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Everything posted by AfricanVenus

  1. I'm excited to be marrying in Mexico. My FI and I wanted a small gathering of our nearest and dearest, and planned to keep everything hush-hush until the date drew nearer. Then we'd invite those who we knew couldn't attend (and we couldn't afford to have) to an AHR. However, since we became engaged, I've discovered weddings bring out the crazy in people! Here are just a few: 1) Random 31-yr-old church member stops me and in a child's voice (literally, looking sheepish and all) asks me to choose her to be in my bridal party! Might be an option if you ever met my FI, lol. This member loves weddings. The last 3 or so that have taken place in our church, she's been bridesmaids in ALL of them! She somehow convinces the brides to let her be in it, even though she hasn't known them for long. Still, you might ask, why not? Because she has the nerve in the pictures to look mad, lol. Don't want that energy. Now I'm put in the awkward position of whether or not to invite her, and her husband who she demanded would be attending with her! Again, my FI doesn't feel comfy around him either. Oh, and the other hitch? She's my pastor's daughter, who I do plan on inviting....yea, HELP! 2) People keep inviting themselves to our wedding, because they're misconstruing the event as a vacation. This irks me beyond words! Let ME invite you. Not you telling me you're coming. 3) People who are invited guests want to add plus ones. We simply can't afford it. On top of that, they're trying to invite people we don't care for as their guests. Oh vey... 4) People "helping" me plan my wedding by suggesting, not so subtly, that their child be a flower girl or so forth. Great. Another awkward conversation about how NO children are permitted at the wedding.... 5) Those who are in the bridal party claiming they won't arrive until the day of the wedding. Um, yea...I specifically said you had to be there the day before for the rehearsal...here we go again. So yea. This is my wedding planning vent. I'm laughing to keep myself from crying or going off, lol. Any advice for the above is welcome!
  2. Like I said. I just disagree with your assessment. My post was not a clarion call for debate. I never said all people believe as I and this vendor do. I specifically stated "some". I just said we should have tolerance and respect for her beliefs just as much as the GLBT community would ask of others. My race or ethnicity is not at issue and you don't have to attack me or my post. I think you rightly said it: for some, it is a religious matter. That is where the disagreement lies is exactly my point. I thank you for posting this so each couple can decide for themselves whether to work with this vendor or not. I believe, if I'm correct, that you posted to put others on alert, not to make the choice for them. While some will heed your warning, others will respect her stance and utilize her services. All the best on your planning.
  3. My FI had my ring designed by Kay's Jeweler's. I eschewed the traditional engagement ring and adopted a style similar to Princess Diana's engagement ring. Ever since I was a little girl, I've admired Princess Di's ring. It was different, yet elegent, regal, and beautiful. With the sapphire being my birthstone, and my name meaning "princess" in Hebrew, I figured it was a perfect fit. My FI had it designed. It's 1.5 ct sapphire with 14 0.75 ct diamonds around it (on a lower level, the sapphire is higher). 14 stones work out, because 7 is God's perfect number. I've always told my FI we're not two halves that came together or "complete" each other, but 2 complete individuals that work as one. The two sets of 7 stones (2 complete ppl) on each side symbolizes us. I LOVE my ring!
  4. I disagree with your opinion on her email. Marriage to some, including myself, is a spiritual/religious matter, not a civil one. Nothing in her statement came across as bigoted, hypocritical, or otherwise unseemly. Her beliefs form the basis of how she runs her business, and I can respect that. She is not going around picketing against gay marriage or being obnoxious from what I can tell. She's simply explaining her business practices. While countries can legislate things, they cannot legislate people's heart and belief systems. I think she is trying to be respectful, but maintain her ground. That I can respect instead of going against her beliefs to feign some sort of acceptance or to keep her business afloat. I'm not trying to start some type of uproar on this forum or criticize your post. Just saying I disagree and hope you can respect it. Take care.
  5. You'll have a great time. Like the others said, keep an open mind. Not to confuse yourself, but to know your options to best narrow them down. Even if you have something in mind, trust the consultants as well. They're experienced and may be able to pull some things you never thought of. You'll know the dress like how you knew your fiance was the one. It's just like that. You feel awesome in it and get all girly, lol. Enjoy your day!
  6. That's so wonderful! Congrats! Mishaps can be something great at times
  7. I'm definitely feeling the necklace dress. I love the creativity and the inherent practicality of a dress with jewelry already in place (no need for a necklace now!)
  8. The answer to your question is how important is photography to you. I'm getting married at Grand Velas Vallarta, just nearby. Our hotel allows outside photo/videographers without incurring the non-guest fees. Even if they didn't, I would have paid because photography is a huge part of our budget and I wouldn't trust just anyone to do it. I need to believe in their style and click (no pun intended) with them. If you're like me, and photography is a big thing, then consider paying the extra fee to have a photographer whose work will best complement what you and your day are about. 1) Maybe you can try to contact the photographer directly and get him to send you some of his work if the resort is proving unhelpful. 2) If you haven't already, run a search for his name on this forum. If nothing pops up, try Google or other wedding websites. 3) TripAdvisor is a great resource also, because you can find some couples who married at the property and may have used this guy. Hope this helps! God bless your wedding planning and day
  9. I'm opting out of this idea too. Phew! Thank God for this thread. I was starting to feel like a naughty bride. What my FI and I came up with yesterday is to make our favors. We're going to buy mini blank/bare books and put in pictures and quotes about love. Some of the quotes will be in our wedding vows, but our guests won't realize it until afterwards. Thought it would be a personal way of sharing our moment beyond the day. Also, we'll put inscriptions in each book for each of our guests with a personal note thanking them for witnessing our joy. I'm really excited about this project!
