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Everything posted by CynLovesLuis

  1. I would totally fight this. Honestly. if they told you something (and if you have it in email or writing even better), then you need to fight this. their word is pretty much contract. and they should honor the stipulations they put forth the first time. I was able to reserve my room block for free and a week or so ago, I was told that it was "too much" and I had to pay 20% for EVERY SIGNLE ONE OF THE 40 ROOMS I RESERVED IN A ROOM BLOCK in order to keep the room block. I had a fit, drafted the most professional letter I could...and they are not going to make me do it. Hello- the idea of a room block is a BLOCK. not a RESERVATION. ridiculous
  2. I downloaded a picture of a chart of where they can spend the money if you want to email me, i'll gladly send it to you. [email protected]
  3. I"m sorry to hear that the site visit didn't go smoothly- that's incredibly disheartening. my sister is a member of Palace and they pull stupid SH*T all the time with little details like that...it's very annoying, but in the end I'm praying for a beautiful ceremony and reception... and I just have to practice my assertive skills BIG TIME. do you mind sending the menus if you received them? Thanks so much---so are you going to go to a different Palace?
  4. Sorry I forgot to ask where you are getting married- I forgot I wasn't on the resort specific thread, lol
  5. You are well along sunstarsmoon!!! Are you getting any fees for bringing your own linens??? I saw another woman write about that on the blog...and I would like to bring my own linens as well. What photographer did you go with and why?
  6. You look beautiful!!!! Did you have to pay extra to have the resort set up what you brought in?!?! and did the WC put it up for you or the vendor Zuniga?! Thanks!!!
  7. Hi!!! Today is 10 months away from my wedding!! July 23, 2011
  8. ssssaayyyy whhhhaaaattttt?? I'm pumped to hear this!!!! Now it's just a matter of getting someone to put that same deal in writing for me, LOL. I'm going to google them right now!!!
  9. Here are some pictures of the Chapel on MP!!! I got these during my site inspection visit!
  10. I would also like to hear your suggestions for the linens! THanks
  11. I'm so torn women-===dancing is EXTREMELY important for my fiance and I as we met on a dance team...and my family is a bunch of dancers... its pretty much expected to have a crazy dance party... i ve asked about live band options, but i think i can only afford an hour of live music and i'm not about to spend basically the same amount for a DJ?!!? How did you do it Diamond Girl??? What are the tips?? i'm afraid i'll be the one to get caught and my wedding cancelled or something, hahahaha. it's unlikely i know...but still. i'td be my luck.
  12. Melissa...how were y able to book outside flowers??? You got permission or found a loop hole??? Do te ll!!@
  13. I really haven't made any more decisions...I had the WC send me song lists for the live band options that are a part of the resort's vendors.... I also am deciding between the immaculate conception and amber packages- I blocked 40 rooms actually.,..like 25 doubles and 15 singles...on specific parts of the resort. I was sent a document with all the pictures of the reception venues at MP- email me at [email protected] and i'll send it to you! i can't seem to attach things to this thread
  14. So I have been working wtih Pilar Fernandez in Miami...I told her there was just NO WAY im waiting til a couple months before the wedding to reserve my reception locations because I was not having an outdoor reception. I asked them to send me the options I have for reception areas on the MP property and they sent me a document....from those pictures I picked one...and yes, I got the line of "we cannot guarantee"...I insisted on not having an outdoor reception and not waiting until it was too late and they assigned me an on-site coordinator right then and there. I emailed her, told her I wanted the Star Ballroom reserved as of now...and she wrote me back and it's done. BE ASSERTIVE WOMEN! They are getting YOUR money. FYI My wedding isn't until JULY 23 2011. My own healthy dose of OCD wouldn't wait any longer to book reception locations. Feel free to email me at [email protected] if you want the document I got about MP reception areas and pictures... I can't attach to this thread-
  15. ahhh i just wrote a really long post and lost it. however yes, I'll be having my wedding in that chapel because i was informed it was the only place on the resort property that will allow Catholic weddings...it is a real consecrated Roman Catholic church and so it makes sense that non-Catholics (don't know if you are) wouldn't be allowed to celebrate their wedding there either. if its any consolation to you, there is a structure that looks exactly the same as the chapel..and also overlooks the beach...it's just a 3-5 minute walk from the actual chapel...looks exactly the same, but no windows enclose it, so no A.C....it's all open air, all empty inside but still the same gorgeous structure.
  16. My fiance Luis and I are confirmed for July 23, 2011 !! Excitement!!! We have a huge guest list and are starting to pick things out with the resort...already have the Catholic Chapel on site and Star Ballroom confirmed
  17. Does anyone know if the Immaculate Conception Catholic Chapel at the Moon Palace is a recognized consecrated Roman Catholic Church in the diocese?!?!
  18. I am a 2011 Bride! Getting married at Moon Palace Resort in Cancun sometime in July 2011. SUPER EXCITED! Can't wait to hear all about everyone's exciting plans!!
  19. Hi Women, Thought it would be helpful if us 2011 Brides of Moon Palace also had a thread to start talking about our weddings...hopefully we get more great advice like the comments posted in the 2010 thread! Happy Planning! Cynthia Las Cruces, NM
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