh you’re Mexican, sorry leave.†No way, that’s just not going to happen. Know this AS/AB ladies, when you work with your coordinator whoever they are, never ASK, never! Just tell them, "I'm bringing an outside DJ & Photographer, please make note on my details sheet" they don't need details they don’t need names or the color of your vendor’s skin. Another example, I wanted chiavari chairs, they quoted me and I said, "no, that's too pricey" and Kiara negotiated them down twice for me to an actual reasonable price for the chairs and pads on them. I got my cake negotiated cheaper as well. We negotiated my manzanita branch down 4 times as well. Managed to get my reception area approved regardless of the fact that didn't meet the minimum requirement of guests. Just know that the outside WC's jobs are to control and coerce you into using their vendors since they make more money that way but once you get to the resort, they pretty much won't say no and they truly bend over backwards for you. My whole philosophy while planning my wedding was to not really pay too much attention to the offsite WC, I knew if I was told something couldn't be done, I'd hold my tongue and mention it onsite, I got everything I wanted and more. So chin up girls, if you want it, know that it can be done! Thanks. This is a great reminder. Quote: Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach Yes, Beaz.....our wedding weekend will RAWK! I love that word for some odd reason! LOL You are on a ROLL with your group! That is wonderful and I'm sure you will have the best time! You don't have to worry about us taking up many rooms and I assume we are one of the smaller wedding groups that weekend. We only have 21 confirmed as of today, so you are packing 'em in! OH YES IT WILL!! As for the largeness of my group - I blame FI and FMIL... he figured that since it was in Mexico "no one would come... invite them anyway just to show the gesture that we'd like them to be there" hahahahah!! No one would come!!! raaaaaaaight. Seriously tho' I am excited about our large group - it suits us to have all our family and friends with us - and having a wedding that suits your personality is what it's all about right? Quote: Originally Posted by msmarmar123 That sucks..I wish I had advice for you. All I can say is keep asking and wear them down. They want your business and since only being booked for less than a week...I've qualified for extras I didn't even know about. Make sure your TA is willing to speak with the WC...mine seem to have a good relationship so that makes me even more excited. Just keep asking and hopefully you get to take part in the promotions too...it isn't fair to be excluded from both. oh gosh - don't get me started on my TA... she is NOT going to get my recommendations after this I don't think. She is not going above and beyond by ANY stretch. (grr. Sorry ladies; I'm trying really hard not to have a crusty day... not much luck tho)
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by mmc1105 Ladies I need some advice! I had contacted Del Sol about to be our Photographers, but just received an email that they do not accept bookings at Karisma Hotels. I'm super disappointed... Anyone have any photographer recs with a similar style? More photojournalistic I guess, rather than the more traditional approach? TIA Sorry, no advice here. We're bringing a photographer down from home. Quote: Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz Fi is a trial attorney...he does plaintiff's work...he basically sues medical/pharmaceutical companies! haha That may be a conflict of interest since I work for Johnson and Johnson?!?!? He works his ass off, but he loves it!!!!! OHHHH I vote for Le Blanc! I will give you a full report when I return I can't WAIT to hear all about it! I'm so excited for you! Can't imagine the butterflies you must be having these days. Sounds like you're FI has a great niche area. That's one of my job frustrations actually - that I'm not in a specified trial area enough for my liking. But... we all need something to work towards right. ;-)
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach I'm not help here, Beaz because I am in America, but I had a quick question out of curiosity.....why do the packages differ for Canada vs. America and why does it matter to them? I think it has to do with the different tour operators that book the trips from the 2 different countries. But seriously, why would they be almost identical packages but only the USA one was available at AS?!
