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Everything posted by tris

  1. Mocha, I can only imagine how frustarted you are right now. I know how stressed I am right now and nothing major has even gone wrong... it's just every little thing... so with big things like your dress I totally understand. My two cents: You look beautiful in both dresses. No dress will ever be perfect enough to match the love you and your FI have for each other. That's what the day is about. I know the dress is important, but in the end it's worth pennies compared to the emotions on your wedding day. Which ever one you decide to go with it I'm sure you're going to love it looking back on the pictures (and I'm sure your fiance will love it too). We all know how much you've been looking forward to your custom dress. Don't let one stupid seam ruin it for you ! You're beautiful girl!! It's almost wedding time !!
  2. We're bringing our own down. We only have 2 tables, plus our table, so it's not that bad... We're bringing plastic vases down (that I dolled up with ribbon & jewels) so we don't have to worry about stuff breaking. We're not bringing table clothes or napkins though... it just seemed like too much. We DID manage to find awesome table runners at JYSK that will spruce the tables up a bit though . I just found the prices for centerpieces a little steep for what I was looking for... that's all.
  3. I saw LED tea lights at Micheals yesterday!
  4. My list: - Stagette on Saturday (sooo excited to get out with my girls and get silly) - I got ALL of print stuff back, so now just putting everything together, scoring & tying the programs to fans, rounding the corners of the playing cards I made, etc... - Finish up our ceremony script!! (the ONE thing FI has been falling behind on) - Start writing my vows - Contact everyone about speaking at the ceremony - ... I know there's more, but I'll do it next week, this weekend is going to be for fun Tonight I will be cleaning the crap out of my house... since the ladies are coming by my place tomorrow for the Stagette... not to mention it's exactly ONE WEEK until FI & I take posession of our new house!! So next week will be so much packing... wow.
  5. She sent me a credit card form for the deposit once we had decided on our flowers
  6. I'm also a lover of all things letterpress! It didn't make sense financially for me in the end though so I kind of faked it These are absolutely beautiful though. Gorgeous
  7. Yay! Welcome back!! I can't wait to hear your review. Your resort is where we're going for our honeymoon What did you think?
  8. We just booked to have our wedding rehearsal, no dinner... hmmm... are you paying anything for a rehearsal dinner with your group? This has got me thinking!
  9. Yah, we've decided ours ahead of time as well. But I'm a crazy planner who needs to know what's going on with everything.. the more laid back bride would have no problem booking it all when she gets there haha
  10. My wedding is 6:00pm on Thursday, April 28th. We've booked a rehearsal for 5:30pm on Wednesday, April 29th. We just asked in an email and she booked it for us Originally Posted by katelynn Does anyone know if we have a formal type rehersal with Chandlyn? Also, does anyone know the extensions of the people at the hotel...say spa, front desk as I am making a newsletter thingy up now and though that it might be helpful....23 days until we leave!!!!
  11. Welcome back Brandy!! The thread has been so quiet without you! Glad you had a great time, I can't wait to see all of your pics I'm going to explode on someone... I swear... you'd think working at a design/printing company I wouldn't have any trouble getting all my wedding "stationary" done, right? WRONG. The guys who do the print really don't care (because it's for me). It's taking way too long and they're not even doing a great job... and I really can't complain because I'm paying COST. That's it. So just the supplies and their time to do it. So frustrating... HOPEFULLY it will all be done today so I can post pictures
  12. "bouquets from the bouquet" Wow... Haha. I mean "bouquets from the magazine"
  13. I'm actually not getting any of the bouquets from the bouquet. I'm getting a full bouquet of white hydrangeas with stems exposed wrapped in turquoise ribbon. It's really simple, but I love the round look and I wanted to keep it pretty classy. The girls have teal/turquoise dresses with lots of bling around the neckline so I wanted something simple It's $339 + tax for my bouquet, 2 BM boquets, 6 bouts (FI, 2 GM & Dads & my grandpa), 2 wrist corsages (for the moms) & 2 pin on corsages (for the grandmas) I know tons of you ladies still have some months before your weddings so I promise I'll be back with a full review and be able to answer any questions (and with pictures !!). We leave April 23, I'm getting married Apr 28th, and we're staying an extra week for our honeymoon... so come May 7th I'll be back in action here! haha
  14. I ended up choosing a different bouquet and they subtracted the cost of one of the free ones for me So they offer you that option as well which is really nice. Quote: Originally Posted by a084596 No, #149 – 164 are included.
  15. That's really cute that you have another couple to go with (and are both getting married). I'm totally with you about the the less stress of going alone! I'm just super close with my mom, grandparents & sister and I couldn't get married without them! We're staying an extra week (at Sandals) for our honeymoon, so the week at Gran Bahia is going to be spent with friends and family OH, and ladies!! I found out what I'm getting as a wedding present!!! A puppy!!! Now let's see how it gets along with our 3 cats, haha!
  16. Hey!! Welcome ! We're going to Sandals Grand Ochos Rios (I didn't know they had changed the name!) for our honeymoon! We will be getting there on the 30th !!!
  17. Meggers - the dress is gorgeous!!! I love it! You can't go wrong with ridiculously long hair either ! It's crazy how much shorter your hair gets when it's curled! FI & I were ridiculously productive today! - went furniture shopping and bought a new sectional, dining room set & futon for the new house - got the groomsmen their gifts (watches) - got FI new swim trunks for the trip (and a bunch of new clothes) Yesterday I also finished up all of our wedding stationary type stuff. Our welcome magazine, check. Our programs, check. Our name cards, check. Our menus, check. Our playing cards, check.... well almost check, I'm going to have those done by the end of the weekend. Now to bring it all into work with me on Monday to get it all printed. Hopefully mid week I'll have everything put together and in my hands *fingers crossed* It's my last weekend "off". Next weekend my ladies are throwing me my stagette party, then the following weekend we're moving into our new house, repainting & putting in new floor (maybe I should start packing? haha), then we leave for Jamaica! Trying to relax while I can I guess. Oh and the $50 gift card I won on the forum came in the mail the other day ! I told FI I was using it for a massage, haha. I DESERVE ONE! FI has been awesome and so helpful through all the wedding planning. Whenever I give him a task he's on it... not to mention dealing with everything related to the house we just bought, mortgage, insurance, etc. I couldn't be marrying a better guy xox
  18. OOPS! I must have missed you wrote that in your post ! SORRY! You did a great job!! How did they work out for you?
  19. shimmer - your dinner is included in the wedding package but it's $2500 to close off the restaurant for the night for a private reception. With the included dinner it's semi-private, meaning there will still be other people in the restaurant... for $2500 (Bev gave me this price) the restaurant is all yours all night and you can have your dance there, etc. We were going to do this, but since we have less people coming then we originally planned for, it seemed unnecessary. For a larger group I think it's really worth the money.
  20. It's the last day of March, ladies! Tomorrow let the madness begin! Within a month we'll all be wifeys! Yay! I don't know what I would've done without all of you ladies to fall back on!
  21. Omg!! That's awful!! Is there anyway you can find something local that is returnable? Just in case you can get them in time???
  22. She sent me a the CC form. I'm sure if you just ask her to send you the form she'll do it.
  23. short dresses for me, for the same reason that mocha gave, they're not as formal. Plus my girls both like short dresses and I wanted them to wear what made them comfortable.
  24. After we got screwed with the date I think she decided it was a good idea to just give me what I wanted, haha. I don't understand why they wouldn't want our money???
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