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Everything posted by MissSimone

  1. So I know everyone here on BDW is actively planning their own DW but has anyone actually attended a DW. I was wondering what were some of things as a guest that you noticed that made the wedding extra special, unique fun or not so much. Was there anything there that you're using in your own DW or vow to never do in your DW. From a guest's perspective did you think it was worth the money? Personally I have never been to a DW and I think I'll be the first of my friends to have one.
  2. This thread causes me so much anxiety lol I hate math.
  3. You have so many ideas that I love like the family photos at the guest book table and the cigar roller. I'm gonna use some of them. Thanks.
  4. these are awesome tips and ideas. thanks so much for sharing. Martha is on it as usual!
  5. that's okay. we learn something new everyday
  6. Hey ladies, I just wanted to share this awesome vendor I came across and am working with for my jumping broom. I found her through a recommendation and let me just say her brooms are AMAZING. You can choose the scent, the color of the dried flowers, the color and materials of the ribbons and personalize the broom by adding keepsakes like your first love letter, teddy bear or anything that holds sentimental value to you and the groom. You can choose scents like Lavender, Lemon and Vanilla. The company's name is Tears II Diamonds and the owner's name is Zandra Ford Wynter. She is super helpful and nice. She'll even refresh the broom's scent for your 1 year anniversary. I think this is a really nice keepsake and not just a regular jumping broom.
  7. Happy Wedding Day! Hope your vision comes to fruition and it is a completely magical day.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by sxcT Haha this is totally me. I am waiting for it to be official before I start going crazy about everything but I have done so much reading and reseraching already. I plan on giving everyone at least a whole year to save and plan for our wedding so it is definitley at least 15 months so far if it were to happen this month. Yep, I plan on giving everyone a year also. But mostly everyone knows where I want to get married and when. This gives everyone enough time to save bc when the ring comes and I get to start seriously planning I don't wanna hear ANY complaints. lol
  9. Wow. God is indeed good. ALL THE TIME. That's favor.
  10. well a diamond is a diamond is a diamond. that sounds like the real deal to me.
  11. The price on these man made diamonds are a lot cheaper than earth made diamonds. i saw a 3 ct center diamond with 1 ct eternity band for 2,500.
  12. that picture is absolutely stunning! I can't believe you made that shot.
  13. yes these are actual diamonds that were created in a factory. the process apparently takes a couple of days instead of the billions of years it takes the earth to make an earth diamond. i read that there isn't a difference between these diamonds and diamonds from mother nature.
  14. Has anyone received a man made diamond e-ring? I literally just heard that they make man made diamonds now and wanted to know anyone's experience with them?
  15. I just made Junior Member status yesterday too!! yayyyy
  16. Well I'm not even engaged and I'm actively planning my wedding. We know we want to do it in 2013. I'm just waiting on the ring! (and a job w/ benefits) lol.
  17. Shoot, people should feel blessed to be invited. I WISH i had a destination wedding to go to. Instead of some of these boring run of the mill weddings. Lol!
  18. so right. as long as the most important people are there there will be nothing to stress about!
  19. Some people are so bold. The audacity to tell someone else where they should have THEIR wedding??!! Hell to the naw. Tell those people it'd be best if they didn't come and bring their negative attitudes to paradise. Nobody needs that drama at the start of their new union.
  20. I keep dropping my bf little hints. But i know he wont propose until he gets a better job and graduates from school. But all this talk of rings makes my hand all itchy. lol
  21. I am shipping them ahead of time to my aunt in Montego Bay. My mother and father will also make a t trip to JA to bring some things down.
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