I need some advice ladies (and gentlemen if you're watching),
We pretty much know who will be attending our DW through speaking to people. We've been together forever and for the past few years everyone has known we'll be doing a DW.
Anyway, neither of us have a large extended family. FI's Dad's side is in the Czech Republic and he doesn't really talk to them. His Mom's side lives across Canada and he's not close to either. My Mom's side is non-existent since her brother and sister died young. My Dad's side is the issue.
I'm not really close to my Dad. We've had a rocky relationship with many problems. I still love my grandparents and aunts, uncles & cousins on his side, but because of my relationship with my Dad we aren't as close. The other issue is they're not really "traveling types", they're also really religious and I don't think they'd approve of what will happen at an All-Inclusive resort.
Do I still invite them? I know they won't come, but this is where I need your help. Etiquette-wise, would it be better if I sent them an invite anyway, or is that just like "rubbing it in"? I mean, I think my Dad's parents may be a little hurt that I'm not getting married in a church in our home small town, but that's not me.
FI and I are lost. Do we invite all these Aunts, Uncles & Cousins knowing that they probably will have no interest in coming? I'll be sending out my Save The Dates within the next 2 weeks so I need help.