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Everything posted by JesseLyn10

  1. We chose ROR because a lot of our friends had gone there and had nothing but great things to say about it. We also needed a resort that is kid friendly but not kid-centric because we have 10 kids coming with us.
  2. I have emailed the ROR ALL our booked confirmations with Chandlyn today. I also have printed out ALL the correspondence between myself and Chandlyn as well as all the unreplied emails I have sent. I am super nervous that all the work we have put in will be useless. Who even knows if they have our wedding booked
  3. I just read this post, I am sorry that I didn't read it sooner. My wedding is July 16 at 2 and I have tons of ideas! Happy planning!
  4. I just heard from my TA about this. I have been wondering about my unresponded to emails. We leave for Jamaica in 2 weeks and get married July 20th. I am really nervous about all the planning we have done so far and if it is going to remain the same with the new WC. Tina Dunbar is the woman who has replaced Chandlyn.
  5. I just found the earlier thread about this! I was so panicked that I didn't notice before I posted.
  6. After weeks of hearing nothing from Chandlyn, my travel agent got into contact with the ROR and was told that Tina Dunbar has replaced Chandlyn as WC. Does this change any plans that had been arranged with Chandlyn? We leave in 2 weeks and I really hope that everything goes as planned despite this change. I also hope to hear from the new WC.
  7. My problem is if a marriage certificate from Jamaica never arrives, then what do I present to change my name?
  8. I bought my parasols from this website. They are in Ontario and are fabulous!! Wedding Favours Canada-Wedding Party Gifts-Bridal Shower Gifts-Weddingfavours.ca
  9. just to add, the WC at that resort takes forever to get back via email and they don't have an answering machine. Frustrating.
  10. Do children count at the restaurant? We are getting married at the RIU Ocho Rios and having our wedding dinner at Mammee Bay which cuts off at 50 guests. Anymore than 50 and we have to book the private restaurant (more $$$$). We are at 39 adults and 8 kids, 1 of which is under 2. We don't know if they are counting the kids for dinner or not - do we have space for 11 more people or 3? I have 7 guests that are apparently waiting for the last minute deals and then will be booking which will put me over the 50 person limit...or maybe it won't. Can anyone help?
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by StephyD Lady_Di's thread got me thinking... I got in touch with Quebec's Justice Dept. and it doesn't seem that complicated to get your wedding legalized once you get back from Mexico. From what I gathered, you need to get your marriage liscence translated, fill a form, and voilà . Plus, we don't get to change our last name here... Am I wrong? I'm sure some Canadian brides on here could give me some advice? Because of the stories we have heard about couples not receiving their marriage license from the country that hosted their DW, we decided to have civil ceremony at city hall in Toronto the week after we get back (we don't want to have it before our Jamaican ceremony because we feel it makes out DW very anti-climactic). We applied for an Ontario marriage license and went to the chapel to book our ceremony and were told that we can't be married twice. If we have a legal marriage in Jamaica, technically we can't have one in Ontario as well because we would have 2 wedding dates (a weak excuse, in my opinion). There was a judge there who didn't actually know the answer but said that in the recitation of legalities during the Ontario ceremony you are asked if there is a reason that you should not be married and apparently being married in another country is a reason that you shouldn't be married in Ontario. I was referred to the Registrar General's office to find out for sure. I want to change my name and I need a valid marriage document. I don't know what we will get from Jamaica after our ceremony which is our reason for wanting an Ontario civil service. I was told by the Registrar General that weddings in Mexico, Jamaica, DR etc. are legally recognized in Canada as long as there is a license to validate them. They don't make it easy.
  12. I am 19 days away. SO much to do so little time. Does anyone know where I can get seashell/beachy silver charms in Ontario OR order them to Toronto with a rush delivery?
  13. I wish I knew that before I mailed everything! I wonder what happens if they don't receive our documents. I am super nervous about this.