  10. Thank you both! I am in complete agreement God bless you both!
  11. Of those who were married here, did you use the hotel's videographer? If so, how'd it turn out?
  12. We are June 25, 2011 (our anniversary, yay!) at Grand Velas Vallarta in Nuevo Vallarta. We're doing the legal here and the spiritual there. Modest guest list of 25 close family and friends. Can't wait!
  13. My engagement story goes something like this: Â Ok, my boyfriend and I have known for some time that we were going to get engaged. We met while I was in law school at our on-campus bible study. I was involved with someone else at the time, so we were just friends and remained so until I broke up with the other guy. I call him my surprise, because he literally came out of nowhere at a time where I thought I couldn't love another. Â Anywho, we started dating and drew closer. Eventually, we went ring shopping and I saw the typical rings: solitaires, lots of diamonds, etc. Nothing jumped at me. So, I saw an earring that was sapphire surrounded in diamonds. My heart knew that was the style I wanted. Sapphires are my birthstone...Princess Di's engagement ring looked similar and I loved it as a child, and my name means "princess". What better fit? Â After months of bargaining, our salesman leaving, and getting the precise look we wanted, my fiance informed me that he got the ring. We met with both of our parents to let them know our intentions and they blessed our union. I was on pins and needles trying to figure out when he would propose. He kept trying to get me off his scent and even enlisted the aid of my greatest ally, my sister to help keep it a secret! Â My church had plans to go on the Spirit of Philadelphia Cruise on 9/11/10. I didn't particularly want to go, but my mom insisted. Come to find out, she was also plotting behind my back for a surprise birthday party (my b-day is 9/12). So, each conspirator used the other's shindig as a cover up. Â Once 9/11 rolls around, I'm running late, but I manage to race to Philly on time...except I got stuck in traffic for 25 minutes on the bridge. I could literally see the boat from the bridge, but couldn't move 2 inches forward. Basically, we missed the boat and I felt sooo bad! My friends were coming to surprise me from North Jersey, but got a flat on the way and missed it too! I felt so bummed, but the remaining guest list decided to find a restaurant and celebrate my b-day low key. I figured he was using the boat as a venue to propose, so if we missed it, there would be no engagement. Â We ate at a wonderful Indian restaurant and they got me a cake and sang. Afterwards, my fiance started telling me how much he loved my smile, my presence, and wanted to know if I would grow old with him. I just couldn't stop smiling and laughing! He looked so nervous and got down on one knee, pulled out my ring and started to put it on my finger. I said, "I didn't answer you yet!" He stopped, I said yes of course you crazy man, and that was that. It was videotaped and really the best way to do it. Â Apparently, he had planned to propose to me on the deck of the boat surrounded by everyone and then come back down and have the captain announce our engagement. That woulda been great, but I'm glad it happened the way it did. From the way that day started out, it was the perfect way to make it better. Â So, yea, it'll be a funny one for the grandkids some day :-D
  14. I've tried contacting him, but he responded once asking me to fill something out, and then never responded. I sent a follow up, but still no reply. Can I get a ball park of his pricing from someone who used him? Thanks!
  15. Hey Jess, which Grand Velas property are you talking about, NV or PV? Thanks!
  16. I'm caught between the two myself. Velas (in Nuevo) is my dream property because of the amphitheater, but way too expensive to stay in. Dreams seems more likely from the info I'm getting. The only problem with each is that if you only have the wedding on the property, and don't stay as a guest, the rental fee is $3000. Hardly seems worth it with all the other stuff you have to pay for. A member by the name of Krizstylin (sp?) is getting married at Grand Velas in October 2010, so I would contact her for more info on her experience with GV. Also, talk to travel agent Wendy who may be able to hook you up with deals and general info. Take care!
  17. For all the ladies who've used Fer: What are the estimated prices that Fer offered you?
  18. I see your point. From all the comparisons I've done, GVV might be the best way to go. They've offered the best deal for $10,000. I think we were looking at everything, flight, rooms, wedding, in the whole package, but that may unrealistic.
  19. I understand if this topic is touchy/personal, but may I ask what everyone's budget for their wedding at PF was? Considering this and Grand Velas Vallarta on a $10,000 budget...Thanks.
  20. Thanks all and I have to say you're all right about the helpfulness of this forum
  21. Thanks to you ladies both. Your comments are helpful in a way On Trip Advisor, some folks mentioned getting sick from the food and/or water there. The terrace is what I fell in love with and cinched it for me that Mexico was the place to be for my special day. It's an amphitheater with 3 large white square structures lined up and they occasionally hang a cross in the middle square. Did any of you see that part of the property?
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