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Miss Lighting Bug

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Everything posted by Miss Lighting Bug

  1. HI EVERYONE I ACTUALLY POSTED THE TTD ON A NEW THREAD (I finally figured out how to put the photo inside the post) The Title: Dress sz 0-2 for sale http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...-2-sale-60102/
  2. Has any of you gotten information on the new promotion that is being run 1500 vacation dollars? Do you know how much the excursions, spa and salon, and golf packages that qualify are? Example: does it take 5 vacation dollars to equal 1 USD My worry is they give you all this great money but then you get there and it is 3 times the price so you still pay out of pocket.
  3. Thanks for starting this going. I actually and going to steal this idea if you don't mind- LOVE LOVE LOVE IT
  4. Thanks Pam- IDK if I am more excited right now over the dress or posting it lol --Okay it is the dress but the posting is a near second
  5. b-pictures are my wedding gift if you count that as a gift...I think we are not doing gifts but I am doing those as a gift for both of us. I hear they are exhilarating so that will be my harrah...lol
  6. The threads on moon palace here are great. Go to the review section too for information
  7. Now that I figured out how to include photos I am happy to repost an amazing TTD or even wedding dress. I became a 2 dress bride because I got soo excited once I got engaged I just bought bought bought. The gown is a knock off of: SIZE 0- 2 WHITE (I am 5 4 and it is perfect length without shoes on) I paid $275 asking price $130 or BO (shipping not included). Very light materials, lace up back, side rouching, and small train. Here are the images of my dress: I took many photos so you can get a feel for the actual garment.
  8. http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/a...2/Picture1.jpg http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/a...2/Picture2.jpg That is my dress. This way is going to have to work for now because my other tries were not working---feeling like an idiot right now.
  9. My goodness. How awesome everything looks. I love the luminaries. Hope to see your table set up in your review.
  10. Those are sooo pretty. You should consider selling them after your wedding. I know I would want them.
  11. Oh I like the idea of sending them when they rsvp or book...if you don't do a pre-travel news release.
  12. I like them both...something you can do with the candles is buy flameless candles they are battery powered and you can barely tell the difference unless you look inside.
  13. Does the dress have a layer of lining? What is the top fabric made of? The top layer material is very important because that will decide how you will sew the crinoline. If thin and silky you will want to sew the crinoline on the INSIDE of the lining against your legs (it will be scratchy but if you sew it on the outside it will show bumps) If the top layer is more satin then you can get away with sewing on top of the crinoline. You can purchase the crinoline at a fabrics store like JoAnns. Once you purchase the fabric measure from the knee down and cut a little longer just for some play at first. Turn the dress inside out for easy sewing. Sew directly to the lining right where you want to start the flare (I would put the dress on and place pins where you want it to flare then measure the same distance all the way around the gown). When sewing keep the crinoline gathered-think of a fan and only have roughly a 1/4-1/8 inch of crinoline at the top of the seam. You can leave a larger amount and trim down when finished. Once finished sewing trim the bottom so it is shorter then the hem on the outer layer. (IF you are feeling very adventurous you can sew a new liner in where the crinoline starts so that you don't get scratched- if you have a silky dress) ***Before you start check the bottom of your dress to make sure there is some play/give to allow for a fuller cronoline skirt, if not then it will look awkward*** Whatever you do do not steam the crinoline- if it is steamed it won't hold the form. If it is too stiff place your dress in the shower. Let me know if you have any questions. It sounds complicated without me seeing the dress itself and fit but it shouldn't be once you examine it.
  14. Thanks for this information! I want one but I am all over the map with what exactly I want it to look like.
  15. How fun. I never read one of these planning spots. Can't wait to read a bunch now. Have a great wedding day/week.
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