  11. Argh! I'm so frustrated (sorry if this is a bit of a rant). I've been going back and forth with Carolina about what wedding package we would qualify for, as well as promotions (since you ladies all mentioned the bride & groom stay free). So, she sends me the link. But it's only for USA brides. (I'm Canadian and although my fiance is American he lives here in Vancouver w/ me - but 1/2 our guests are coming from the USA... so I don't understand if we could still qualify). So... she sends me the link to Canadian promotions. And there's a GREAT Canadian bride & groom stay free promotion - - it applies to every Karisma hotel EXCEPT AS!!! aaaargh. I'm hoping that we might be able to negotiate out some kind of combo of the two promotions or something?!? Anyone around here had any luck with their negotiations with the WC's at Karisma? I just want what I think is fair - since it seems to be offered to almost every other bride. And I'm in kind of a bizarre situation with the Canadian/American stuff. Suggestions anyone? TIA
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by jazz04 Does anyone see anything different between the pearl and free wedding packages except the bridal and grooms flowers? The pearl package seems to include the flowers but it does NOT include all the amenities of the honeymoon package from what I can see. Romantic dinner/champagne to room/1/2hr massage lesson/ guaranteed king bed/daily towel arrangement/bathrobes. Seems if you qualify for it the Free Wedding is a way better deal (add on the bouquet & bout). But you have to be staying the the higher level suite in order to do so... I guess that's the hitch. I actually didn't even notice that the Free Sweet Wedding package did not include the flowers until you mentioned it.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by amandamarieb Thanks ladies....well here it goes. Let me know what you think: I like the 1st one better but we'll probably use the second for chapsticks and things like that. I like them both. I actually really love the 2nd one with the birdies. (Hummingbirds are awesome) Quote: Originally Posted by msmarmar123 Question for everyone.....what did FI do during the planning process? I like being involved in everything ( I like making the calls..emails...the forums...looking things up) but I am NOT Type A at all...the other day he asks what he can do...and I was kind of t a blank...I let hom start looking for clothes for him and GMs...what else are "safe" things for him to do? My guy SAYS that it's all up to me, but really I know he'd be disappointed if he weren't involved. So I try and do the research on things and then get his input on final choices (do you like the blue or the purple haha... things like that). He's fully in charge of all things groomsmen related and he was also totally excited about the cigar roller!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by MaggieandJay I am going with the Free Sweet Wedding package and adding on. I have a TA and she is dealing directly with the group booking dept at AS. They confirmed that we qualify for the Bride and Groom stay free if I book 16 rooms. This is even where I get lost and My TA and FMIL are kinda taking the lead!! Is the bride/groom stay free thing still available? I'm not sure if I qualify (Canadian thing again) but if it's still around I'll definitely ask because we have more than 16 rooms I'm sure! Carolina just told us that to get the Free Sweet Wedding package we have to have have the 15 additional room nights book in the same category room as us (ie. premium suite or higher as required for the bride and groom's 7 night stay). I don't think this is what it actually says on the package so I've asked her for clarification. Otherwise I'll have to wait to see what other guests are booking to know if we even qualify?!?! Quote: Originally Posted by MaggieandJay @ beaz2be - When and if you find out about the chairs let me know. I am not that far yet but I am going to need a lot more than 12 chairs! Here's what she said about the chairs (I asked in bullets and her replies follow in italics): * First off, the Pearl package says that it includes uncovered ceremony chairs. And it refers to the maximum group capacity as 40 people. I read this to mean that up to 40 uncovered chairs are included and any more are additional. The 40 refers to the restaurant restrictions, I haven’t seen that there’s a limit to the chairs * As well, if we wanted them covered that is an additional charge (I do not think we do want covered at this point but may consider it down the line). Yes, if you would like to cover them it is an additional $12 with the white cover and white bow..for a colored bow It’s an extra $4 * Will these chairs be moved to our reception area after the ceremony? Is there an additional cost for this? A "reception set-up fee" so to speak if you plan on having a private reception, then the cost of the menu includes the chairs and tables
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by msmarmar123 I just got an email from Kiara about an hour ago...deposit is processed...wedding confirmed..all wedding info sent to me...Now I get to start planning a wedding FANTASTIC That's so exciting. Congrats!
  16. Ok ladies here's a question for you. I'm obviously emailing Carolina (our WC) to try and find this out too but just in case any of you have any knowledge on it: We're looking at the new wedding packages. We had the Pearl Package, but now are considering between the New Pearl and the Free Sweet Wedding Package. Seems to me the Free package includes MORE than the paid for pearl package. It has the amenities of the Honeymoon package too. BUT.... I don't understand what the requirements are to qualify for it. Specifically it says: "Valid in Canada, USA and reservations booked at published rates only" Does this mean you have to book DIRECTLY through AS? I'm going to have my TA follow up too if need be as well to see if I qualify. If not, I guess we stick with Pearl. The other thing is that they don't clearly specify on either package how many chairs are provided. The Pearl package only says "maximum group capacity and restaurant restrictions ...AZS - 40 people - Spoon Restaurant" Does this mean that maximum 40 chairs are included? That ROXX if I'm correct. Wasn't it like 12 before? Okay, sorry so long. Any insight is appreciated. Again, I'm going to find out from Carolina as well, so if anyone is curious to have official answers I'll pass them on
