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Everything posted by Canadiansandy

  1. Oh wow! Such exciting news Tammy! I think a fresh look with the added features you mentioned will be great, I can't wait to see how it turns out next week
  2. Lol! Oh wow! I love that it all worked out for the best - congrats!
  3. I'm not planning to bring very much down with me in the way of decorations, I figure the setting is decor enough For the stuff we are bringing (OOT bags & contents mostly), we'll either bring an extra bag or *kindly* ask my parents to take some of our stuff with them
  4. Lol - I love this thread because I've been posting away like CRAZY these past couple of days! Nearly there!!
  5. Congrats!! I'd love to see more photos, what you've posted so far are beautiful! Glad you lucked out with the weather
  6. lsjhik - LOL!! skadow - wooow! those are amazing photos...definitely makes me consider the idea of a white wedding...don't know if my FI would go for it tho!
  7. Congratulations!! Sorry to hear about your travel woes But glad it didn't put a damper on your wedding, sounds like it was amazing! And your photos are fantastic!! You looked beautiful, and you make such a stunning couple! I'm so happy we've booked HDC for our wedding next May!
  8. Woooow...those photos are amazing! Wish I was getting married in Italy Chelsea - good luck with your search! Be sure to update us here on the forum after your visit!
  9. I waited about a day before posting the news/changing my relationship status on FB. I called my best friend and parents, and sent an email to my closest friends (who live all over the place). Only after that did I post it. I'm not super close with my aunts and uncles so I let my parents & FB pass on the news! No one seemed to mind
  10. Congrats and welcome! You'll find tons of helpful info and people on this forum Happy planning!
  11. Cool I just found this thread! I will have to go back and read all of the previous entries to jot down some future reads Just wanted to add a few VERY good books I've recently finished reading - they're different, but really addictive reads - Virgil & Beatrice (the latest Yann Martel...if you've read Life of Pi, it's the same kind of weird dark story) - The Gargoyle (so so good!! not what I would usually pick up but glad I did) - Water for Elephants (been sitting on my shelf for ages - who knew a story about a circus in the 30s could be so compelling!) Just thought I'd pass those recommendations along
  12. Congrats and welcome Marie! You've come to the best place to start planning
  13. Congrats and welcome Anne!
  14. Congratulations and welcome! We're getting married in May 2011 at Dreams Palm Beach in Punta Cana, DR. We've pretty much booked everything (except the guests! lol) so if you have any questions let me know! You've definitely come to the right place to start planning tho!
  15. Congratulations and welcome! You've come to the right place to start planning!
  16. Congratulations and welcome! You've come to the right place to start planning!
  17. Congratulations and welcome! You've come to the right place to start planning!
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