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Everything posted by kelly7898

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan Right now I'm looking at the canon g11 camera. Canon G11 Review: Makes You Feel Like a Real Photographer (Almost) - Canon g11 review - Gizmodo scroll down & you can see some video footage. My thoughts on filming babies & children is you don't need hours of footage. Who watches an entire birthday party? I think it would be nice to take some pictures, switch over to video & film a few minutes & then go back to pictures. I'm interested to hear what others do for filming their children. I get the impression that most video never leaves the computer or gets watched again. Some of my friends take quick videos with their phone of their babies & they are so much fun to watch. Just like a 30 second clip of them being adorable. So right now, i'm leaning towards a camera with video, but I just started my research... Such a very amazing link! Thank you for the post.
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