Hi everyone, i havent had a chance to post much in the last couple days. There's no way I could get Shane to wear a suit in 80 degree weather so we're either just going to do linen pants and linen shirt or khakis and a white button down. We are doing OOT bags. We got water bottles, beach scented candles, tums, advil, sunblock, lip balm, and some other little goodies. We might do koozies too. And I'm making welcome books for everyone that we'll also put in there with a schedule of events, spanish for dummies, and a meet the guests section. I have no idea how we're going to get everything down on top of decorations and all, but I felt it was necessary to do something special for the guests who are spending so much money to be there. I guess we can just bring like 4 suitcases down (2 each) and then on the way back we'll have much less so i can fit one suitcase inside another. Extra bag fees are only $25/$35. One thing we're having issues with right now is the cost of flights. From Denver, Philly, and Chicago (where our guests are), they are way over $400. Did anyone get any good deals on flights?