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach Also, thanks for the heads up about the busy Memorial Day Weekend. We were expecting it to be like that, but it is interesting to hear it confirmed. Geez, at the expense of cheering Maggie up, you all are starting to make me feel bad about the Memorial Day weekend. Hurricane talk, cheaper flights, better prices.....Debbie Downer here. LOL haha.... ditto the cheering up comment. Don't worry, Memorial Day weekend won't be BAD (it can't... it's our wedding weekend) As for the booking up fast, I think that ours might be one of the big groups they're talking about. Our TA just sent me our list and so far we already have 51 confirmed! But, I'm pretty sure that they also add pressure for people to book early by saying that the hotel's booking up. (I'm hoping anyways, because it would be so disappointing if guests can't come purely because of that). Quote: Originally Posted by MaggieandJay HAVE A Fabulous time!!!! I will be in NYC this weekend to visit friends and go to a baptism. While I am up there I have an appt to go to J Crew Weddings to look at a dress that I like from looking on the internet! It will be my first dress shopping outing! EEK! So fun dress shopping!! HAVE A BLAST!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by MaggieandJay We now Have Faye as well! My TA likes her but i haven't had a dealing with her yet. I just found out today. OK Ladies I NEED TO VENT! Deep Breath Long story short - I had reserved thru Cecila May 30th for my date but not put down the $200. My TA and FMIL were going back and forth between 2 resorts AS and The Royal Cancun. Unfortunately when you accept other people's $$ towards paying for the wedding you have to play nice and my FMIL being a former TA wanted to make sure we got the best deal. (She really did get us an awesome rate). Well for one reason or another that I do not know nor care at this point. All the dates for Memorial Day Weekend and the weekend before are now booked for AS. I lost the 30th. Cecila is gone. This all went down this morning. I had a minor freakout (possibly due to the fact that I am control freak and felt like things were out of control). After calming down, talking to the FI, Talking to my mom, talking FMIL I have a new WC (Faye) New wedding date (May 15th 2011) and feel back to normal. I really wanted May 30th but oh well. This morning was basically throw money at the 15th and see if it sticks. I will know for 100% sure in 24 hours. My FMIL and TA got Fabio on a call and basically got it done. AS was really understanding of my problem but booked is booked. It's our own fault for not putting the $200 down in the first place. WHEW - Thanks! I just had to get it all out and type it to feel better. NOTE: Ladies of Memorial Day weekend 2011 - I am sad we won't get to do that shot together. Also a word of warning. According to Fabio and Faye Thursday May 26th - Mon May 30th are BOOKED Solid with brides. They also said that there were some big groups. I would make sure your TA's and guest know that resort is going to be full that weekend and it's probably a good idea for guests to book ASAP. Again I am hearing this 3rd hand from my TA but might be something to be aware of. Is Anyone else getting married on the weekend of May 13 - 15 2011? Thanks for letting me get that all out. Good news I am offically (in 24hours when they email me confirmation) A Paying AS BRIDE!!!! YEAH! I am so excited! So sorry that you had to go through all that complication. And bummed that you won't be with us that same weekend. But relieved for you that it will all work out and you're going to get your date locked in!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz Hey guys...here is a great OOT or BM gift find...thought I would share. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...recious-61348/ I love this idea. What a great BM gift. Quote: Originally Posted by daniepps Same here......started very young and since my job is covered under law enforcement retirement too I only have 15 years until I can retire and I'll only be 48!!! I guess I'll start my second career then. Sad that I'm already thinking about retirement but hey you gotta have something to look forward too! yeah, I hope to have my student debt paid off by 48!! hahahaha. Retirement?! i don't think I'll ever know that word. ;-)
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz ooooooooo so is my FI!!!! What kind of a lawyer are you? I practice civil litigation. Basically anything that requires going to court other than personal injury and criminal law. I tend to do a lot of family law and a lot of stuff involving real estate (construction/builder's liens, strata & co-op disputes that type of thing). It's a pretty general practice. One of the things I'd like to change down the road is to become a bit more specialized actually. Your FI? What's he do? Quote: Originally Posted by msmarmar123 Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Yes I went to Le Blanc on Katherine's recommendation!! I forgot to thank you for that, I am so in love with that place I can't wait to go back! Maybe we can take a joint anniversary/birthday trip next year!!! July 2011!!! You two totally made me email my TA and request info on that resort as maybe our 2nd week switch...as of right now we have decided to stay in one place... Me TOO!! All this Le Blanc talk has made me put it on the list for my TA to try and figure out pricing for us for our "honeymoon" (right after the wedding, heading to another hotel). So far it's really between Le Blanc and Royal Hideaway Playacar. But I'm no where NEAR ready to make a decision on it. ... not til more of the wedding stuff is done I don't think.