  14. I also mailed our documents to the resort last month and have no idea if they were ever received. I am supposed to get some kind of confirmation that I haven't gotten yet, but am still waiting. I didn't know that scanning and emailing the docs was also acceptable. What happens if they don't receive our legal docs? Will they still marry us? I am sick to my stomach thinking that our 47 guests will get down there and we won't be able to get married.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by yumyum90 I wonder about this same exact thing. My worry is that since there are 3 weddings a day it will feel overcrowded. I worry about sharing my reception with another bridal party. I also worry that with the beach ceremony I will be too focused the people who are swimming and partying beside the gazebo.As time gets closer I worry about alot and wonder if I picked the right resort for me. I am getting married 10 days before you. I wondered the exact same thing having been at destination weddings and noticed the topless women in the periphery watching the ceremony. The couple who got married didn't notice anything though and were totally focused on what was going on. Also, I was a bridesmaid here in Toronto a few years ago on a particularly rainy day. The photographer took us to some indoor site to do photos and we saw what had to be 10 other wedding parties taking their photos in the same venue. This absolutely felt overcrowded and it was too many brides for 1 building. I don't think that you'll notice the other weddings on your day (if there are other weddings). At least I am telling myself that
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by chicklet 1- Not too sure about music. I brought cd's along with me and they played them for us. I have heard about others bringing ipods and docking stations. 2- We tipped our wait staff as we had 32 people have dinner with us and our photographer as well. We did not tip the wedding co-ordinator as this is her job. Many do though. You do not receive drinks at your dinner unless maybe requested??. If you plan on tipping, I would wait until after the services are complete to do so to make sure you are satisfied. 3- The rain venue is the Mammee bay. I have not seen the set up for this so I am not sure what they do with this to make it weddingish. Hope this helps YES!! thank you so much! I have emailed Chandlyn and am still waiting for a reply about the music. There is a luggage restriction this summer for WestJet flying to Montego Bay and I really don't want to pack our docking station if possible.
  17. Does anyone know a place like this that will ship to Canada?
  18. I don't know where you are in Ontario but there is a store called Creative Bag that will help you immensely with DIY projects. There is one near Dufferin and Sheppard in Toronto. It has helped me out so much!
  19. Thanks! I try the search but all kinds of things pop up and I didn't find my answers when I was looking around.
  20. I just ordered purple ecofetti for my wedding. They are going to mix it with lavender buds so I hope that it throws well.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by crisc99 JesseLyn10, We are having our wedding at Hibiscus Lodge Hotel (it's a non-AI) and we will be at Couples San Souci for our honeymoon. Where are you having your honeymoon? I can't wait. We have 20 guests confirmed so far. Where are you on all your planning? I'm having a hard time finding non-AI stuff for Ocho Rios. Looking for restaurants and places to go in Ocho Rios. We are going to Newfoundland for a week this summer and Europe next summer! I would have loved to go non-AI but couldn't swing it with our guests. Good luck with your planning! I feel like I have been living a breathing wedding forever and I still have quite a bit to do. Are you almost finished?
  22. I have some questions about weddings at the RIU. The response time from the coordinator is too slow for my liking (they're on Caribbean time!). If there are any brides who have gotten married here or are going to marry here please help! 1. Does anyone know about the dj equipment? is it ipod ready or do we have to bring cds? 2. Tipping - do we tip the steel drum band, wedding dinner servers, wedding coordinator, reception bar staff? I have no clue on how to proceed on this. 3. Where is the rain venue? our ceremony is on the beach at 2pm and if it rains, what is the fall back? I really don't want to get married in a conference room. I don't care what day it is, conference room lighting is never flattering and I didn't picture my wedding day with carpet. Any tips/info that we should know about would be much appreciated! We leave in 24 days!
  23. I kicked and screamed about a not having a shower. We have lived together for 4 years and own a condo - we don't need anything. I lost the battle and had a wedding shower with 55 guests. Although I am so thankful for people who can't make it to the wedding to want to share in the wedding festivities and my mother and MOH for throwing this shower, it was def. more of an event for other people rather than myself. It was stressful and not my thing at all. Power to the brides who don't want a shower and win! ..now onto the at-home reception battle.
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