When it comes to my BM (who is my cousin), I definitely feel like she could just let her profs know she's going to be out for 2 days and if there are any midterms those days she could take them early. I know she misses class just b/c she was out partying the night before or whatever, so thats why it hurts my feelings that she's making a big deal out of "midterms". But oh well, it's my wedding and i am going to try to not worry about anyone else (even though its really hard)! Â Richarsd, I am sorry about your BM too. Why are people so selfish?? And I know it's not good to hear anyone else is going through rough times with wedding planning but I guess it's nice to talk to other people who understand. Let's just F* 'em and worry about nothing else except having fun weddings with people who care enough to show up!