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by gingerlover36 That was going to be next post. So after a crazy 2 weeks and investigating close to 15-20 hotels and analyzing their wedding menu/packages, reviews, etc. I decided....to stay at Azul Beach! My fiance spoke at length for 3 days with Fabio who is FABOLOUS. Totally honest...no BS and got the info we needed. We know that there is a chance there may be some construction going on but no bulldozers etc. We hope its all finished but there is a chance it won't be. He said ti will be the interior of the rooms. We are just keeping our fingers crossed for the best. We are also going to most likely plan ANOTHER trip there before the wedding to check out the progress. So as of today 39 rooms booked and TA is working on getting 2 more if possible. Hooray...now I'm off to party plan - my sister is due in 7 weeks and I am planning her shower with my mom (poor mom has lots of showers/parties to plan this year) I'm so glad you've made a decision that you're happy with. And so glad to hear that you've got Fabio involved and taking care of you and being up front about it. Azul Beach sounds amazing and it would be a shame to lose out on all the work you've already done too. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Awesome jobs ladies! Glad you love your jobs, that's always nice Amy - 6am - 5pm or 6pm, 7am would be soooo nice. No gym, no long lunch, no errands no nothing. Just me and my over time. I take a 30 minute lunch and that's it... aside from BDW of course Wow! sounds like you work worse hours than ME! Haha. Actually, I can't really complain. As a lawyer I have it pretty darn good. I work for a small firm JUST outside of the city (of Vancouver) and we have REALLY reasonable hours by industry standard. I basically only work 8-6/6.30 (unless I have a trial or something - sometimes things get hairy). Unlike others, I do not LOVE my job. But I don't hate it either.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart I know you B2B's don't want to stray from wedding talk but if you don't mind indulging me, what do you all do for work? I know what Amanda does but that's about it! I'm a lawyer
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by mmc1105 I'm going to try and post a pic of our STDs below! The color is not exact because of the bad lighting, but you get the idea. This may look better: These are adorable! Quote: Originally Posted by msmarmar123 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...te-them-61406/ ANy advice would be great That's a tough one, and I think one that we all go through to a greater or lesser extent. I think AmyKH had some great advice there on this one. One thing is that if you haven't invited people yet, you shouldn't feel OBLIGATED to do so. The great thing about a destination wedding is that, while you can do the big group thing, you can also emphasize that you guys are going for an intimate celebration of your nuptials, with very immediate family and close friends only. This is how you're choosing to commit your lives to one another and not in the traditional/large home-style wedding way. Then you can give out the word that you hope everyone can appreciate you choosing to celebrate your love for one another in the way that suits your relationship. Are you doing any AHR by chance? Lots of people do a very small group for the DW and then an AHR welcoming more friends and family. We thought about this for a while. I know some people's AHR's can be really costly but our AHR would have been VERY casual. Probably just have an open-house type BBQ AHR once we have some pictures developed and everyone can come over for a drink, a burger and ooh and ahh at some pics. That's one idea. Quote: Originally Posted by hritlinger Azul Sensatori Bride March 11,2011!! Looking forward to getting all of the details planned and finished. Thanks for the great info Heather CONGRATS and welcome!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach Hey Ladies! I've been away for a few days and as usual, you Ladies are moving full steam ahead. I needed to get away and not do any wedding planning because I was beginning to get stressed out with the family drama around me. I cannot believe I am posting this on a public forum, but I am having issues with my Mother and she has been making this wedding planning a nightmare as opposed to something fun. I'm her firstborn and only daughter and I guess my expectations of her involvement were/are a little higher than her perception. Anyway, I'm channeling and processing it all and working on beginning to accept that although she has the funds, she just might not be at or involved in my wedding. It hurts, but it is what it is. I just never invisioned my wedding day without my Mom being front row and center stage. Lots of lessons to be learned in life. Moving past the drama and resisting the urge to emotionally dump here....and back on to weddings!!! We got our STD's back and out in the mail. I will be honest and say that I was on the fence about them and almost hesitated to send them out. We found an awesome seller on Etsy and while I loved all of her other work and samples, I don't think my idea translated over well via email. I wanted something very natural and organic. I love raffia and we are using Burnt Orange as our main color with sand brown and white as accents. After seeing our STD's, I am starting to think we might need another bright accent color. I am a tomboy and not a big fan of pink, so that color is out, although I have seen other weddings and I think those two colors are beautiful together. Any suggestions of an accent color to go with burnt orange that don't give off a "fall wedding" feel are greatly appreciated. Because I know how much we all love photos, my STD's that I sent out are below. We placed thins self-adhesive magnets on the rear so that people could place them on their fridge if they chose to. Any ideas for a pretty accent color?? So sorry to hear about all the drama. My heart goes out for you. As for colours, I agree with most of the blue/green suggestions. Light green or bright blue could look great with a burnt orange. Quote: Originally Posted by daniepps The password is Danielle What a phenomenal shower theme - and done to a T! Also that dress is fantaaaastic!! LOVE
  25. Question for all you AS brides who did a beach ceremony. What is the wooden aisle runner (that is provided with the pearl package) like? Is it easy to walk on/narrow wooden slats? I'm just thinking about the type of shoe I'll get. I don't want to wear full on stiletto heels, but am planning to get an ever-so-slight kitten heel or wedge. Tho' I'm generally quite comfortable in heels I am one of those people who always manages to get my heel caught in boardwalks etc. and am curious if I should avoid the small kitten heel altogether. (Already having visions of tripping down the aisle - not a comforting mental image).
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