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Everything posted by sltrotter18

  1. Yeah I don't think we are going to do favors. We are going to do the OOT bags but our reception is on La Barcaza (a wedding boat) and I doubt that people will remember to grab them. Personally at most weddings I end up forgetting about the favors by the end of the night anyway. I think the OOT bags are favor enough!
  2. That is a good site, but thanks for the updates on the customer service!
  3. Love the beach mats down the aisle. I really want to wear heels and maybe this way I can!
  4. That's gorgeous. If we weren't having our reception on a boat, I would totally go with these!
  5. I love the bathroom package and note. That would be great for our AHR. Thanks!
  6. Wow this is great! We are also using La Barcaza for our reception. We haven't told anyone though yet!! We want it to be a surprise!
  7. No but that is a good idea. Although I don't know if many will want to wear it since they may have to already wear a wristband for the resort.
  8. Those are really nice! I would put the tag on the back! Great idea!
  9. I didn't do the passport invites but I really liked mine and they were relatively cheap. I paid just around $200 for 150 invites which included extra envelopes, response cards/envelopes and reception cards (way more than I wanted to invite...LOL)!! Instead of doing a response card, I put our website information on them and told them to respond there. I left the reception card blank and will use those along with envelopes for thank you cards or little notes for whatever. I got them from Ann's Bridal Bargains online. What was great was you can get samples...and if I remember correctly they were free or you got credit for them...can't remember. They turned out really nice and were very tropical. http://www.annsbridalbargains.com I did item #AWF30391PM in a teal ink.
  10. I am doing them and if you go through VistaPrint, you can get the bags cheap. I've been ordering them one at a time to get them for free and paying minimal shipping charges.
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