Ok, So my finace and I are getting married in Cabo in August with just our immediate families. We are having an AHR with everyone (all friends, family, etc) in October. We recently moved across the country (Utah) 8 months ago from Michigan - and Michigan is where we're having our AHR. I chose not to have a bridal shower (too much hassle living across the country, this is also why we're having a small DW)...plus funds to fly home to MI are limited, especially seeing we are paying for our own wedding/reception.
SO....this leads me to a few questions/dilemmas.
Do we register?
If so, we don't want to haul home/have to ship home wedding gifts...it would end up costing a TON!
Would it be improper etiquette to register, seeing everyone isn't invited to the wedding?
If we don't register, will invitees be confused as to what to do about wedding gifts?
I'm going to be sending out the AHR invites soon.....so I am trying to decide what to do about the registry so I can include another enclosure if I do register!
AHHHHHH! this is so confusing. I really don't know what to do, because I don't want to look tacky or offend anyone. HELP !!!!!
Thanks for all and any input anyone can provide!!!