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Everything posted by tris

  1. Lisa I'm so jealous of Greece! We are staying in Jamaica for a second week which was the most cost effective way for us to get a honeymoon, but we are planning a trip to Europe a year after the wedding as a good friend of ours will be finally finished his residency and be a full time doctor and we want a a bunch of us to go together. I'm so excited! FIs dad is from the Czech Republic so he has been a few times not to mention living out there for a year, so I'm glad I'll hopefully get to experience it with him before we start having babies, haha.
  2. I'm trying to not think about any wedding stuff until after the holidays. The only thing I've done is had a sit down with my printers for my invites... otherwise I'm leaving it until after the break. If I bring up ANYTHING wedding related to anyone they change the subject. January is going to be pretty "wedding busy" ... finish up invites and send them out, picking up my dress & going for my first round of fittings, I have the "Wonderful Wedding Show" to go to one weekend... yay! (and oh, I agree, it's coming soo fast!! yay!!)
  3. I sent mine out about 10 months in advance... with a DW I really think the earlier the better.
  4. ehpage - that sounds perfect. Every vacation we've been on we're frequent visitors to the swim up bar, haha.
  5. Haha, awww... I'm going to just miss a lot of you! We're going to Sandals Grande Ochos Rios for a week straight after Best way to recgnoize our group... my grandpa is the 6'4" man in the wheelchair who TALKS TO EVERYONE and likes to make jokes... oh, and like I mentioned my entire group is pretty rowdy... we'll be around the pool, probably the swim up bar most of the time ! Hehe.
  6. How much for the shell strands? They're beautiful!
  7. Okay, well good to know. I think we may have some issues considering the other wedding that's happening on the same day as us.. we'll see though. We've had enough bad luck that we're just laughing at the stuff that doesn't go our way now. It's easier that way. Most of us are flying out from Winnipeg. FI's younger brother is flying out for Toronto and his other brother, parents, and 2 of our friends are coming from Calgary... so we're coming from all over! Haha.
  8. I could do it for you if you'd like. I'm a graphic designer and I do a lot of wedding invites. Letterpress is GORGEOUS and I adore it, but I agree, it's expensive. this is my design website -> www.tristalee.com Send me a PM if you'd like
  9. Hey ehpage! That's awesome. We had the 26th as our originally day if I'm not mistaken... we had to do sooo much switching around and we ended up in a position where we're getting married the same day as another couple (Beverly's assistant double booked the day without telling her, yay!)... but they agreed to do ours at 6:00 (sunset), so in the end I think it will be really nice .. we won't be getting the gazebo after (other couple has it, it's just our luck, haha, we have a sense of humor about it already). We'll be getting there 23rd and leaving the 30th, so we'll be there pretty much the whole time together! We will have to say hi, and I may just have to creep on your wedding since you're getting married first! Haha. We'll be going to the disco after our wedding as well. There will only be about 20 of us and I'm sure most of us will be ready to party after... we're that kind of group. Honestly, you won't be able to miss us, haha. Oh I wish I would've known we could have coordinated colours! Haha! We're actually almost the complete opposite colour wise... turquoise & light brown with raspberry as an accent. How were you able to pick your restaurant before hand? I spoke to Beverly about it and she said that it was chosen by the resort a few weeks before and you could request one or the other but it wasn't guaranteed.
  10. Lua, the rings are gorgeous!! Wow, you ladies are doing great with the OOT bags. We've decided against them... we're going to make sure everyone gets a "welcome" letter & booklet of stuff and we're also giving out little white boards to hang out the doors so everyone knows where everyone else is (because it's such a big resort)
  11. Great thread! I have to ask... what province did your photographer move to? I LOVE your BD pics! So sexy
  12. Great idea Espejo2be! I guess I'll have to do some research. What songs did you end up requesting if you don't mind me asking?
