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Everything posted by SKing24

  1. Oh sorry Tracy more questions. For the cake cutting...did you bring your own cake cutting set or did they provide one? And did you plan out the whole reception schedule before the wedding or did you go with the flow?
  2. Tracy, We may have talked about this before, but did you ship any of your decorations down before-hand or did you bring it with you in your suitcase?
  3. Veronica thank you for doing that...i know i'd lose track of too many people if i tried. We have so many May brides on here now!!
  4. Tracy, thank you so much for all of the information! How did you end up paying for everything down there? Did you just use credit cards, or did you get travelers checks, or does everyone take US dollars?
  5. For my welcome books I'm going to do a thank you for coming page, a schedule of events page, probably a list of restaurants and things to do, and then im going to put in a "meet the guests" section with pics of all our guests and how we know them. Since my family is from the east coast and shane's is from iowa, and we live in colorado now, a lot of our guests dont know each other. So i think its a cute idea for everyone to get to know everyone.
  6. Primavera, I am kind of at a standstill too. With the holidays coming up (which means travelling for me bc my family is across the country) I dont want to spend any money right now. One thing I work on a little bit is a welcome book for our guests. You can just play around on the computer and not spend any money. You can also think about how you want to schedule out your ceremony and reception...or think about music. There's definitely things you can plan without spending money!
  7. i havent posted for awhile. The pics look amazing Tracy! ahunt I am getting married May 6th, and I'll be there from May2nd-May 13th
  8. Tracy thanks for posting...I am so glad everything went well!! Congrats on being a Mrs!
  9. Welcome to the forum n4turally!!
  10. Oh ok that makes sense. I guess I need to just get in touch with him instead of going through Ana.
  11. Mine is the Venus VN6643. Here's pics from when i bought it. Don't know why I'm making weird faces though dress1.bmp dress3.bmp dress4.bmp
  12. I got two boxes of 17.5 ft...so 35 ft total. I have no idea if thats enough or not. I may end up getting one more.
  13. Nicola, I absolutely love the Benjamin Roberts because it's very similar to my dress . Mine is a Venus though. I do think the Maggie is beautiful too...they're both very beachy and the style I personally love for destination weddings. But if you felt that strongly about the Benjamin Roberts when you put it on just go get it. Don't second guess it!
  14. Lisa and ldunson, I got christmas type lighting but I got it at Michael's craft store and it's actually called wedding lighting. The only different is that the wire is all white whereas christmas lights usually have that green wire. Here's a link that has the exact brand I got: http://www.csis.hypermart.net/victorialynnweddinglights.html. Mischaka, Did you get quotes from the photographer on how much he charges for the TTD session?
  15. Oh that is such a cute idea! I dont know what else you could use besides cardstock though.
  16. Thanks Lisa. The only extra stuff I'm bringing is the white lights to string in the bamboo for the reception. I can't imagine them charging a lot for that.
  17. Welcome Babybird! Is anyone who is using the resort photographer planning on doing a TTD? I ask Ana how much it would cost and she said she didnt know. I also asked how much for set up fees if I bring my own centerpieces and she said she didnt know. I guess I won't be able to figure out a final budget anytime soon. Maybe after Tracy gets married we'll get all the real info!
  18. Yes thanks Veronica...very impressive that you got all of that organized!
  19. Hi everyone, i havent had a chance to post much in the last couple days. There's no way I could get Shane to wear a suit in 80 degree weather so we're either just going to do linen pants and linen shirt or khakis and a white button down. We are doing OOT bags. We got water bottles, beach scented candles, tums, advil, sunblock, lip balm, and some other little goodies. We might do koozies too. And I'm making welcome books for everyone that we'll also put in there with a schedule of events, spanish for dummies, and a meet the guests section. I have no idea how we're going to get everything down on top of decorations and all, but I felt it was necessary to do something special for the guests who are spending so much money to be there. I guess we can just bring like 4 suitcases down (2 each) and then on the way back we'll have much less so i can fit one suitcase inside another. Extra bag fees are only $25/$35. One thing we're having issues with right now is the cost of flights. From Denver, Philly, and Chicago (where our guests are), they are way over $400. Did anyone get any good deals on flights?
  20. Ana finally emailed me back on Thursday and she mentioned dj doremixx as one of the resort's options for the dj included in the package. I didnt know about sending decorations, etc down before hand. Are you ladies planning on doing that? It would be easier than trying to bring down 4-5 suitcases. Can we send it directly to the hotel so it will be waiting when we get down there?
  21. Aww i love those bridesmaid dresses...so cute!
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