  13. Steph - Thanks for the reply! I just wanted to get a rough idea of what to expect. I've heard nothing but great things about the steel drum band but I'd really they rather not play the cliche bride walking down the aisle song (sorry... I don't know the name), that's all. And we all know Beverly takes her time replying... it's so much easier to talk amongst ourselves here, haha. (ps. that's so cute about your husbands uncle and him playing with the band. And cute that you get to say 'husband' now... it's been over 7 months and "fiance" is still weird to me! haha)
  14. Mocha - The dress fits you perfectly is really pretty, but it's all about how you feel. I agree with Lisa that I never got the crying moment with my dress, I just put it on and was like, "this is what I was looking for, done". I've had many "what ifs" with my dress but I really blame shows like 'Say Yes to the Dress' for that. Really, there are thousands of dresses in the world and there is probably tons that I'd like better in or I'd look better in, but that's true of everything in the world... the bottom line is I feel beautiful in my dress and I'm sure FI will feel the same. That's what I keep telling myself when I have doubts... hopefully that helps.
  15. Hey, I'm a Winnipeg girl... but I'm in the South end. Never heard of this place. hmmm... sounds interesting!
  16. Oh and about my sister being an esthetician. I KNOW! It's awesome not having to worry about the beauty stuff... She's got access to this crazy nail polish that hardens your nails and stays on for weeks without chipping! I'm not a big nail polish girl and had no idea this brilliance existed!! I don't have to be careful when were on vacation! Yay!
  17. Lisa - awesome! I love Dollarama... I always spend way too much money there though, lol.
  18. Steph - We are booking the steel drum band as well (FI demands it, haha). Did they have a set list of songs they played or did you have choices? Did they play during the ceremony (as you walked down the ailse, etc) or just before/after
  19. Teria - Thanks She's gorgeous and I love that I have her genes! Haha! Lua - The flowers are sooo pretty! I love them! Lisa - Where did you find your little tea light holders? I've looking for something similar to go around my centerpieces. Oh and about the hair. It varies so much! I know people who've spent over $200 on clip on hair... My hair was around $100 after taxes but I got the 2nd longest they offered... because I'm planning on curling it... once it's curled it's just at my boobs pretty much. It was also a little more because it's blond and the place I bought it is primilary for African American girls (they have 2 shades of blond, no lies). But it's awesome to have a hook-up who can do it for cheap for you. I'm lucky that my little sister is an esthetician... so she'll be doing all mine/bridal parties/moms makeup, mani's, pedi's, etc.. (she'll be busy, haha)
  20. Honestly I have been terrified of this happening... but I think if it were to happen to me I'd deal with it the same as you are, be upset at first but then find the silver lining on it. That's so cute that you're babe wants to spend the day with you. And it's a beach wedding so you can get away with having a really flowy dress and no one would say a word anyway. I have a friend who this happened to as well... she wasn't have a DW, but she continued with the wedding as planned. She looked beautiful and has tons of adorable pictures that involve her little baby bump as well Congratulations are in order. You'll have the beautiful wedding of your dreams, then in a few months have a beautiful son/daughter to enjoy as well
  21. Lua- fun!! That's awesome they came in! Have fun building !
  22. fmichelle, Ya it's super easy! I was worried at first but my sister assured me it was so easy and really worth doing yourself (and she was right). Make sure you get GOOD QUALITY hair though, not fake synthetic stuff... the good quality is real human hair that you can curl, style and use over and over. I got mine for ~ $100 and it's enough for me to make 2 sets of hair (that sounds so weird)... the clips were like $5... Here's a pic of my Momma and I from my social with my hair extensions in... so real
  23. Oh you don't sew them onto your head, you sew them onto the clips. The clips have little holes on the sides of them... you layer the hair up 2 or 3 layers, then sew through the holes wrapping it around the edge of the hair... I don't really sew either, but it's super simple... easier to show someone then to type out though :S I found this, this is pretty much how I do it.
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